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uec 14 2007

1he Group of Seven and Lm||y Carr

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For my assignment, I decided to write about painters. The
painters that I decided to write about were The Group of Seven
and Emily Carr. The Group of Seven and Emily Carr are very
talented painters that mostly created landscape art.
I chose The Group of Seven and Emily Carr for a variety of
different reasons. One of my main reasons for choosing these
painters was because they had many things in common. I thought
that it was a good idea to do people that had things in common
because it would be interesting to see the little things in
their life that were different. Another reason that I chose The
Group of Seven and Emily Carr was because that they had a big
impact on the communities and because they lived similar lives
with interactions with one another.
The Group of Seven was made up of seven members. Franklin
Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A.Y. Jackson, Frank Johnson, Arthur
Lismer, J.E.H. MacDonald and Frederick Varley. A.Y. Jackson and
Lawren Harris created the group in 1913, but did not call
themselves the Group of Seven until 1917. In 1931, the group
broke up, but then two years after joined a group called the
Canadian Group of Painters. The Canadian Group of Painters was
made up of 28 painters across Canada, including most of The
Group of Seven as well as Emily Carr. Emily Carr was also a
writer, she wrote about five books.
The Group of Seven and Emily Carr both did not have any
innovations, but both of them contributed to a very important
type of art called landscape art. Before these artists' started
painting landscape art, there was not a lot of landscape art in
I think that because The Group of Seven and Emily Carr
introduced landscape art to Canada it affected our country in
every aspect; socially, internationally and economically.
It affected Canada socially because many people were
talking about this new kind of art, because of this everyone
knew about it. It was like when a new iPod comes out, everybody
knows about it.
The Group of Seven and Emily Carr's landscape art also
affected Canada economically. It affected Canada economically
because when people are seeing this beautiful art and it is
famous, the demand goes up, therefore raising the prices and
people are willing to spend money on this art.
I think that landscape art also affected the international
society. I think that when people internationally see this
landscape art by The Group of Seven and Emily Carr and see it is
from Canada, I think that if people are considering moving to
Canada, and they see this art of the Canadian landscape it might
influence them to come here because it looks so beautiful. This
could also have some cons though, because people might be moving
here thinking it's all cities with lots of action, but then they
see this art, that has all of the scenery and mountains.
The Group of Seven and Emily Carr both did not have many
quotes, but the little quote that they had I think had good
One quote by A.Y. Jackson from The Group of Seven is
'Artists are often excellent businessmen. They have to be.
Otherwise they don't remain artists." I interpret this quotation
as A.Y. Jackson trying to say that you need to choose what you
paint carefully, because you have to know how to sell your art
and what people like. If you do not know what people like, (and
what they like is not what you are painting) then you will not
sell any art, therefore, you will not have any money to paint
anymore. After reading this quote, I believe that maybe A.Y.
Jackson is very good at selling his artwork, and knowing what
people want. He is very into the business perspective of the
industry and wants to make money.
Another quote by A.Y. Jackson reads, 'Without Harris there
would have been no Group of Seven. He provided the stimulus; it
was he who encouraged us to always take the bolder course, to
find new trails." I can see this quote being said maybe to a
reporter or something along the lines of one. Maybe a question
was asked about where he stands in the group. I think that this
quote shows a side of A.Y. Jackson that says that he is
appreciative and shows that he shows a lot of respect.
Like A.Y. Jackson, Emily Carr has many interesting quotes.
Emily Carr writes a quote reading, 'Oh, Spring! I want to go out
and feel you and get inspiration. My old seems dead. I want
fresh contacts, more vital searching." I think that this quote
was said at the beginning of spring when Emily was going back
out to paint. I think that after reading this quote that she
likes painting in the spring and she is very excited.
Another quote by Emily Carr reads, 'Life's an awfully
lonesome affair. You come into the world alone, and come out of
the world alone yet it seems to me you are more alone while
living than even going or coming." By far, I think that this is
the most interesting quote. It seems like she is a little
depressed. When you think of the stereotypical artist, you think
of a crazy guy that does not have a life. I think that this
quote is sort of like the same feeling. This quote is very deep,
and shows a unique side of Emily Carr.
Overall I think that The Group of Seven had a bigger impact
on Canada. I do not think that they deserve more acknowledgment
then Emily Carr. Both of them added a bundle of art to a very
special branch of art, and without them, who knows where
landscape art would be in Canada.

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