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Digital Marketing

Wbat is Digital Marketing?

ulglLal MarkeLlng ls a process whlch enrlches your producL vlslblllLy Lo a wlde range of lnLerneL users ln
oLher words lL helps your buslness reach Lo consumers Lhrough an array of web channels ulglLal
markeLlng bullds your brand's name more expedlLlously when compared Lo Lhe oLher means avallable
ln Lhe lndusLry
SYNERCUS, a Digital Marketing Agency in Bangalore
Many companles neglecL dlglLal markeLlng wlLhouL acknowledglng Lhe success raLe lL offers 1he one
who has recourse Lo dlglLal markeLlng knows whaL a successful dlglLal markeLlng campalgn can achleve
for Lhe brand
SNLkGCS ls one of Lhe Lop ulglLal MarkeLlng Companles locaLed ln 8anga|ore Ind|a LhaL provldes Lhe
flnesL uiqito/ Morketinq services for your brand
SNLkGCS ls a well esLabllshed dlglLal markeLlng organlzaLlon whlch asslsLs you ln developlng your
company's proflle by conLlnuously followlng your compeLlLors and helps you evolve sLronger ln Lhe flelds
you are genLle
Activities offered in Digital Marketing
ere are Lhe dlglLal markeLlng acLlvlLles offered by SNLkGCS
O oclal Medla MarkeLlng (MM)
ulglLal 8rand LngagemenL
O nllne Medla lannlng (M)
ulglLal 8rand Awareness
O nllne 8epuLaLlon ManagemenL (8M)
ulglLal 8epuLaLlon ManagemenL / 8
O CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL (C8M)
ulglLal CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL
O earch Lnglne MarkeLlng (LM)
CllenL AcqulslLlon ManagemenL
O earch Lnglne pLlmlzaLlon (L)
WebslLe yglene

SMM {Social Media Marketing]

oclal medla markeLlng also refers Lo ulglLal 8rand LngagemenL
ueveloplng a sLraLegy Lo keep Lhe LargeL audlence engaged wlLh Lhe brand
CreaLlng raLlonal aLLachmenL beLween Lhe LargeL audlence and Lhe brand
lncreaslng Lhe brand value by communlcaLlng dlrecLly wlLh Lhe LargeL audlence
UMP {Unline Media Planning]
nllne medla plannlng also refers Lo ulglLal 8rand Awareness
lncreaslng brand recall and recognlLlon amongsL Lhe LargeL audlence
URM {Unline Reputation Management]
nllne repuLaLlon managemenL also refers Lo ulglLal 8epuLaLlon ManagemenL/8
1racklng down Lhe enLlLys onllne acLlon commenLs revlews eLc
lnLeracLlng wlLh Lhe LargeL audlence and addresslng Lhelr lssues (revlew feedback eLc)
ConLrolllng unfavorable rumors sLorles and evenLs
CreaLlng poslLlve publlclLy ln medla
RM {ustomer Relationsbip Management]
CusLomer relaLlonshlp managemenL also refers Lo ulglLal CusLomer 8elaLlonshlp ManagemenL
uellverlng superlor cusLomer value and saLlsfacLlon
Managlng and enhanclng relaLlonshlp wlLh exlsLlng cllenLs
Managlng cusLomer LouchpolnLs and maxlmlzlng cusLomer loyalLy
SEM {Searcb Engine Marketing]
earch englne markeLlng also refers Lo CllenL AcqulslLlon ManagemenL
CreaLlng a sLraLegy Lo acqulre new cllenLs
eneraLlng leads lnLeresLs querles
SEU {Searcb Engine Uptimization]
earch englne opLlmlzaLlon also refers Lo WebslLe yglene
lmprovlng Lhe search performance of Lhe webslLe
pLlmlzlng Lhe webslLe
8egularly malnLalnlng and updaLlng Lhe webslLe
ulglLal markeLlng ls a broader fleld where you deslre for suggesLlons from a professlonal agency
SNLkGCS provldes Lhe besL dlglLal markeLlng servlces ln 8angalore lndla ConLacL us Lo help you beaL
compeLlLlons and lnLroduce Lhe new encounLers Lhrown by Lhe dlglLal Lechnology

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