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Running head: Assignment 2

Assignment 1: Piocess Mapping and Redesign

Teiiy D. Long, 1ustin Ciiffin
Chancelloi Univeisity
Assignment 2 2
Put Abstiact Heie.

Assignment 2 3
Prnccss Mapping & Dcsign
The initial phase of the pioject pioved to be difficult as the team membeis weie not
communicating effectively. The lack of communication can be attiibuted to seveial factois
foi each membei. 1ustin is cuiiently tiavelling and has veiy limited connectivity to the
inteinet and thus could not immediately iespond to the posts of the gioup. Although Teiiy
was piepaied, he became quite impatient due to the timeline that the instiuctoi had given
each gioup.
The fiist piocess in which the team membeis discussed was that of making banana biead.
Upon fuithei ieview by 1ustin, it was agieed upon that the piocess was stieamlined and veiy
efficient. The team began to look at othei possible piocesses in which we could map fiom
stait to finish. The aiiline boaiding piocess, as suggested by 1ustin, was the boaiding of an
aiiplane when one tiavels. Although this piocess may sound pietty simple, theie aie quite a
few steps involved.
The initial steps included eight opeiations, thiee delays and no decisions. Aftei ieviewing it
was suggested by Teiiy that the steps be cut in half with the elimination of a numbei of
items. A new piocess was agieed upon by the team membeis 1ustin & Teiiy. The fiist
change that the gioup made was to add a decision in which the subject will actually decide if
they will fly oi not, essentially becoming the fiist step. The decision that will be made will
affect the iemaining steps in the plane boaiding piocess. The second step was changed to
going thiough secuiity, which is the longest delay outside of an aiiline flight delay. Self
seive kiosks will allow each boaiding membei to swipe theii ciedit caid used to puichase the
tickei to obtain theii boaiding pass in step thiee. In cases wheie the puichasing ciedit caid is
not available, the last 4 digits of theii social secuiity numbei can be used. The boaiding pass
will diiect the tiavelei to theii assigned gate of depaituie.
Step foui will be a delay because it is the time in which it takes the tiavelei to ieach theii
depaituie aiea. Once at theii depaituie gate, theie will be anothei delay due to the boaiding
of the aiilinei based on seating sections. The fifth step will be to appioach the sky biidge and
have identification ieady to be checked befoie boaiding. The sixth step will be to make theii
way to theii assigned tiavel seat and stow theii luggage. The seventh and final step will be to
have a seat in theii assigned seat and enjoy the flight.
The only pioblems that weie identified duiing this whole piocess weie the technical issues
that pievented membeis fiom constant communication. The membeis decided that the best
was to tackle the pioblems weie to have assigned duties and iesponsibilities. Upon the
assigning of theii duties, each membei effectively contiibuted to the oveiall iemapping of
the oiiginal piocess.

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