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S|ngapore k8kL I|||ng Serv|ces rov|ded by k|kv|n

x88L e\teoslble 8osloess kepottloq looqooqe ls deflned as a language for Lhe elecLronlc
communlcaLlon of buslness and flnanclal daLa worldwlde x88L ls opensource sofLware LhaL
enables Lhe organlzaLlon and managemenL of flnanclal daLa for research and analysls lL also
faclllLaLes Lhe communlcaLlon of flnanclal lnformaLlon onllne and among buslnesses wlLh
slgnlflcanL accuracy and rellablllLy

8lkvln a Slngapore based corporaLe soluLlons provlder recognlzed Lhe lmporLance of x88L
Lhus resulLlng Lo an offer for Slngapore x88L Servlce

Accordlng Lo 8lkvln AccounLlng and CorporaLe 8egulaLory AuLhorlLy of Slngapore (AC8A) has
adopLed x88L as parL of lLs overall sLraLegy Lo sLreamllne flnanclal reporLlng and Lo enable
Lhe flow of flnanclal lnformaLlon lnLo Lhe lnLernaLlonal buslness communlLy and Lhus
promoLlng a proenLerprlse envlronmenL

noLe LhaL all Slngapore lncorporaLed companles whlch are unllmlLed or llmlLed by shares
musL submlL flnanclal sLaLemenLs ln x88L formaL" 8lkvln sald

8lkvln also presenLed Lhe Lwo opLlons avallable for flllng flnanclal sLaLemenLs ln x88L
CpLlon A _lull x88L and CpLlon 8 _arLlal x88L 1he followlng requlremenLs were also
menLloned and dlscussed separaLely

O lrecLor's 8eporL
O SLaLemenL by lrecLors
O lndependenL AudlLor's 8eporL
O SLaLemenL of Comprehenslve lncome
O SLaLemenL of llnanclal oslLlon
O SLaLemenL of Changes ln LqulLy
O SLaLemenL of Cash llows
O All noLes Lo Lhe llnanclal SLaLemenLs
O ,andaLory lnformaLlon denoLed by a red asLerlsk ln lS ,anager

8lkvln concluded by glvlng a brlef explanaLlon why Lhere ls a need Lo ouLsource x88L
Servlces x88L flllng can be Llmeconsumlng and daunLlng process for many companles AL
8lkvln our professlonal accounLlng Leam can asslsL companles ln preparlng Lhelr flnanclal
sLaLemenLs ln x88L formaL proflclenLly and cosL effecLlvely" 8lkvln sald ln concluslon

AbouL Lhe ubllsher

8lkvln Croup was founded ln 1998 on Lhe premlse LhaL enLrepreneurs requlre a servlce LhaL
empowers Lhem Lo achleve Lhelr buslness lncorporaLlon goals ln Lhe mosL cosLeffecLlve and
expedlLlous way whlle malnLalnlng Lhe hlghesL level of personal confldence ln Lhe quallLy of
Lhe corporaLe servlces offered

Rikvin provides a full spectrum of corporate services under one roof for Singapore
company incorporation or assistance to register a Singapore company, accounting,
income tax Singapore, work pass and related compliance services both for
individuals and companies worldwide.

8lkvln 1L L1
Cecll SLreeL #141 LqulLy laza Slngapore 497
,aln Llnes (6) 6438 8887
lax (6) 6438 436

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