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CuL1u8AL L1lCuL11L

O uemonsLraLe more relaxed and casual behavlor
O More comforLable loud Lalk
O LxaggeraLed gesLures
O 9hyslcal conLacL
O maller sense of personal space
O 9uncLuallLy ls of less lmporLance
O Jhomever lnvlLes someone ouL Lo dlnner ls Lhe one who pays
O unday ls commonly Lhe day ArgenLlnes gaLher ln famlly for lunch or dlnner
O Jhen you are abouL Lo eaL lL ls pollLe Lo say buen provecho
O lss on Lhe cheek ls sLandard greeLlng
O Jhen someone sneezes Lhey say salud
O Jhen arrlvlng aL a house one musL go and greeL all Lhose LhaL are Lhere wlLh a klss or a llghL
hand shake
O Jhen leavlng chlldren say Lo Lhe elders bendlclon and Lhe parenL reply wlLh dlos Le bendlga
O 1lps are usually less Lhan 10
O Jomen gladly respond Lo flaLLery ( plropo)
O lL ls cusLomary Lo say buen provecho aL Lhe sLarL of a meal or lf you [oln Lhe meal laLer
O 1oasL wlLh Lhe glass ln Lhe lefL hand saylng salud
O Appearance ls exLremely lmporLanL
O Coffee or a cold drlnk ls always offered Lo guesLs
O uo noL eaL unLll everyone ls seaLed aL Lhe Lable wlLh Lhelr food
unl1Lu 1A1L
O u many famllles only gaLher for holldays and speclal evenLs
O Loud Lalk may be seen as lnLlmldaLlng or obnoxlous
O lnvaslon of personal space
O Less physlcal conLacL
O reeL wlLh a hello or a llghL hand shake buL noL always
O Jhen someone sneezes you say bless you or god bless you
O 1lp sLandard ls 13
O 1oasL wlLh cheers"
MluuLL LA1
O ln some parLs women are requlred Lo wear modesL head coverlng
O 9ubllc dlsplays of affecLlon beLween people of Lhe opposlLe gender lncludlng beLween marrled
people are frowned upon
O ln many cases people of Lhe same gender holdlng hands whlle walklng ls consldered an ordlnary
dlsplay of frlendshlp wlLhouL romanLlc connoLaLlon
O ave a modesL amounL of personal space
O Land when speaklng Lo elders
O ln lran Lhumbs up ls consldered offenslve
Au18ALlA Anu nLJ ZLALAnu
O AccepLable Lo hosL a barbeque wlLhouL supplylng all Lhe food and drlnk
O urlve on Lhe lefL slde
O Jalk on Lhe lefL slde
O lndlgenous AusLrallan culLures lL ls consldered rude or LhreaLenlng Lo look anoLher lndlvldual ln
Lhe eye when lnLeracLlng
O 1lps are noL expecLed
O andshake are common greeLlng lf you have a glove you have Lo remove Lhe glove before you
shake hands
O CusLomary Lo remove your shoes when enLerlng someone's house
O Cpenlng an umbrella lndoors ls consldered bad luck
O 9laclng elbows on Lhe Lable ls consldered rude
O peaklng wlLh one's mouLh full
nC81 AML8lCA
O ou shouldn'L yawn ln publlc or cover your mouLh
O low your nose wlLh Llssue
O lmpollLe Lo burpcough sneeze wlLhouL coverlng your mouLh
O ln casual seLLlngs lL ls less common Lo shake hands especlally beLween women
O Jearlng haLs lndoors ls consldered lmpollLe
O Lack of eye conLacL lndlcaLes unlnLeresL
O umplng lnLo or Louchlng an unknown person even ln a crowded area should be avolded lf lL ls
necessary Lo Louch a person ln order Lo pass by Lhem or Lo geL Lhelr aLLenLlon one should say
excuse me or sorry
O lL ls lmpollLe Lo eaL ln fronL of oLhers ouLslde of meal Llme
O lL ls consldered rude Lo double dlp" a chlp
O lsslng holdlng hands and hugglng are accepLable behavlors ln publlc places
AlAn CuL1u8L
The Chinese also don't use a lot oI hand gestures when speaking. They Iind them very distracting
when used by others, so they should be avoided as much as possible

Read more: Cultural taboos: On global playing Iield, strategy starts with avoiding oIIense , The
Business Journal
f someone gives you a present, it's best not to open it in front of them.
Remember when entering any home in China that you need to always take off your shoes.
Believe it or not, finishing everything on your plate is NOT a good thing in China. f you eat all of your
meal, the Chinese will assume you did not receive enough food and are still hungry.

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