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DEGREE PROGRAMMES CS 237 - OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Time: 3hrsMax Marks: 100 Answer all Questions PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1.How are data and functions organised in an object oriented programming? 2.Compare function overloading and default arguments. 3.What are the uses of references in functions? 4.What is dynamic binding? 5.Compare private and public access specifiers in a class. 6.Distinguish between overloaded functions and function templates. 7.What is this pointer? How is it available to member functions of a class? 8.Can the parameter of a copy constructor be passed by value? Justify your answer. 9.Compare constructor conversion and operator conversion. 10.What is the difference between system . out . print and system . out . println in Java? PART - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. Explain in detail the following principles of object oriented programming (i) (ii) (iii) 12.a) Create a class complex to represent complex number with overloaded addition and multiplication operators. Use them in a main program. (OR) 12.b) Define a class string with appropriate constructors, destructor and overloaded +, =, and = = operators use them in a main driver program. 13.a) What are the different forms of inheritance? Give example for them. (OR) 13.b) Create an abstract base class shape with two members base and height, a member function for initialization and a pure virtual function to compute area ( ). Derive two specific classes Triangle and Rectangle which override the function area ( ). Use these classes in a main function and display the area of a triangle and a rectangle. Data encapsulation and data hiding Inheritance and polymorphism Generic programming.

14.a) Write a C++ program containing a possible exception. Use a try block to throw it and a catch block to handle it properly. (OR) 14.b) Create a data class using Java with the following capabilities. Out the date in multiple format such as (i) dd - mm - yy (ii) June 14, 2002. 15.a) Write a Java class point to represent a two dimensional point (x, y). Extend it to a class circle with its centre as the point and an additional radius member and extend further to a class cylinder with additional height member. (OR) 15.b) Explain the concept of nested classes in Java with a suitable example.

ANNA UNIVERSITY :: CHENNAI - 600 025 MODEL QUESTION PAPER(V-SEMESTER) B.E. ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING EC331 - MICROPROCESSOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS Time: 3hrs Max Marks: 100 Answer all Questions PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. State the function of HOLD pin in 8085.

2. 3. 4.

Write 8085 assembly language instructions to store the contents of the Flag Register in memory location 2000H. Explain DJNZ instructions of Intel 8031 Micro controller. Determine the contents of the accumulator after the execution of the following program segments MOV A,# 3CH MOV R4,66H ANL A,R4

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

State the function of Direction flag in 8086 Describe the difference between the instructions MOV AX, 2437H and MOV AX, [2437H] How does Port C of 8255 differ from ports A and B. Explain the function of in-service register in 8259 programmable interrupt controller. Draw a circuit to interface a stepper motor winding to a microprocessor port bit using power MOSFET Why Gray code is used in Shaft angle encoder.

PART - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11.a) Draw the circuit diagram of an 8085 system having a 4 KB EPROM and 8 KB RAM ICs. The starting address of the EPROM is 0000H and that of RAM is 8000H. The address decoder circuits should be clearly shown. (OR) 11.b) Write a subprogram using 8085 assembly language to multiply two 8 bit binary numbers by repeated addition. 12.a)i) Determine the value of the accumulator after the execution of instructions A:,B:, C: and D: MOV 40H , #88H MOV R0 , #40H

A: B: C: D:

MOV A , R0 MOV A, @R0 MOV A, 40H MOV A, #40H

ii) With neat diagram explain the timer / counter functions in 8051 Micro Controller. (OR) 12.b) Using ports P0 and P1 of 8051 micro controller design an 8 digit 7 segment multiplexed display system. Use suitable driver circuit and give flowchart for the software involved.

13.a)i) With neat diagram explain how the memory is interfaced to 8086 as odd and even page. ii) Write an 8086 subroutine to test a system in address 00200H- 07FFFH. (OR) 13.b) Describe in detail the memory management functions in Intel 80286/80386 Processor 14.a) With block diagram describe the working of a DMA controller. (OR) 14.b) With a neat diagram describe how the DAC 1408 can be interfaced to the micro controller 8031.Using this hardware write 8031 assembly language to generate a Triangular wave. 15.a) Using DC servomotor and shaft angle encoder as sensor design a Microprocessor based position control system. (OR) 15.b) Describe how a closed loop microprocessor based process control system can be implemented by using digital PID control algorithm.


MODEL QUESTION PAPER B.E. DEGREE PROGRAMMES IF 144 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Time: 3hrsMax Marks: 100 Answer all Questions PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1.How is data hiding implemented in C++? 2.Compare overloading and overriding of functions. 3.What are the functions of new and delete operators? 4.What is the need for friend functions? 5.Why do we need virtual functions? 6.How do you overload a postfix and a prefix increment operator? 7.When do we declare a coust member function? 8.What are the properties of a static class member? 9.What does system out represent in Java? How is it used? 10.What is an abstract method in Java? PART - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. What are the basic principles of Object Oriented Programming? Explain with examples, how they are implemented in C++? 12.a) Create a class vector to represent an one dimensional vector with addition operator + to represent and a scalar product operator * to represent . Use them in a main program. (OR) 12.b) Can the insertion operator << and the extraction operator >> be members of a class? Give examples to justify your answer. 13.a) What are the different kinds of inheritance? Explain them with suitable examples. (OR) 13.b) Define a class Cartesian to represent a point in Cartesian co-ordinates (x, y) and class polar to represent it in polar co-ordinates (r, 0) . Use constructor conversion and operator conversion functions in class Cartesian to convert object of one type into another. Use them in a main program. 14.a) Write a Java program to illustrate the difference between an instance variable and a class variable. (OR) 14.b)

Write a Java program that creates a Date class and use it with appropriate members and methods. 15.a) Write a Java applet that asks the user to enter two floating point numbers, obtain the two numbers from the user and draws the sum and product of the two numbers. (OR) 15.b) Define a Java method to find the greatest among three numbers. Write a Java applet that obtains three numbers from the user and displays the largest using the method.


ANNA UNIVERSITY :: CHENNAI - 600 025 MODEL QUESTION PAPER B.E. / B.TECH. DEGREE PROGRAMMES CE071 - PRINCIPLES OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Time: 3hrs Max Marks: 100 Answer all Questions PART - A (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What are the different components of eco system? List the different Biogeo chemical cycles in the environment. List the different natural and man made impacts on the environment. Define policy cycle. Differentiate between trickling filter process and activated sludge process. What are the issues addressed by Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol?

7. 8. 9. 10.

List out the factors on which the amount of waste generation depends. What are the different modules of green chemistry expert system (GCES)? Define the polluter pays principle. Give a very important, current environmental issue, which creates a major problems to the environment.

PART - B (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. 12.a) Explain the concept of Sustainable Development. What are the components of the environment? Explain their inter relationship. (OR) 12.b) What are the causes and effects of air, water and land pollution? Enumerate a few remedial measures. 13.a) Define sewage and explain the municipal sewage treatment process. (OR) 13.b) 14.a) i) Explain the importance of protecting Biodiversity. ii) Explain different methods of air pollution control. Write detailed note on waste minimization. (OR) 14.b) 15.a) Explain the concept of clean technology, Eco- mark and Green chemistry? Explain in Detail the Role of non-government organizations on the environment. (OR) 15.b) Explain in detail the process of EIA.

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