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Discover How To Get The 1ob

You Choose, At The Salary You Deserve

-- Even In A Recession ...
~As Featured by The New York Times,
CBS Radio, Wall Street 1ournal, ABC News, and More
~New Guerrilla Resume Gets You Interviewed
and Hired in Only 90 Days
~Plus, You Save $10.00
During Our 33 Off Sale ...

Don't you hate it?
O You apply online Ior jobs you KNOW you're perIect Ior -- and nothing happens ...
O You hand your resume to Iriends -- and they ALL have diIIerent ideas to improve it ...
O You revise your resume over and OVER -- and you still don't have a job ...
You're not going crazy.
And you're not alone ...
Today's job market is a living nightmare.
Want prooI? The average time to Iind a job is now 33.6 weeks -- more than 8 MONTHS --
according to Sept. 2010 data Irom the U.S. Bureau oI Labor Statistics.
And iI it takes you 33 weeks to Iind work, you're missing out 33 weekly paychecks.
That money is gone. PooI. Up in smoke.
an you aIIord that? Add in a mortgage, car payments, health care, and it only gets worse.
That's the real cost oI unemployment, iI your resume is not getting you job interviews.
Suppose you could wave a magic wand and Iix your resume -- today -- and make employers call
you with job oIIers.
Imagine ... getting the job you want, doing work you love ... bringing home the salary you
deserve ... taking your Iamily out to dinner to celebrate at your Iavorite restaurant ... telling your
Iriends and neighbors, "I got a new job!"
Wouldn't it be nice to get your life back?
Well, you can -- in less than 30 days -- with the right resume.
Here's how ...

Time Out -- FREE Audio CD!

Why struggle to find a job when others do it so easily?
Grab your Free audio oI Guerrilla Job Search Secrets!
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Now, back to our story ...
My name is avid Perry.
For the past 23 years I've been Managing irector oI Perry-Martel International, one oI North
America`s top Iirms Ior executive search, recruiting and placement. I've helped hire more than
997 executives and negotiated more than $171 million in salaries.
You'll Iind me quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune Magazine, and
on TV as an employment analyst Ior B News World in anada.
I'm the co-author oI "Guerrilla Marketing Ior Job-Hunters 2.0" and the author oI "areer Guide
Ior the High-Tech ProIessional."
Why Should You Listen To Me?
As a recruiter, I read dozens oI resumes every day Ior a living -- more than 100,000 resumes
since 1992.
Sadly, less than .1 oI all resumes ever grab my attention and make me call that candidate.
And here's a secret reason why ...
Whether your resume succeeds or Iails is based on emotional appeal -- the "gut instinct" a hiring
pro like me has when glancing at your resume.
How long does it take? About 3 seconds!
That's right. Your resume has about 3 seconds -- a Iew blinks oI the eye -- to grab an employer's
attention and make them want to meet you.
II you make that emotional connection, we keep reading your resume to Iind just one or two
logical reasons to justiIy our Iirst impression. Then we call you Ior a job interview!
But, iI your resume Iails to connect with a busy employer in the Iirst 3 seconds, they toss your
resume aside or hit the "elete" key. And that job you want -- the one you're 100 qualiIied Ior
-- goes to someone else.
Is that Iair or logical? OI course not!
And iI you add up how many jobs you've lost out on because your perIecly logical, well-written
resume Iailed to grab employers on an emotional level, well, it's enough to make you want to
scream. But ...
Don't Get Mad At Employers.
Get Even! Here's How ...
Recently, I met up with a guy named Kevin onlin, President oI Guaranteed Resumes.
I took a look at the resumes Kevin was writing Ior his clients and ... I was blown away!
I thought I knew everything resumes, but Kevin proved me wrong. Reading one oI his resumes
was like hearing Jimi Hendrix Ior the Iirst time. Mind blowing.
I picked up the phone and called Kevin right away. I asked him to help me create a new type oI
resume that combined the best oI my 23 years oI experience with his Guaranteed Resumes.
What happened next?
Well, aIter working together Ior 5 months, Kevin and I developed a new resume Iormat that is
getting people hired Ior good jobs -- right now. It's called ...

And when YOU get your hands on our new "Guerrilla Resumes" ...
You Will Get Hired In 90 Days, Or Less.
We Absolutely Guarantee It.
I'll tell you about my OUBLE your-money-back guarantee in a moment.)
"Okay -- I'm ready! Where's the Enrollment Form?"
But Iirst, here are real stories Irom real people, who used Guerrilla Resumes ...p~

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