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By James Jordon Blaine Givens.

How do most "story's" like this play out, honestly. dont know where or how to end this, but do know where
to begin. was fifteen years old. A freshman at Bell County High school. wasn't a jock nor a popular kid.
Everyone knew me only by my antics. guess it was my way of acting out. First it started out by me just
doing stuff for laughs, Back talking teachers, Hiding the literature books the class was supposed to be
reading. Anything to get someone to notice me. After about three months was well known for being the
"class clown".
When couldn't get anymore giggles took on a much deeper darker persona. became Jay, The Stoner.
This is my life. Every bit your about to read is true. None is fictional. These are all recounts of my life. Not to
be exaggerated or took out of context. t simply is what it is.
woke up and had about 15 minutes before missed the bus. scrambled around to get my clothes and my
book satchel and all my essentials that needed to be productive at school. made my way to the bus stop
which was at least 10 yards away from my house on the corner of Exeter and 27th Street.
"Hey JJ, what are you doing after school" said a voice from the fog. turn and as my eyes adjust to the dim lit
streets make out a figure of a young woman. t was an acquaintance had met named Jessica. "Nothing
replied, What's on your mind" replied softly because was one to never be loud unless was showing my
ass wanting some attention. "Mike is coming by and were going to the ball game tonight, you should come..."
She said as she smiled. didn't know what exactly to say. mean who turns down an offer to hang out with
upper classmen. thought this was my chance to get in the with "in crowd". "Sure, \'ll go" said hastily.
Now let's skip ahead about 9 hours.
'm with Jessica and Mike and Thomas and we're on our way to watch Bell face off against Middlesboro in a
no hold bars football game. t's only the biggest Rival game of the year. Were on our way to Hilton Field and
Mike fires up a joint. "What's that smell" claimed as the air was filled with these fumes. "t's just weed man
chill out, here take a toke". Mike passes the joint to me in the back seat. " Smoke it like a cigarette, but hold
the smoke in" he said as he reached this vile object to me. "s it okay, mean it won't kill me will it?" Sweat
was rolling off my face. knew it was against my better judgment, but as the peer pressure kicked in it felt
like just had to do it.
That is how was introduced to Marijuana. Through people that thought were friends.
Now let's fast forward about 3 months after this incident.
t's now November. 'm sitting in my bedroom talking to people on msn messenger. When my friend Bruce
messaged me. "Dude were going over to Cody's, bought some weed and Mark and are going to smoke it
with Cody, wanna get high?". Yet again the peer pressure kicked in. was in the same situation was in the
night of the football game. felt like f had said no that all my friends would have looked down upon me.
So of all places we went behind Abundant Life Church and got high, and oh boy did we get high.
6 months later.
started using Marijuana as a habitual user. didn't want to eat or do much of anything unless was high.
Mostly stayed holed up in my room with my bong, the door locked and my music blasting. This was the life
had come to know. My happiness was only centered around marijuana. took on the culture, and all the
clichs an addict would. was suffering from depression after losing my high school sweetheart. t seemed
the only way to escape life. t seemed like the answer to my problems was this green stuff rolled up in a zig
zag. Lord if only knew what knew now.
8 months later.
was on the internet and joined a social network named "Hi5". When got a personnel message from a
beautiful girl who seemed to be interested in me and who told me to add her, and gave me the info to do so
on msn messenger. did and we hit it off. Her name was Candace and could have sworn she hung the
stars. This delayed my habit momentarily. But a month after we started dating took the habit back full
throttle. This time was worse than any other. was driven to smoke and abuse the substance.
After about three months she noticed too, and it caused a lot of problems between us. But the straw that
broke the camel's back happened one night when we were at the movies. Someone at my school informed
her mother that was "stoner". This kept us apart for about three weeks. Somehow we managed to work
things out. Life was getting better, or at least thought.
Shortly after this met Kevin. He was like an older brother to me. Someone could really relate too.
Someone who enjoyed marijuana as much as did. This was unknowingly my down fall. dove yet even
deeper into my addiction. Every weekend spent anywhere from $50 to $80 on weed. t got to where didn't
even want to spend time with Candace. All wanted to do was stay at Kevin's house and get high.
Regardless of the situation Candace continued to be annoyed with this predicament and we broke up
countless times over it.
This went on for about a year.
n 2006, Candace and had been together off and on for about almost two years. was still smoking pot very
heavily. She knew it. She just didn't want to admit to it. But deep down she knew. Her mother fund out that
still smoked by reading a diary entry Candace had written. That nailed the coffin shut and led to the most
heart wrenching break up ever had to bear.
On top of all that, a few months prior, lost my grandmother. Unknowingly, lost my entire world and it
seemed everything was in shambles. My world had been rocked off its very foundation. was alone for the
first time in my life. was truly alone. By now my whole inner circle, the click roamed with was filled with the
same addiction that was subjected too. wouldn't hang around anyone who wouldn't smoke pot out of fear
that might miss a buzz or something. cut off all ties to the real world, to the world that wasn't addicted.
July 25th 2008.
was left with one final ultimatum. My Aunt and Uncle discovered the life had been leading. So my Aunt
offered me a choice. Quit cold turkey and she would get me a car, if couldn't do it or if didn't comply... She
would get a court order to have me sent to a drug rehabilitation facility. Now the funny thing was didn't
really think had a problem. n my mind it was just "pot". So looked in the mirror and asked myself "Would
be a happier, better person if stopped abusing?". Then realized 've gained nothing from smoking. only
lost everything had while pursuing my buzz. t was in this instance that realized "Hey what's going on with
That night.
My grandmother came to me in a dream and told me how worried she was for me. She said she didn't like
the way things were turning out for me and that she wanted something better for me because even in death
she still loved me and watched over me. woke up speechless and in a cold sweat. My heart seemed to be
racing a million beats per minute. There was a stale stuffiness to the air. t was this moment that knew had
to change my persona. knew had to start making better decisions. This is what changed me.
Now know what defines me. Someone who isn't going to be addicted anymore. My names James Jordon
Blaine Givens and 'm a recovering drug addict.

Top 5 OraI Habits Your Teen ShouId Stop Doing Right Now
When your children were young, there were a lot of things you tried to keep out of their mouths -- small toys
and household objects, balloons and chemical cleaners. The list seemed endless. And, when the time came,
even thumbs and pacifiers were phased out as oral favorites. Now that they're teens -- just a few short years
from adulthood -- you might not realize that what your kids put in their mouths can still present dangers to
their health and safety.
Because oral hazards for teens usually don't take on the threat of an emergency -- such as choking or
poisoning -- they're more likely to occur under a parent's radar. However, they can still cause serious
damage. Teens' unhealthy oral behavior can lead to a number of problems, including damaged teeth and
gums, weight gain, car accidents, cancer and even cardiac arrest. So if your teen is engaging in any of the
following oral habits, it's in his or her best interest to stop right away. n fact, it's not a stretch to say that, in
some cases, it could even be a matter of life or death.
5: Chewing Non-food Items
While this is arguably the least harmful category on our list of teens' oral habits, it still comes with its fair
share of troubles. Teenagers are known for nervous habits like gnawing on pen caps and biting fingernails
[source: Leung, et. al]. Sigmund Freud might have said that such behaviors represent a dysfunctional oral
fixation, but the most likely causes of chewing non-food items are boredom, anxiety or stress
[source: Tanaka, et. al].
While these oral habits are common, they come with a variety of consequences. For starters, many
inanimate objects -- and even hands -- can be covered in germs. t's unhygienic to put such things in your
mouth, and it can lead to infections. There's also the risk of dental problems. Chewing and biting non-food
items can lead to broken teeth and injured gums. f you catch your teen continually putting things in his or
her mouth, discourage it.
Believe it or not, a healthy alternative may be chewing gum. Although many schools don't allow kids to chew
gum in class, the practice does have some benefits. Sugar-free chewing gum can help alleviate dry mouth
and bad breath, and may even help prevent tooth decay [source:]. And, in fact, the act of
chewing gum can help reduce stress and improve mood and focus [source: McGonigal].
The next oral habit is a lot more grown up.
4: Unprotected OraI Sex
You probably don't want to consider that your teen is engaging in sexual behavior -- and, well, he or she
might not be. However, if that's your hope, you should know that the statistics aren't exactly promising. Even
while the number of teens choosing to abstain from sex is growing, around 42 percent of girls and 47 percent
of boys ages 15 to 17 are sexually active [source: Jayson]. And researchers have also noticed that oral sex,
in particular, is rising in popularity among teenagers -- often in lieu of sexual intercourse [source:Jayson]. So
while some parents might be relieved that their sons or daughters are at least not participating in an activity
that leads to unwanted pregnancy, oral sex comes with its share of dangers, too.
Perhaps the most menacing risk of unprotected oral sex is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like human
immunodeficiency virus (HV). Although STDs are more likely to be contracted through intercourse, the threat
is still there [source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. Another health risk of unprotected oral sex
is HPV, the human papillomavirus. Often considered an STD, HPV is a virus that can sometimes lead to
cancer, and HPV from oral sex has the potential to cause oral cancer [source: Masters].
The sex talk isn't easy, but it's necessary if you want to help protect your child. And since many teens
consider oral sex an alternative to intercourse, be sure to cover the spectrum of sexual behavior in your
Unprotected sex is sometimes the result of the oral habit on the next page.
: AIcohoI and Drug Use
f every teen flick ever made is to be believed, someone in school is having a big party this Friday night --
and there will be lots of beer. While high school life is hardly a John Hughes film, the presence of alcohol is a
reality. Due to its accessibility, it's the drug of choice for the teenage set, and it's often consumed in excess.
n fact, almost 8 percent of teens admit to binge drinking [source: Dryden-Edwards].
t may sound a bit after-school special of us, but we'd be remiss if we didn't reiterate the potential dangers
ofteenage drinking, which include alcoholism, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, experimentation with other
drugs, increased likelihood of unprotected or casual sex, impaired judgment, trouble at school, depression,
and increased risk of automobile accidents and other harmful situations.
While drinking is the most common oral high teens pursue, it's not the only one. Other substances your child
may abuse include prescription medications and easy-to-get illegal drugs like marijuana, ecstasy and meth.
Many of the dangers of drinking -- like addiction and impaired judgment -- also apply to drug abuse.
However, some of these substances can also cause drug interaction, change in appearance, anxiety,
cardiac and circulatory disruptions, suicide and coma. So if you suspect drugs or alcohol are one of your
child's oral habits, now is the time to intervene.
The following oral habit may not be immediately life-threatening; but it has the potential to create long-term
health problems.
2: Eating and Drinking Sweets
A candy bar might not lead to a car wreck or an overdose, but if eaten often enough, it can cause long-term
damage to your teen's health. The least of your worries with sweets are tooth damage and decay. Sodas, in
particular, are a threat to oral health because not only are they packed with sugar, they're also very acidic --
a quality that can corrode tooth enamel. Sugar-containing hard candies and mints are also harmful to teeth
because of the amount of time they stay in the mouth.
Sweets tend to go easier on the choppers when eaten with a meal rather than alone. Researchers think this
is because the increased saliva helps wash away the sugar. Because people produce the least amount of
saliva during sleep, before bed is the worst time of day for teens to eat sugary snacks [source: Goss].
Of course, the biggest health threat of sweets is obesity. Sugary foods and drinks usually aren't the sole
culprits of weight gain; a sedentary lifestyle and a high-fat, high-calorie diet tend to combine to cause the
problem. However, a teen who cuts back on sweets can help prevent obesity and the related problems it
creates, including Type 2 diabetes, back pain, gallstones, sleep disorders and increased risk of
cardiovascular disease [source: American Academy of Pediatrics].
You can help your teen improve his or her nutrition by keeping your house stocked with healthy snacks.
Keep reading for the final oral habit your teen needs to end right away.
1: Smoking and Chewing Tobacco
Teenagers of the 1950s had the oh-so-cool screen images of a cigarette-puffing James Dean to emulate.
But these days, portrayals of teen smoking (even adult smoking) have been wiped from pop culture
mediums. The anti-smoking campaigns of the past several decades have helped curb the glamorization of
the habit, and cigarette use among teens dropped drastically as the 21st century began [source: Hendrick].
Despite those positive trends, nearly 20 percent of today's high school students smoke [source: Hendrick]. n
addition, smokeless tobacco use -- dip, snuff and chewing tobacco -- is on the rise among teens
[source: Smith].
At this point, the dangers of tobacco are well known. n case you need a refresher, however, be aware that it
puts your teen at risk for lung cancer, oral cancer, exacerbated asthma attacks and chronic bronchitis. And
as your son or daughter ages, smoking will increase his or her odds of developing any number of
cardiovascular diseases and other chronic illnesses.
The threat of long-term health problems may not be enough to motivate teens to stop smoking. So in
addition, you can explain to your son or daughter some of the more superficial effects it has. For instance,
you might remind them that most teens won't date smokers [source: American Academy of Pediatrics

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