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They announced to the world that the manuIactured car would be cleared Irom the
Singur Iactory in District Hooghly in October, 2008.
2. More than 1000 acres oI land were required

West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation(WBIDC), the Iourth respondent,
the District Magistrate being the IiIth respondent (collector)
Land Revenue Department being the third respondent

O Section 4 oI the
Land Acquisition Act, 1894. I have noticed Irom annexure P2` that such
notice was issued on 13th July, 2006 and notiIied in the gazette on 19th July,
2006. There are also notices issued subsequently and gazetted thereaIter.
0ne was issued on 17th July, 2006, and gazetted on 20th July, 2006, another
on 21st July, 2006 and gazetted on the same day, yet another on 24th July,
2006 and gazetted on the same day and so on. I have not been invited to any
notice issued aIter 24th July, 2006, which makes me believe that the Section 4
notices were issued and gazetted between 13th July, 2006 and 24th July,
2006, more or less.
Acquisition proceedings were speedily undertaken. 997.11 acres oI land

O On 23rd September, 2006 and 25th Septmeber, 2006 awards oI
compensation were made by the Collector
O On 4th October, 2006, this land was 'handed over to the Iourth respondent
O On 20th December, 2006, the Iourth respondent wrote to the Tatas asking
them to take 'permissive possession oI 950 acres oI land pending Iinalization
oI the lease deed and lease terms and conditions.
O It was recorded in an agreement oI 9th March, 2007 between the Tatas and the
government that substantial Iiscal beneIits were promised to be provided to
the Tatas, by the state, matching the oIIer made to them by the State oI
Uttarakhand. It is very interesting to note that the agreement provided Ior
47.11 acres oI land to be used Ior rehabilitation oI 'project aIIected persons.

O counter aIIidavit aIIirmed on 24th October, 2008 and Iiled on
behalI oI the state in Special Leave Petition (Civil) No. 8463 oI 2008,

O It was delivered to the Iourth respondent on the same day. It is said that the
total compensation payable to land owners was Rs. 118.95 crores. The
amount oI compensation received by land owners was Rs. 90.87 crores up to
8th April, 2008. The compensation payable to bargadars was Rs.56,62,032/-
up to 25th April, 2008. The amount oI compensation received by the
bargadars was Rs.43,44,286/- up to 8th April, 2008.


O The letter dated 16th July, 2008 Irom the Police to the General Manager oI the
Tatas at Singur warned them that their employees should take written
permission Irom the police beIore going out into the villages adjacent to the

O Some one and halI years later on 22nd June, 2010 the Iourth respondent
wrote to the Tatas, citing another letter oI the Tatas dated 31st October, 2008
that they needed ten months` time to shiIt their things Irom the site. It was
pointed out to them that they were to utilise the land Ior manuIacture oI a
small car within three years Irom the date oI lease. Since the period had
expired, an enquiry was made by this respondent as to whether they wanted
to utilise the land Ior any other manuIacturing activity.

O The Act has nine sections. It came into Iorce on the day oI its notiIication in
the OIIicial Gazette, on 20th June, 2011, aIter receiving the assent oI the
O whatsoever, although more or less
Rs.137 crore has been paid by WBIDC as
compensation to landowners and the State
Government has spent more than Rs.76 crore for
construction drainage and other infrastructure. In
addition, the State Government has incurred
expenses for providing security at site.

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