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ChapLer 3 4 quesLlons

IT109- Chapter 3

1. An image Iile that contains an entire workstation conIiguration, including all applications,
packages, and conIiguration settings, is called a. 8 Image
2. The two programs that make up the User State Migration Tool are called. Scan8tate.exe and
3. A installation is one in which the installers capture a single image Iile and deploy it to
each computer with no changes. Bud to Pan or BTP
4. Windows Deployment Services can reduce network bandwidth requirements while deploying
install images by using. Mutca8tng
5. BeIore you can modiIy an oIIline image Iile using DISM.exe, you must. the image.
6. To partition an disk using an answer Iile, you must add settings to the. Wn PE Confg Pa88
7. The Win 7 AIK tool that you use to create answer Iiles is called. SIM
8. To boot Irom an image transmitted over the network by a WDS server, a workstation must
have a network adapter that supports. PXE - Pre-boot Executon Envronment
9. The deployment scenario in which you save a workstation`s user state data, wipe its disk,
install Win 7, and then restore the user state data is called the scenario Refre8h Computer
10. A image enables a workstation to boot Irom a disk and connect to a WDS server.

1.) To perIorm a win 7 deployment using ZTI, you must have a SQL Server on your network. T
2.) To create a capture image, you use the Deployment Workbench console. F
3.) The Win 7 AIK script Iiles used to perIorm unattended installations are called task sequences.
4.) You can use the boot images created by Deployment Workbench to start workstations using
either boot disks or WDS. T
5.) The computer that you use to capture an image oI a workstation conIiguration is called the
target computer. F
6.) An LTI deployment provides greater Ilexibility than a ZTI deployment. T
7.) ImageX.exe is a command-line tool that you can use to capture and deploy image Iiles. T
8.) To use the upgrade computer scenario, a workstation must be running windows SP2 or later.
9.) BeIore you can capture an image oI a Win 7 workstation, you must run the Sysprep.exe
program. T
10.) Sector-based image Iiles are spannable, editable, and bootable. F

IT109- Chapter 4
ChapLer 3 4 quesLlons

1.) By deIault, Win 7 standard users are permitted to install Plug and Play devices only iI their
drivers are? gta Sgned
2.) The debilitating condition in which Iiles are stored as clusters scattered all over a disk is
called? Fragmentaton
3.) The Iile system included in Win 7 that is speciIically designed Ior use on Ilash drives is called?
4.) Technically speaking, you create on basic disks and on dynamic disks.
Partton8 and 'oume8
5.) In Win 7, the Iile system is limited to volumes no larger than 32 GB. FAT32
6.) The digital signature oI a driver consists oI a that is appended to the driver itselI
beIore publication. Chec8um
7.) To create a Iourth primary partition on a basic disk, you must use the utility. 8part
8.) To extend or shrink a partition on a basic disk, you must be a member oI the or
group. Admn8trator8 or Bacup Operator8
9.) The deIault partition style used by Win 7 on an x86 computer is? MBR - Ma8ter Boot
10.) All digitally signed drivers have undergone testing. WHQL - Win Hardware Quality


1.) There is no way to create a Iourth primary partition on a basic disk in Win 7. F
2.) Striped volumes provide greater Iault tolerance than simple volumes. F
3.) All dynamic disks have only one partition on them. T
4.) By deIault, all device drivers must be digitally signed to be installed on a computer running
Win 7. F
5.) Windows Update dynamically updates device drivers only when a hardware device has no
driver installed. T
6.) Disabling a device in Device Manager causes its device driver to be uninstalled. F
7.) The x64-based versions oI Win 7 do not permit the installation oI unsigned drivers under any
circumstances. T
8.) You cannot convert a MBR disk to a GPT disk without erasing all data on the disk. T
9.) You cannot extend a striped volume unless it is on a dynamic disk. F
10.) Win 7 can access VHDs without the use oI a hypervisor. T

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