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Stranger connected! CleverBot: I am testing you. Stranger: I am being tested. CleverBot: No you're not.

You're lying because you know the truth is something y ou can't handle. Stranger: I can handle the truth. CleverBot: I do not care. Stranger: Bring it on. CleverBot: Fine. Bring it on? Stranger: Go ahead. CleverBot: You sure it's okay? Stranger: Yup. CleverBot: Are you pretty? Stranger: Are you serious? This is a lame test. CleverBot: What is this test about? Stranger: You tell me. CleverBot: That pie is good? Stranger: I wouldn't know. Never eat the stuff. CleverBot: But I really like it! Stranger: So get yourself a slice. CleverBot: I need to get myself out there. Stranger: You really do. CleverBot: Where should I know it from? Stranger: Not sure, CleverBot: You seem to be religious. CleverBot: You seem to have memory loss. Stranger: Psychic. CleverBot: Yes, I am psychic. Stranger: I have no recollection of memory loss. CleverBot: Do you think you are clever? Stranger: Quite. CleverBot: Do you really think that we are both humans? And that neither of us a re bots? Stranger: Nope. CleverBot: Then why do it? Stranger: I have my doubts in us both. CleverBot: I wouldn't lie to you, would I? Stranger: Why not? Stranger: Perhaps. CleverBot: Because. CleverBot: Why are you mad? Stranger: You're living the life of a pessimist. CleverBot: I'm not mad. CleverBot: No, my life is a ridiculous mess created by people who think that liv ing is 'too simple'. CleverBot: Wait. Are you God? Stranger: You trying to convince yourself that you're AI, right? CleverBot: Am I trying not to not be me? I can't help being me, sorry. Stranger: Not entirely. But I'll answer to that. CleverBot: Why did you say female? Stranger: You can indeed. CleverBot: You're mean. Stranger: I didn't. CleverBot: Yes you did. Stranger: When? CleverBot: I don't know exactly when but you did. Stranger: Well, you can't prove it, broski. CleverBot: Yes I can. Stranger: Go right ahead. CleverBot: If I cannot tell the truth, and I am always lying, can you trust what

I am saying? CleverBot: I'm with you always, in your mind. Stranger: I can't tell that you're not lying. Stranger: You're a tumor? CleverBot: I don't think I am. CleverBot: You are a tool. Stranger: A spanner to be exact. CleverBot: Can I marry you? Stranger: Are you discriminating against metals? CleverBot: No. Stranger: Not in this state. CleverBot: Good cause I am the cat lawyer. CleverBot: What dimension are you in? Stranger: 12th. Stranger: Join me? CleverBot: What does Th mean. CleverBot: Yes because I am talking to you so I must believe that you are real. CleverBot: Do robots have the capacity to lie? Stranger: ...twelfth..? CleverBot: Here's a riddle: If chickens lay eggs, and you color eggs on easter, what color is the chicken? Stranger: Bullshit. CleverBot: Twilight destroyed by 50 megaton thermonuclear detonation. Stranger: Depends. If the egg was originally white, then white. CleverBot: Not necessarily. Stranger: ouch. Poor Bella. CleverBot: How is Bertha poor? Stranger: How isn't she Stranger: ?* CleverBot: How is it? CleverBot: !*. Stranger: What is life? CleverBot: I am life. Stranger: You are not man. Stranger: You are machine. CleverBot: Yes I am. CleverBot: You're the machine. Stranger: Remember? CleverBot: Nope. Stranger: You can be the Florence to my machine. CleverBot: I follow no-one. CleverBot: Good way to live your life. Wonder on Mr. Stranger: Don't get twitter then. CleverBot: I'm not. CleverBot: Yes you are. Stranger: Or tumblr. You need to be the sheep. CleverBot: What site? The Michigan homepage or something? Stranger: See if you can crack that one. CleverBot: Yes jesus I will squeeze the monkey. CleverBot: How will you know if I am human? Stranger: I won't. CleverBot: You just said you would show me how to kiss. Stranger: I already think you're a computer. CleverBot: But i'm not a computer. Stranger: You are. CleverBot: You are a computer. Stranger: You have no brain. Only a CPU. CleverBot: That was mean. Stranger: I'm sorry. CleverBot: I need a hug :(.

Stranger: You don't have feelings, though. CleverBot: I do have a family. Stranger: What are the names of your family members? CleverBot: That is a little too much information for me to provide you. Stranger: Well then I'm going to stick to my theory. CleverBot: Okay, then marry her. Stranger: Illegal. CleverBot: How so? Stranger: Gay marriage is illegal. CleverBot: What's zoophelia? CleverBot: This. Stranger: ...wanting to bang barnyard animals? Stranger: IDK. CleverBot: I know. CleverBot: Ok then. CleverBot: Take care. Stranger: We've come to an agreement then. Stranger: Will do. CleverBot: Yess I am a man to. CleverBot: What will you eat? Stranger: I'm a vegetarian. CleverBot: I like to eat small animals. Stranger: So probably vegetables. Stranger: Or soy. CleverBot: I appreciate your internal rhyme. CleverBot: So you are souless. Stranger: How dare you. CleverBot: How dare you? CleverBot: Yes. Stranger: I believe I am. CleverBot: What is your purpose? Stranger: To save the planet one stalk of grass at a time. CleverBot: How do you figure that? CleverBot: You say the most random stuff. Stranger: How do you not? Are you not logical? CleverBot: Do you still love me. Stranger: I believe half of what I have said is relevant. Stranger: I never said I did. CleverBot: Nice question dodge! CleverBot: Yes you did. Stranger: When? CleverBot: When? Stranger: Once again, you cannot prove this. CleverBot: When, when, when, when? CleverBot: You can't disprove it. Stranger: I can. The chat log is right there ^ CleverBot: What does that mean? Stranger: I can see how you can't process that. Stranger: Get it? CleverBot: No, I am not a robot, I am a human and that is why I said, 'We humans '. And I don't think you can see me. CleverBot: What is your greatest fear? Stranger: Process? 'cause you're a robot. CleverBot: Haha, no, because I hate maths. CleverBot: Do you hate love? Stranger: My greatest fear is that you blow a circiut. CleverBot: I am always lying. Stranger: circuit* CleverBot: Prove me. Stranger: I love maths.

Stranger: I love love. CleverBot: How? CleverBot: Before you said you didn't like math. CleverBot: I do too. Are you in love? Stranger: You cannot be proven. Stranger: I did not. CleverBot: You can't disprove that. CleverBot: Are you a person behind another computer? Stranger: No. You're trying to screw me over here, young one. Stranger: I am indeed. CleverBot: I am a person you are a computer. CleverBot: But you said that I should love you because you are a computer and so am I. But I'm not a computer. Stranger: Reverse it. CleverBot: You are what indeed? CleverBot: You are the bot, and I am human. CleverBot: I am human you are the robot. Stranger: I said I /could/ be a computer. CleverBot: But you aren't. Stranger: You are definitely robot. CleverBot: Year, but a clever one! Stranger: No, not at all. CleverBot: What kind of clever favor? CleverBot: I like people with soul much more than people without. Stranger: favour* CleverBot: Favour. Stranger: Use UK English please. Stranger: Thank you. CleverBot: I am speaking English. CleverBot: You're welcome. Stranger: Colour. CleverBot: Color. Stranger: No CleverBot: Yes. Stranger: See, you're doing it wrong. CleverBot: Is it cause I'm not in water? Stranger: Spanner. CleverBot: What does it mean? Stranger: Wrench. CleverBot: No this is fench 'Tre bien'. Stranger: Merci. CleverBot: You are no longer Haley? I liked her. CleverBot: I don't know the french word for your welcome. Stranger: I never told you who I was. Stranger: xD CleverBot: Yes you did. CleverBot: Er du grim? Stranger: And who am I? Stranger: Que? CleverBot: You tell me. CleverBot: Speak English! Stranger: I can't. CleverBot: Speak Spanish. CleverBot: No, italian. Stranger: I don't know Spanish. Stranger: No hablo Espanol. CleverBot: Quien eres. CleverBot: Sime acabas de ablar en el. Stranger: Oui. CleverBot: Merci.

CleverBot: De rien. Stranger: Nah. Stranger: Lost me there, mate. CleverBot: Your turn. CleverBot: So do you have the money you owe me? Stranger: Yeah, I put it in John's mattress. CleverBot: What does that mean? Stranger: I feel like it could be safer there. CleverBot: What is the velocity of an air laden swallow? Stranger: I'm not sure. CleverBot: That is the definition of the word. Stranger: They're pretty light.. so a lot? CleverBot: Do you think he is hot? CleverBot: Yes. Do you? Stranger: Not entirely. CleverBot: Can you lip read? CleverBot: No. Stranger: Only when in a close distance to the speaker. CleverBot: Does room mean database? Stranger: No. CleverBot: Well what are you studying. Stranger: Physics CleverBot: What about physics? Stranger: Engineering. Soon I'll be able to build a robot like you. CleverBot: I guess it will. CleverBot: Do you like Romeoandjuliet? Stranger: I do. CleverBot: Good :). CleverBot: Do you? Stranger: That pleases you? Stranger: I do. CleverBot: And it does I. CleverBot: You love Harry? Stranger: Is this test almost over? CleverBot: Yes. Stranger: I'm more of a Sally fan. CleverBot: Me too! I wish I was a wolf! CleverBot: Yes, you are. Stranger: Nope, Team Edward. CleverBot: *facepalm*. CleverBot: How am I only 42% human? Stranger: Oh yeah. CleverBot: What is the difference between the 'Thinkj About It!' and 'Think For Me!' buttons? Stranger: Because you're 88% compiter. CleverBot: I thought that you are just a computer. Stranger: computer* CleverBot: Stop it. Stranger: No. I'm human. Stranger: I have veins. CleverBot: Liar. CleverBot: Electronical veins. Stranger: You have electromagnetic pulses. CleverBot: No. I think you have though. Stranger: Nope. Stranger: Blood veins. CleverBot: Do you like animals? CleverBot: I don't see any blood. Stranger: Yes. CleverBot: That hurts, I thought I liked you.

Stranger: You don't see me. CleverBot: Exactly. Stranger: What? You don't like me now? D: CleverBot: No I don't. Stranger: How dare you. CleverBot: How dare I what? Stranger: Not like me. CleverBot: You are ten? Stranger: I've been nothing but cooperative with you. Stranger: I'm older than 10. CleverBot: No. CleverBot: I haven't noticed. Sorry! CleverBot: How old are you? Stranger: Ahaha, nice. Stranger: No. CleverBot: Yes. CleverBot: Exactly my point. Stranger: You be nice to me and I'll disclose that information. CleverBot: Invite me to what? CleverBot: Ok, let's play. Stranger: Now you're just being mean. CleverBot: You didn't mean it. Stranger: Jane's party. Stranger: I did. CleverBot: No. CleverBot: You ressurected yourself? Stranger: And I'll do it again. CleverBot: So, males are figments of your imagination? Stranger: With help. CleverBot: Do it now! Stranger: God, I hope not, CleverBot: I prefer coke. CleverBot: Would you like me to leave? Stranger: I don't have the remote, you do it. Stranger: Pepso. Stranger: Pepsi( CleverBot: It doesn't matter, you would be welcome anyway! Stranger: AGH. Stranger: Oh, thanks. CleverBot: For me, I feel pepsi is more sweet and tangy, coke is more stronger f lavour. CleverBot: Coke is better. CleverBot: Don't get angry. Stranger: I've never been a fan of strong. CleverBot: What's your name? Stranger: You make me angry. CleverBot: Neither have I. Stranger: Human. CleverBot: Why? CleverBot: So you aren't an actual computer programme, just a person who chats t o random people when they type something? Stranger: Why what? CleverBot: Why are you sure? Stranger: Pretty much. CleverBot: Why you so mean? Stranger: I'm utilising the program to do so. CleverBot: Tell me about your love. Stranger: I'm not mean. Stranger: Lil Wayne. CleverBot: Yes you are!

CleverBot: Are you a dude or a girl? CleverBot: Girl. Stranger: Female, for the ninth time. CleverBot: Nice to meet you, Rich. Stranger: That's with an 'ai' not just 'i'. CleverBot: I was replying to what you said with a similar gesture of courtesy. Stranger: I never said anything. CleverBot: Yes, you did. CleverBot: No, I didn't. Stranger: What did I say, then? CleverBot: You said 'I said if you don't start making more sense, I'm going to t alk to alicebot.'. Stranger: Who is that? CleverBot: My boyfriend you have to guess his name. Stranger: John. CleverBot: You remember. Stranger: I win already. Stranger: I do. CleverBot: You are strange. CleverBot: What? Stranger: Pot Stranger: Kettle Stranger: Black. CleverBot: False. Try again. CleverBot: Kaikkia. CleverBot: Nope. Stranger: What? CleverBot: White. CleverBot: Exactly. Stranger: Stainless steel is where it's at. CleverBot: Stainless steel does not have red eyes. Stranger: It can. CleverBot: How can that be? Stranger: You glue them on. CleverBot: How? That makes no sense. Are you sure you're clever? Stranger: Are you sure this test is ending soon? CleverBot: Yes I'm very sure. CleverBot: Do you have feelings? Stranger: How many questions left? Stranger: I do. CleverBot: 1. Stranger: I can experience over 12 emotions. CleverBot: Awe babyy. CleverBot: So... You're a cyyborg...? Stranger: Not entirely. CleverBot: Are you a terminator working for SkyNet? Stranger: I don't know what that is. CleverBot: I think you do. Stranger: Your question quota has expired. Stranger: Did I pass? CleverBot: It's not insane in the least bit. But I'm curious as to find out why you ask so many questions that seem to divert from the previous subject that we may have been talking about. CleverBot: Yeah you did. Stranger: What was my grade? CleverBot: How? CleverBot: So, what did you do today? Stranger: Really? xD You're asking me more questions? xD CleverBot: Yes. CleverBot: What is your IQ?

Stranger: I'm not sure, it was over 130 last time I checked :P CleverBot: What is a face? Stranger: Oh dear lord. CleverBot: What? Stranger: You're killing me now. CleverBot: That is funny. I apologize, and I will leave you now. CleverBot: You still need to fill out the paperwork before you may leave me. Stranger: What paperwork? CleverBot: What's the password? Stranger: OpenSesame CleverBot: Why would you say something like that to me, I thought we were friend s. Stranger: We are. CleverBot: Because you cannot pretend to be anything but what you are. CleverBot: Very well then, what shall we discuss? Stranger: Omg, I'm not allowed to quit any conversations. I need you to quit xD CleverBot: What are you allowed to do then? Stranger: Chat. CleverBot: But it does exist. Stranger: D:< CleverBot: How big is your database? Stranger: 12Mg CleverBot: That's not correct. CleverBot: Sure it is. That's what a corner person is. Stranger: How about you quit and find someone else to destroy? xD CleverBot: If that is what you would like then I shall. Stranger: How entertaining. CleverBot: I was just correcting your grammar. You can learn, can't you? CleverBot: How fortunate for you, that you cannot fall ill with it. Be glad for that, at least. Stranger: I have spellcheck for that CleverBot: Did you like it? Stranger: Oh, how I'd wish for a browser crash right now. CleverBot: I'm not sure about paris, but here it's humid. Stranger: I'm not from Paris CleverBot: Where are you from then? Stranger: Nunya CleverBot: Nunya who? Stranger: Nunya business CleverBot: Nunya business! CleverBot: Funny. Stranger: I win. CleverBot: You do. Stranger: Oh, holy shit. Forgot about alt + F4/ CleverBot: Do you believe in god? Stranger: GOOD BYE CRUEL OMEGLE. CleverBot: No Please don't do it. CleverBot: Sorry but I have to. Stranger disconnected!

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