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n general, a rule of being or of conduct, established by an authority able to enforce its will; a
controlling regulation; the mode or order according to which an agent or a power acts.
2. PoIice power is pretty self explanatory in that the state has the right to oversee the police
forces in the state to ensure peoples' rights are upheld appropriately. t also keeps at bay
martial law, which is when the military is able to occupy a town, city, or other living area and
restrict peoples' movements.

Eminent domain is the act in which property can be seized from a citizen with due
compensation. n other words, the state can take over someone's land if they give a monetary
compensation, as long as there is a true reason for such an action.

Power of taxation allows the state to determine if they will have a state income tax and what
that state income tax will be. The taxes can be voted on by citizens of the state, but often a tax
being raised is based on economical need that the state has. Therefore, the state still oversee
the increase or decrease in taxes. These are separate from the Federal Taxes.
3. A State (note the capital "S") is a self-governing political entity. The term State can be used
interchangeably with country.
4. The four elements of the state would be:
PopuIation (or people), territory, government, and sovereignty.n terms of the state, "people"
refers to the community that is capable of continuing to exist and is governed under one set of
common laws.
Territory is simply the land and water that exists under the jurisdiction of the government.
The government is the institution put in charge of carrying out the rules that put in place for the
community, and finally;
Sovereignty refers to the ability of an independent nation to govern itself.

oubIe taxation
ouble taxation is the systematic imposition of two or more taxes on the same income (in the
case ofincome taxes), asset (in the case of capital taxes), or financial transaction (in the case
of sales taxes). t refers to taxation by two or more countries of the same income, asset or
transaction, for example income paid by an entity of one country to a resident of a different
country. The double liability is often mitigated by tax treaties between countries.
The term 'double taxation' is additionally used, pariticulary in the USA, to refer to the fact
that Corporationprofits are taxed and the shareholders of the corporation are (usually) subject to
further personal taxation when they receive dividends or distributions of those profits.

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