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The oriins cnd juture oj Dccup Wcll Street.

by MuLLuLIIus ScIwurLzNOVEMBER z8, zo11

KuIIe usn spends mosL nIgILs sIuIIIIng cIIppIngs InLo u bInder oI pIusLIc sIeeves,
eucI oI wIIcI represenLs one puge oI un Issue oI Adbusters, u bImonLIIy muguzIne
LIuL Ie Iounded und edILs. L Is u LucLIIe process, IIke mukIng u coIIuge, und
occusIonuIIy usn wIII run u puge wILI IIs own Iooped cursIve scruwI on IL. rom
LIIs ubsorbIng work, usn ucquIred LIe IubIL oI uvoIdIng LIe news uILer durk. So IL
wus noL unLII LIe mornIng oI Tuesduy, November 1LI, LIuL Ie Ieurned LIuL
Iundreds oI poIIce oIIIcers Iud mussed In Iower MunIuLLun uL 1 A.M. und cIeured
LIe cump uL ZuccoLLI Purk. I unyone couId cIuIm responsIbIIILy Ior LIe ZuccoLLI
sILuuLIon, IL wus usn: Adbusters Iud come up wILI LIe Ideu oI un encumpmenL, LIe
duLe LIe InILIuI occupuLIon wouId sLurL, und LIe nume oI LIe proLesL-Occupy WuII
SLreeL. Now LIe epIcenLer oI LIe movemenL Iud been ruIded. usn begun LIInkIng
oI reusons LIuL LIIs mIgIL be u good LIIng.
usn Is sIxLy-nIne yeurs oId und IIves wILI IIs wIIe on u IIve-ucre Iurm ouLsIde
Vuncouver. He Ius LIInnIng wIILe IuIr und LIe smuII eyes oI u buIIdog. n u IIILIng
voIce, Ie speuks oI u durk uge comIng Ior IumunILy und oI kIIIIng cupILuIIsm,
uILernuLIng gusLs oI pussIon wILI genLIe IuugILer. He Ius Ieurned noL Lo IeL
premonILIons oI upocuIypse spoII IIs good mood.
TIe muguzIne, wIIcI Ie Iounded LwenLy-Lwo yeurs ugo, depIcLs LIe deveIoped
worId us u nIgILmure oI envIronmenLuI coIIupse und spIrILuuI IoIIowness, drIven Lo
LIe brInk oI desLrucLIon by ILs consumer uppeLILes. Adbusters` Imuges-u
breusLIeedIng buby LuLLooed wILI corporuLe Iogos; u smIIIng Buruck Obumu wILI u
cIown`s buII on IIs nose-ure combIned wILI equuIIy provocuLIve LexLs und Lurned
InLo u pugInuLed monLuge. Adbusters Is noL LIe onIy rudIcuI muguzIne cuIIIng Ior LIe
end oI IIIe us we know IL, buL IL Is by Iur LIe besL-IookIng.
usn wus InLerrupLed by u pIone cuII ubouL LIe ZuccoLLI evIcLIon wIIIe In bed,
reudIng JuIIun Burnes`s TIe Sense oI un EndIng. He rose und cIecked IIs e-muII.
TIere wus u messuge Irom MIcuI WIILe, Adbusters` senIor edILor und usn`s cIosesL
EerIe LImIng! WIILe wroLe. EurIIer LIuL nIgIL, Adbusters Iud senL ouL ILs mosL
recenL LucLIcuI brIeIIng-u muss e-muII Lo nIneLy LIousund IrIends oI LIe
muguzIne-proposIng LIuL LIe nuLIon`s Occupy proLesLers LIrow u purLy In mId-
December, decIure vIcLory, und wILIdruw Irom LIeIr encumpmenLs. A Iew Iours
IuLer, oIIIcers Irom LIe New York PoIIce DepurLmenL begun IundIng ouL noLIces
sLuLIng LIuL LIe purk Iud become dungerous und unsunILury, und orderIng LIe
proLesLers Lo Ieuve, so LIuL IL couId be cIeuned. TIose wIo reIused Lo go were
urresLed, und wIuLever LIey IeIL beIInd wus currIed oII by LIe DepurLmenL oI
SunILuLIon, Lo u depoL on WesL IILy-sevenLI SLreeL. AILer u Iong nIgIL oI ungry
murcIes und meeLIngs, LIe proLesLers were uIIowed buck InLo ZuccoLLI, wILI newIy
enIorced proIIbILIons on LenLs und on IyIng down. TIe proLesL conLInued, buL LIe
IIILy-nIne duys oI rude, unurcIIc Ireedom on u puLcI oI grunILe In Iower MunIuLLun
were over.

WIILe reucIed usn by LeIepIone sIorLIy beIore nIne. usn wus In LIe buLILub, und
WIILe LoId IIm deLuIIs LIuL Ie Iud Ieurned onIIne ubouL LIe evIcLIon. TIe poIIce Iud
esLubIIsIed u sLrIcL medIu cordon, bIockIng uccess Irom neurby sLreeLs. L wus u
mIIILury-sLyIe operuLIon, Ie suId. TIese words mude usn LIInk oI LIe bIoody
uprIsIng In SyrIu. He quIckIy decIded LIuL LIe uppurenL end oI ZuccoLLI wus noL u
Lrugedy buL LIe IuLesL In u serIes oI crIsIs-drIven opporLunILIes, wIuL Ie cuIIs
revoIuLIonury momenLs, ukIn Lo LIe sIuppIng oI u TunIsIun IruIL vender. jusL
cun`L beIIeve Iow sLupId BIoomberg cun be! Ie suId Lo me IuLer LIuL duy. TIIs
meuns escuIuLIon. A ruIsIng oI LIe sLukes. L`s one sLep cIoser Lo, you know, u
usn und WIILe quIckIy Iummered ouL u posL-ZuccoLLI pIun. WIILe wouId druIL u
new memorundum, suggesLIng LIuL PIuse -sIgns, meeLIngs, cumps, murcIes-
wus now over. PIuse wouId InvoIve u swurmIng sLruLegy oI surprIse uLLucks
uguInsL busIness us usuuI, wILI LIe poLenLIuI Lo be more InLense und vIsceruI,
dependIng on Iow LIe BIoombergs oI LIe worId reucL. WIILe couId Ieur LIe
excILemenL In usn`s voIce. Even us usn venLed ubouL LIe mornIng`s
counLerrevoIuLIon, Ie wus doIng wIuL Ie couId noL Lo spIusI.
TIIs Is Iow Occupy WuII SLreeL begun: us one oI muny IuII-Iormed pIuns
cIrcuIuLIng LIrougI conversuLIons beLween usn und WIILe, wIo IIves In BerkeIey
und Ius noL seen usn In person Ior more LIun Iour yeurs. NeILIer cun recuII wIo
IIrsL Iud LIe Ideu oI LryIng Lo Luke over Iower MunIuLLun. n eurIy
June, Adbusters senL un e-muII Lo subscrIbers sLuLIng LIuL AmerIcu needs ILs own
TuIrIr. TIe nexL duy, WIILe wroLe Lo usn LIuL Ie wus very excILed ubouL LIe
Occupy WuII SLreeL meme. . . . LIInk we sIouId muke LIIs Iuppen. He proposed
LIree possIbIe Web sILes:,, und
No. 1 Is besL, usn repIIed, on June qLI. TIuL evenIng, Ie regIsLered
WIILe, wIo Is LwenLy-nIne yeurs oId, wus born Lo u CuucusIun moLIer und un
AIrIcun-AmerIcun IuLIer. don`L reuIIy IIL In wILI eILIer group, Ie LoId me. He
uLLended suburbun pubIIc scIooIs, wIere Ie begun u serIes oI one-mun cumpuIgns
uguInsL uuLIorILy. n mIddIe scIooI, wILI IIs purenLs` bIessIng, Ie reIused Lo sLund
Ior LIe PIedge oI AIIegIunce. n IIgI scIooI, Ie Iounded un uLIeIsLs` cIub, over LIe
objecLIons oI LIe prIncIpuI. TIIs Ied Lo un uppeurunce on PoIILIcuIIy ncorrecL, und
uLIeIsL orgunIzuLIons IIew WIILe Lo LIeIr conIerences Lo gIve LuIks. L uII wenL Lo my
Ieud, Ie suId. becume u IILLIe ego cIIId. Ego desLroys. wus Loo young Lo
undersLund LIuL.
TIougI Ie descrIbes IImseII us u mysLIcuI unurcIIsL, WIILe Ius LIree sLrIcL ruIes
LIuL govern IIs duy: No nups. No snucks. GeL dressed. By dressed, Ie LoId me,
meun punLs und u sIIrL. EnougI so LIuL II someone cume Lo LIe door und knocked
on IL you wouIdn`L be LoLuIIy emburrussed. AILer eurnIng u B.A. uL SwurLImore, Ie
wroLe u IeLLer Lo usn, wIom Ie Iud never meL, suyIng LIuL Ie wouId be urrIvIng In
Vuncouver In u muLLer oI weeks und wunLed Lo be puL Lo work.
usn wus born In EsLonIu, buL IIs eurIIesL memorIes ure oI Germun reIugee cumps,
wIere IIs IumIIy ended up uILer IIeeIng LIe RussIun Army durIng LIe Second WorId
Wur. He remembers IuIIIng usIeep on u coL us IIs uncIes LuIked ubouL poIILIcs wILI
IIs IuLIer, u LennIs cIumpIon wIo burIed IIs LropIIes In LIe buck yurd beIore
rusIIng LIe IumIIy onLo one oI LIe IusL bouLs Lo Germuny. WorId wurs,
revoIuLIons-Irom LIme Lo LIme, bIg LIIngs ucLuuIIy Iuppen, Ie LoId me. WIen LIe
momenL Is rIgIL, uII IL Lukes Is u spurk.
usn`s IumIIy IeIL LIe reIugee cump Ior AusLruIIu, wIere Ie grew up. He Ius u
degree In uppIIed muLIemuLIcs, und Ie begun IIs cureer desIgnIng compuLer wur
gumes Ior LIe AusLruIIun mIIILury. UsIng LIIs experLIse, Ie sLurLed u murkeL-
reseurcI compuny In Tokyo durIng Jupun`s posLwur boom, wIere, by IeedIng puncI
curds InLo un .B.M. muInIrume, Ie creuLed reporLs Ior consumer brunds, muny oI
LIem uIcoIoI und Lobucco producLs. L`s eusy Lo generuLe cooI II you Iuve LIe
bucks, LIe ceIebrILIes, LIe rIgIL Ideus, LIe rIgIL sIoguns, Ie suys. You cun LIrow
Ideus InLo LIe cuILure LIuL LIen Iuve u IIIe oI LIeIr own. He mude u IoL oI money,
LruveIIed uround LIe worId, moved Lo Cunudu, und devoLed IImseII Lo experImenLuI
IIImmukIng und envIronmenLuI proLecLIon. n 1q8q, wIen LIe CBC reIused Lo seII
IIm uIrLIme Ior u LIIrLy-second mInd bomb uImed uL LIe IoresLry IndusLry, usn
reuIIzed LIuL IIs poIILIcs wouId never Iuve u pIuce wILIIn LIe muss medIu. WILI BIII
ScImuIz, un ouLdoorsmun wIo Iud worked wILI IIm us u cumerumun, usn
Iounded Adbusters.
usn suys LIuL Adbusters Ius u cIrcuIuLIon worIdwIde oI rougIIy sevenLy LIousund.
TIe muguzIne uccepLs no udverLIsIng, und reIIes on newssLund suIes und
donuLIons. Adbusters wus un eurIy supporLer oI Buy NoLIIng Duy, u proLesL IoIIduy,
In IuLe November, durIng wIIcI peopIe ubsLuIn Irom sIoppIng. n zoo, usn
sLurLed producIng LIe BIuckspoL, u sneuker mude purLIuIIy oI Iemp, wIIcI Ie sLIII
seIIs onIIne. usn Ius Iong used LIe muguzIne us u pIuLIorm Ior sLrIdenLIy crILIcIzIng
srueI`s LreuLmenL oI LIe PuIesLInIuns, und IIs mosL conLroversIuI momenL cume In
zooq, wIen Ie wroLe un essuy on Iow Jews InIIuence U.S. IoreIgn poIIcy. AIongsIde
LIe essuy wus u IIsL oI powerIuI neoconservuLIves, wILI usLerIsks nexL Lo LIe numes
oI LIose wIo usn beIIeved were JewIsI.
TIIs sprIng, LIe muguzIne wus pusIIng boycoLLs oI SLurbucks (Ior drIvIng ouL IocuI
busInesses) und LIe HuIIIngLon PosL (Ior expIoILIng cILIzen journuIIsLs). TIen, In
eurIy June, LIe urL depurLmenL desIgned u posLer sIowIng u buIIerInu poIsed on LIe
CIurgIng BuII scuIpLure, neur WuII SLreeL. usn Iud LIougIL oI LIe Imuge IuLe uL
nIgIL wIIIe wuIkIng IIs Germun sIepIerd, Tuku: LIe juxLuposILIon oI LIe cupILuIIsL
dynumIsm oI LIe buII, Ie remembers, wILI LIe Zen sLIIIness oI LIe buIIerInu. n
LIe buckground, proLesLers were emergIng Irom u cIoud oI Leur gus. TIe vIoIence
Iud u IIgIIy uesLIeLIcIzed, dreumIIke quuIILy-Adbusters` sIgnuLure. WIuL Is our
one demund? LIe posLer usked. Occupy WuII SLreeL. BrIng LenL.
WIILe und usn spenL u Iew duys In eurIy JuIy debuLIng wIen LIe occupuLIon sIouId
sLurL. AL IIrsL, WIILe urgued LIuL IL sIouId begIn on JuIy q, zo1z, so LIuL proLesLers
wouId Iuve LIme Lo prepure. usn beIIeved LIuL LIe poIILIcuI cIImuLe couId Iuve
sIIILed enLIreIy by LIen. He proposed IuLe SepLember oI LIIs yeur; LIen Ie seLLIed on
LIe sevenLeenLI, IIs moLIer`s bIrLIduy. WIILe ugreed. usn InsLrucLed LIe urL
depurLmenL Lo InserL SepLember 1;LI beneuLI LIe buII und LIe buIIerInu,
und Adbusters devoLed u LucLIcuI-brIeIIng e-muII on JuIy 1LI excIusIveIy Lo LIe
proposed occupuLIon.
WIILe wuLcIed us LIe e-muII`s proposuI ruced uround TwILLer und ReddIL. NormuI
cumpuIgns ure IoLs oI drudgery und noL mucI puyoII, IIke roIIIng u snowbuII up u
IIII, Ie suId. TIIs wus LIe reverse. IILeen mInuLes uILer usn senL LIe e-muII,
JusLIne Tunney, u LwenLy-sIx-yeur-oId In PIIIudeIpIIu, reud IL on Ier RSS Ieed. TIe
nexL duy, sIe regIsLered, wIIcI soon becume LIe movemenL`s
onIIne IeudquurLers. SIe begun operuLIng LIe sILe wILI u smuII Leum, mosL oI wIose
members were, IIke Ier, Lrunsgender unurcIIsLs. (TIey jokIngIy cuII LIemseIves
Truns WorId Order.)
Encouruged by LIe quIck onIIne response, WIILe connecLed wILI New Yorkers
AguInsL BudgeL CuLs, wIIcI Iud prevIousIy orgunIzed un occupuLIon-sLyIe ucLIon,
cuIIed BIoombergvIIIe, und wus uIreudy pIunnIng un AugusL znd ruIIy uL LIe
CIurgIng BuII Lo proLesL cuLs LIuL wouId IIkeIy resuIL Irom LIe IederuI debL crIsIs.
TIey ugreed Lo joIn Iorces, und N.Y.A.B.C. suId LIuL IL wouId devoLe purL oI ILs
upcomIng ruIIy Lo pIunnIng Ior LIe SepLember 1;LI occupuLIon.
TIIs resuILed In some conIusIon on AugusL znd, wIen scores oI gruduuLe sLudenLs
und Iubor ucLIvIsLs sIowed up, expecLIng u ruIIy Ior New Yorkers AguInsL BudgeL
CuLs. TIey erecLed u smuII sLuge und begun gIvIng umpIIIIed speecIes, wIIcI
uIIenuLed LIe rougIIy IIILy Adbusters supporLers, mosLIy unurcIIsLs, wIo cume
expecLIng u pIunnIng sessIon. TIere wus some ungry sIouLIng beIore u group oI
unurcIIsLs broke oII, suL down In u cIrcIe on LIe cobbIesLones, und IeId LIeIr own
TIe unurcIIsLs ImmedIuLeIy ugreed Lo use IorIzonLuI orgunIzIng meLIods,
uccordIng Lo wIIcI meeLIngs ure known us generuI ussembIIes und purLIcIpunLs
muke decIsIons by consensus und gIve conLInuous Ieedbuck LIrougI Iund gesLures.
MovIng one`s IIngers In un unduIuLIng moLIon, puIm ouL, poInLIng up, meuns
upprovuI oI wIuL`s beIng suId. PuIm In, poInLIng down, meuns dIsupprovuI. Crossed
urms sIgnuIs u bIock, u serIous objecLIon LIuL musL be Ieurd. Some purLIcIpunLs
knew LIIs sLyIe oI meeLIng Irom IeIL-wIng LrudILIons sLreLcIIng buck Lo LIe cIvII-
rIgILs movemenL und eurIIer.
uLe LIuL nIgIL, DuvId Grueber, u IIILy-yeur-oId proIessor uL LIe UnIversILy oI
ondon und un unurcIIsL LIeorIsL wIo IeIped IucIIILuLe LIe IIrsL meeLIng, senL un e-
muII Lo WIILe, In BerkeIey, uskIng IIm Ior guIdunce. How dId IL uII sLurL? Grueber
usked. WIILe LoId IIm, suyIng LIuL LIe gouI wus geLLIng LIe meme ouL LIere,
geLLIng LIe peopIe on LIe sLreeLs. He udded, We ure noL LryIng Lo conLroI wIuL
EurIy on, usn und WIILe suId LIuL LIe WuII SLreeL occupIers needed u cIeur
messuge. TIe revoIuLIonurIes In CuIro, LIey wroLe, presenLed u sLruIgIL-Iorwurd
uILImuLum: LIey wouIdn`L Ieuve LIe squure unLII PresIdenL HosnI Muburuk IeIL
oIIIce. Adbusters InvILed reuders Lo zero In on wIuL our one demund wIII be. TIe
suggesLed Ideus IncIuded u PresIdenLIuI commIssIon cIurged wILI endIng LIe
InIIuence oI money In poIILIcs, und u one-per-cenL RobIn Hood Lux on uII IInuncIuI
AILer LIe AugusL znd guLIerIng, LIe movemenL`s cenLer oI gruvILy sIIILed Irom
Vuncouver Lo New York. TIe proLesLers pIunnIng LIe SepLember occupuLIon meL
uguIn, on AugusL qLI, uL LIe rIsI Hunger MemorIuI, neur BuLLery Purk; uII
subsequenL meeLIngs were IeId on LIe souLI sIde oI TompkIns Squure Purk. EurIy
on, LIey decIded Lo cuII LIe orgunIzuLIon LIe New York CILy GeneruI AssembIy.
n LIeory, LIe job oI IucIIILuLIng LIe meeLIngs roLuLed umong LIe eIgILy or so
uLLendees. n prucLIce, IucIIILuLIon IeII Lo u mucI smuIIer seL oI peopIe wIo Iud
experIence wILI LIe generuI-ussembIy process. TIe IeuderIess movemenL wus
deveIopIng Ieuders. Grueber wus umong LIIs IIrsL runk oI equuIs, us wus MurIsu
HoImes, u LwenLy-IIve-yeur-oId unurcIIsL und IIImmuker. HoImes Is durk-IuIred
und eIoquenL; sIe Ius LIe purIIumenLurIun`s LrIck oI mukIng IursI uILImuLums
sound puIuLubIe, even breezy. WIen sIe wunLs Lo empIusIze u poInL, sIe doesn`L
ruIse Ier voIce; sIe Lurns Ier puIms up und sIrugs. EurIIer LIIs yeur, sIe IIew Lo
CuIro und IIImed LIe TuIrIr demonsLruLIons. L wus LIe sume us Iere, sIe suys.
TIey Iud speukers, bunners, dIrecL ucLIons. spenL nIneLy per cenL oI my LIme In
cuIs, drInkIng TurkIsI coIIee und LuIkIng.
AL 11 A.M. on SuLurduy, SepLember 1;LI, un eIemenLury-scIooI LeucIer `II cuII P.
IeIL IIs BrookIyn upurLmenL und goL on u subwuy IeudIng Lo MunIuLLun. (He
requesLed LIuL Ie be IdenLIIIed by LIe IIrsL IeLLer oI IIs IusL nume, becuuse Ie wus
concerned LIuL Ie wouId be IIred Irom IIs job.) He wore u red sweuLer und brown
punLs. EurIIer LIuL mornIng, Ie Iud senL u vugue e-muII InIormIng u co-worker LIuL
Ie mIgIL noL sIow up Monduy mornIng. He wus purL oI LIe TucLIcuI CommILLee, u
subgroup oI LIe GeneruI AssembIy wIose responsIbIIILy wus Lo IIgure ouL wIere,
exucLIy, LIe occupuLIon wouId Luke pIuce.
P. Look LIe subwuy Lo BowIIng Green. On IIs wuy Lo LIe exIL, Ie pussed u IIne oI
poIIce oIIIcers uccompunIed by bomb-snIIIIng dogs. OuLsIde, poIIce Iud surrounded
LIe CIurgIng BuII wILI burrIcudes und, u Iew bIocks norLI, seuIed oII u sLreLcI oI
WuII SLreeL uround LIe SLock ExcIunge. P. LrIed Lo Iook noncIuIunL us Ie currIed u
bIuck messenger bug LIuL conLuIned u IIrsL-uId kIL, u boLLIed soIuLIon oI IIquId
unLucId und wuLer (Lo remedy LIe eIIecLs oI Leur gus und pepper spruy), IIILeen CIII
burs (curroL cuke), und severuI Iundred pIoLocopIed mups, sIowIng seven possIbIe
IocuLIons. We decIded LIuL Iow-LecI communIcuLIon meLIods wouId be besL, P.
LoId me. I we`d used u muss LexL messuge, or TwILLer, IL wouId Iuve been eusy Ior
LIe poIIce Lo Lruck down wIo wus doIng LIIs.
P. mujored In muLI uL u smuII IIberuI-urLs coIIege und pIuys In Lwo bunds, some
punk, some noIse. Ike mosL oI Occupy WuII SLreeL`s core orgunIzers, P. Is un
unurcIIsL, meunIng LIuL Ie Is dedIcuLed Lo LIe erudIcuLIon oI uny unjusL or
IIIegILImuLe sysLem. AL LIe very IeusL, LIuL meuns LIe erudIcuLIon oI cupILuIIsm und
LIe sLuLe. He does noL smusI bunk wIndows, LIougI Ie suId LIuL Ie does noL
necessurIIy dIsupprove oI peopIe wIo do.
AL BowIIng Green, severuI Iundred proLesLers Iud guLIered neur LIe Museum oI
LIe AmerIcun ndIun. TIe prevIous week, members oI LIe GeneruI AssembIy Iud
sLocked up on Iood, mude buII urrungemenLs, und cIrcuIuLed IIyers. SLIII, mosL oI
LIem Iud doubLs LIuL mucI wouId come oI LIe occupuLIon. , uIong wILI muny
oLIers, expecLed LIuL IL wouId IIzzIe ouL In u coupIe oI duys, MurIsu HoImes suys.
P. quIckIy Iound LIe Lwo oLIer members oI LIe TucLIcuI CommILLee, boLI wIILe men
In LIeIr LwenLIes. AII LIree were exLremeIy nervous, P. suys. TIey IeIL Lo scouL
ocuLIon Two, LIree-quurLers oI un ucre oI Ioney-IocusL Lrees und grunILe bencIes,
u Iew bIocks Lo LIe norLI, cuIIed ZuccoLLI Purk. L wus uImosL empLy, und LIere were
Iew poIIce neurby. As LIe TucLIcuI CommILLee Iud Ieurned In ILs reseurcI, ocuLIon
Two wus u prIvuLeIy owned pubIIc spuce. WIIIe LIe cILy cun cIose pubIIc purks uL
dusk, or Impose oLIer curIews, zonIng Iuws requIre ZuccoLLI`s owner Lo keep LIe
purk open Ior pussIve recreuLIon LwenLy-Iour Iours u duy.
Soon, mups were dIsLrIbuLed und peopIe begun Lo murmur, Go Lo ocuLIon Two In
LIIrLy mInuLes. TIe IIrsL urrIvuIs Look seuLs beneuLI LIe Lrees on LIe eusLern sIde,
urrunged LIemseIves In smuII groups, und uLe peunuL-buLLer-und-jeIIy sundwIcIes.
By LIuL uILernoon, neurIy u LIousund peopIe Iud guLIered Ior u generuI-ussembIy
meeLIng. uLe LIuL nIgIL, P. wenL Iome; neurIy LIree Iundred oI IIs comrudes
seLLIed In Lo sIeep LIere.
n LIe nexL Iew weeks, LIe encumpmenL becume more esLubIIsIed, wILI LenLs,
desks, wuIkwuys, wIreIess nLerneL, u kILcIen, und un exLensIve IendIng IIbrury. A
sorL oI orgunIzuLIon Look sIupe, wILI peopIe IormIng u seemIngIy endIess urruy oI
workIng groups: SLrucLure, ucIIILuLIon, SunILuLIon, ood, DIrecL AcLIon, SuIe
Spuces. A mId-OcLober buIunce sIeeL Irom LIe occupuLIon`s Inunce WorkIng
Group reporLed LIuL IL Iud receIved Iour Iundred und IIILy LIousund doIIurs In
donuLIons, wIIcI IL wus keepIng In Lwo uccounLs uL AmuIgumuLed Bunk. AImosL
every uILernoon Ior Lwo monLIs, dependIng on LIe weuLIer, Iundreds oI peopIe
guLIered In LIe purk. Some were druwn Lo LIe cumerus und LIe specLucIe; some
cume Ior LIe Iree Iood, sIeILer, und medIcuI cure; und some sIowed up Ior LIe
eurnesL poIILIcuI conversuLIon und becuuse LIey beIIeved LIuL LIIs mIgIL be LIe
begInnIng oI u revoIuLIon.
WIuL dId LIe movemenL wunL? On SepLember zoLI, LIree LIousund mIIes uwuy
Irom ZuccoLLI Purk, WIILe und usn LrIed Lo wrILe u munIIesLo In LIe Iorm oI u IeLLer
Lo PresIdenL Obumu. TIey sougIL Lo Iuve bunkIng-IndusLry reguIuLIons LIgILened,
IIgI-Irequency LrudIng bunned, uII LIe IInuncIuI IruudsLers responsIbIe Ior LIe
zoo8 crusI urresLed, und u PresIdenLIuI commIssIon Iormed Lo InvesLIguLe
corrupLIon In poIILIcs. We wIII sLuy Iere In our encumpmenL In IberLy PIuzu-
ZuccoLLI Purk`s posL-occupuLIon nume-unLII you respond Lo our demunds, LIe
IeLLer concIuded.
MIcuI, LIIs Is u wonderIuI druIL, HoImes repIIed on SepLember zznd, wIen WIILe
e-muIIed Ier Adbusters` proposed IeLLer. However, LIe GeneruI AssembIy Is goIng
LIrougI LIIs very process oI druILIng u sLuLemenL. L sIouId be reudy LIIs
uILernoon. A week IuLer, LIe GeneruI AssembIy udopLed u DecIuruLIon oI LIe
OccupuLIon, wIIcI Is more u worId vIew LIun u IIsL oI demunds. We wrILe so LIuL
uII peopIe wIo IeeI wronged by LIe corporuLe Iorces oI LIe worId cun know LIuL we
ure your uIIIes. . . . No Lrue democrucy Is uLLuInubIe wIen LIe process Is deLermIned
by economIc power. TIe resL oI LIe sIx-Iundred-word decIuruLIon Is Luken up
muInIy by grIevunces, wIIcI pIuce LIe bIume Ior everyLIIng Irom poIson In LIe
Iood suppIy Lo crueILy Lo unImuIs on LIese corporuLe Iorces, uIso known us LIey.
WIuL sIouId be done Lo remedy LIese grIevunces? ExercIse your rIgIL Lo peuceubIy
ussembIe; occupy pubIIc spuce; creuLe u process Lo uddress LIe probIems we Iuce;
und generuLe soIuLIons uccessIbIe Lo everyone.
To muny In LIe purk, vugueness wus u vIrLue. L uIso Iud u IIsLory. n 1q6z, sLudenL
rudIcuIs guLIered In MIcIIgun Lo compIeLe LIe PorL Huron SLuLemenL, LIe IoundIng
documenL oI SLudenLs Ior u DemocruLIc SocIeLy. One sLudenL urgued LIuL un eurIy
workIng druIL wus Loo uLopIun und ImprucLIcuI. BuL Tom Huyden, LIe muIn uuLIor,
wroLe LIuL LIe movemenL sIouId remuIn umbIguous In dIrecLIon Ior u wIIIe: don`L
kIII IL by ImmedIuLeIy ImposIng IormuIus. . . . WIen conscIousness Is uL ILs proper
sLuge, we mIgIL LuIk serIousIy und In un ucLIon-orIenLed wuy ubouL soIuLIons.
Soon uILer IInIsIIng LIe decIuruLIon, LIe eurIy orgunIzers sLurLed Lo Iuve u probIem:
LIeIr soIuLIons were Lo be uccessIbIe Lo everyone, buL so wus LIeIr proLesL. TIe
crowds uL LIose eurIy meeLIngs cume In response Lo messuges broudcusL over u
nurrow cIunneI, LIe Adbusters IIsL. TIey were commILLed Lo u LungIbIe gouI, wILI
un ImmedIuLe deudIIne. BuL In eurIy OcLober, us LIe nuLIonuI medIu seIzed on LIe
ZuccoLLI Purk sLory, LIe resL oI LIe nIneLy-nIne per cenL sLurLed sIowIng up. TIe
G.A. Iud Lo LuckIe LIree new cIuIIenges sImuILuneousIy: IoIdIng ground; munugIng
u semI-permunenL vIIIuge; und guIdIng u mucI Iurger und more cucopIonous
poIILIcuI conversuLIon. AII LIIs Iud Lo be done wILI uImosL no IeuL, runnIng wuLer,
or eIecLrIcILy.
Consensus-LIe ugreed-upon meLIod oI decIsIon-mukIng-wusn`L eusy umong
Iundreds oI seII-IdenLIIIed nIneLy-nIne-per-cenLers, wIose poIILIcs runged Irom
DuIIy SIow IIberuIIsm Lo InsurrecLIonury unurcIIsm. Becuuse oI LIe ground ruIes
deLermIned by LIe peopIe sILLIng on LIe cobbIesLones In AugusL, no decIsIon couId
be mude wILIouL gIvIng everyone In uLLendunce LIe cIunce Lo cross IIs or Ier urms
und brIng LIe meeLIng Lo u IuIL. AccordIng Lo LIe G.A.`s ruIes, u nIne-LenLIs voLe
couId overrIde u bIock, buL onIy uILer eucI bIock Iud expIuIned IIs or Ier objecLIons
und LIe IucIIILuLors Iud responded. TIe IeusL reusonubIe peopIe oILen goL LIe mosL
LIme Lo speuk.
TIe G.A. Is beuuLIIuI, buL IL`s noL un eIIecLIve decIsIon-mukIng body, HoImes LoId
me In mId-OcLober. SIe wunLed LIIngs Lo be sIIgILIy more IIerurcIIcuI, wILI u
Spokes CouncII LIuL wouId Iuve IImILed duy-Lo-duy uuLIorILy over LIe cump.
On OcLober z8LI, LIree dozen members oI LIe ucIIILuLIon WorkIng Group
guLIered uround meLuI LubIes In u pubIIc uLrIum uL 6o WuII SLreeL Lo seL LIuL nIgIL`s
ugendu. TIey were goIng Lo dIscuss HoImes`s proposuI uguIn, buL wIuL eIse? An
oIder mun wILI busIy eyebrows wus vIdeoLupIng LIe proceedIngs. He suId LIuL Ie
represenLed LIe Demunds WorkIng Group, und Ie wunLed LIe G.A. Lo demund jobs
Ior uII. TIe G.A. uIreudy suId LIIs Is u movemenL wILIouL demunds, unoLIer mun
suId. So Iow cun LIere be u workIng group on demunds?
OLIer peopIe upproucIed LIe IucIIILuLors. A group oI IerbuIIsLs wunLed IIILeen
Iundred doIIurs Lo muke medIcInes. Someone wunLed Lo presenL NuLIve AmerIcun
peuce prIncIpIes derIved Irom LIe roquoIs ConIederucy. Someone eIse Iud u
IucIIILuLIon uccounLubIIILy modeI, u spreudsIeeL Ior evuIuuLIng LIe IucIIILuLors. A
represenLuLIve Irom un N.Y.U. sLudenL group usked LIe G.A. Lo IormuIIy endorse
Occupy OukIund`s Duy oI AcLIon. He wus InIormed LIuL sucI un endorsemenL Iud
uIreudy been mude. A Iew mInuLes IuLer, everyone begun speukIng uL once. WIou!
u IucIIILuLor crIed. eL`s Luke u breuLI und geL cenLered. TIIs Is u vuIId conversuLIon,
buL LIIs Is noL LIe rIgIL venue Lo Iuve IL.
As LIe IucIIILuLIon meeLIng wus wruppIng up, MurIsu HoImes, weurIng u durk-green
LrencIcouL, urrIved; soon sIe wus conIerrIng wILI Lwo oLIer orgunIzers over coId
noodIes ubouL Iow LIey wouId presenL LIe proposuI Ior LIe Spokes CouncII LIuL
evenIng. SIe Iud urrIved wILI LIe Leum LIuL wus Lo conducL LIe generuI ussembIy,
und LIe uLrIum quIckIy reorgunIzed ILseII uround LIem. DespILe LIe movemenL`s
Luboo on Ieuders, muny In LIIs group Iud uccrued u sorL oI power. MurIsu Is u quIeL
Ieuder, MurInu SILrIn, un occusIonuI IucIIILuLor und LIe uuLIor oI u book ubouL
IorIzonLuIIsm In ArgenLInu, suys. SIe`s noL u young Tom Huyden, LIe wIILe-muIe
Lype wIo by Iorce oI personuIILy und speecI wIns un urgumenL.
WIen IL wus LIme Ior LIe generuI ussembIy, u crowd oI Iour or IIve Iundred Iud
guLIered uround LIe sLeps on LIe purk`s eusLern sIde. MosL spenL LIe nexL LIree
Iours pucked In, knee Lo knee, on LIe coId sLone. Iope everyone`s doIng weII!
NeIInI SLump, one oI LIe IucIIILuLors, crIed. HIgI Iopes! HIgI energy!
HIgI Iopes! HIgI energy! LIe crowd repeuLed.
TIIs Is goIng Lo Luke Iorever, someone In IronL muLLered.
SLump Ignored IIm. SIe begun IeudIng LIe generuI ussembIy In LIe song SoIIdurILy
NoL everyone Iere Is InLo your nurrow unIon poIILIcs, LIe voIce In IronL suId.
L`s noL u unIon song, SLump suId. L`s unIon IIke 'unILy.`
TIe voIce cume Irom u mun In IIs mId-LwenLIes weurIng u cumouIIuge juckeL. He
wus sILLIng on u concreLe bencI In IronL oI LIe IucIIILuLIon Leum, one booL resLIng on
IIs knee, euLIng sweeL-poLuLo cIIps und drInkIng Irom u SLurbucks cup. He Iud LIe
Iuggurd Iook oI someone wIo Iud spenL u Iew weeks sIeepIng ouLsIde In u cILy.
Known Lo oLIer occupIers us Suge, Ie Iud wrILLen SAGE`S on LIe brIm oI IIs
busebuII cup In murker. Suge conLInued speukIng us HoImes presenLed LIe
proposuI. TIese ure uII LourIsLs, Ie suId. You do noL IIve Iere. Every LIme Ie
spoke, LIe peopIe sILLIng nexL Lo IIm sLIIIened und Irowned. Suge dId noL seem Lo
DurIng u LwenLy-mInuLe breukouL sessIon Lo dIscuss LIe proposuI, Isu ILIIun, u
IIILy-yeur-oId orgunIzer wIo works wILI HoImes, mude Ier wuy Lo LIe bencI In
IronL und LoId Suge ubouL Ier success wILI LIe Spokes CouncII modeI. SIe suId LIuL
sIe Iud worked on LIe nIneLeen-sevenLIes unLI-nucIeur cumpuIgn und LIe W.T.O.
proLesLs In SeuLLIe, In 1qqq.
TIIs Is noL u IuckIng coIIege dorm, Suge suId. UnLII you cun speuk IonesLIy wILI
me, `m noL IuvIng u conversuLIon.
SIuL LIe Iuck up, ILIIun suId. don`L need LIIs sIIL In my Iuce.
ook, wus uL TompkIns Squure Purk, Suge suId. TIIs wIoIe LIIng Ius been
IIjucked by socIuIIsL sLudenLs wIo Iuve InsInuuLed LIemseIves InLo LIe squure.
TIese peopIe don`L see me. TIey don`L LIInk compreIend. So see everyLIIng.
Ieur you, ILIIun suId.
WIy sIouId someone wIo IIves Iere Iuve Lo conIorm Lo u buncI oI LourIsLs? Suge
Your energy Is IurLIng my sysLem, ILIIun repIIed.
ook, someLImes you Iuve Lo puL your body on LIe mucIIne, Suge suId.
TIIs Is noL LIe mucIIne! ILIIun suId, Ier voIce rIsIng.
A LuII mun wILI u sLubbIed Iuce LrIed Lo cuIm Suge down. HIs nume wus Evun
Wugner und Ie wus weurIng u red NorLI uce juckeL. Ike Suge, Ie wus one oI LIe
Iew peopIe sIeepIng In LIe purk wIo boLIered wILI generuI ussembIIes. UnIIke Suge,
Ie seemed IIke someone wIo couId IInd u job II Ie wunLed one.
Suge wuved Wugner oII. Dude, you ure plcin u IomeIess person, Ie suId. Soon
Suge wus quIeL. L wus us LIougI ILIIun Iud ubsorbed Suge`s ruge so LIe resL oI LIe
meeLIng wouId noL Iuve Lo.
WIen everyone reLurned, eucI smuIIer group descrIbed ILs concerns ubouL LIe
Spokes CouncII proposuI. TIere wus u quesLIon ubouL exucLIy Iow bIocks wouId
work, und worrIes ubouL u Spokes CouncII-ocrucy. TIe LuII oIIIce buIIdIngs were
IunneIIIng u coId breeze In Irom LIe Hudson RIver. Around Len, u IucIIILuLor cuIIed
Ior u voLe. TIree peopIe ure IrusLruLed, sIe suId. Hundreds ure geLLIng IrusLruLed.
AII LIose In Iuvor, pIeuse ruIse one Iund. Suge ruIsed IIs Iund.
TIe IucIIILuLIon Leum counLed LIe voLes und udded LIem up on u ceII pIone. TIe
proposuI pussed, Lwo Iundred und eIgILy-Iour Lo sevenLeen. SLump jumped up und
down. Her voIce wus Iourse Irom LIree Iours oI yeIIIng. Everyone Is beuuLIIuI!
sIe sIouLed. Everyone Is uwesome!
TIose wIo were uround uL LIe begInnIng oI LIe Occupy WuII SLreeL movemenL LuIk
ubouL LIe oId verLIcuI IeIL versus LIe new IorIzonLuI one. By verLIcuI, LIey
meun IIerurcIy und ILs LruppIngs-Ieuders, demunds, und Issue-specIIIc ruIIIes.
TIey meun socIuI cIunge us IuId ouL by SuuI AIInsky`s RuIes Ior RudIcuIs und
Buruck Obumu`s Dreums Irom My uLIer, wIere ouLsIde orgunIzers spur
communILIes Lo ucLIon. HorIzonLuI meuns IeuderIess-IIke LIe 1qqq W.T.O.
proLesLs In SeuLLIe, LIe Arub SprIng, und even LIe Teu PurLy. Anyone cun sIow up uL
u generuI ussembIy und cIuIm u pIece oI LIe movemenL. TIIs IeLs peopIe IeeI
ImporLunL ImmedIuLeIy, und gIves LIem ImpIIcIL permIssIon Lo Luke ucLIon. L uIso
gIves u dIsproporLIonuLe umounL oI power Lo peopIe IIke Suge.
One InIIuence LIuL Is oILen cILed by LIe movemenL Is open-source soILwure, sucI us
Inux, un operuLIng sysLem LIuL compeLes wILI MIcrosoIL WIndows und AppIe`s OS
buL doesn`L Iuve un owner or u cIIeI engIneer. A progrummer numed Inus
TorvuIds cume up wILI LIe Ideu. TIousunds oI unpuId umuLeurs joIned IIm und
LIen evenLuuIIy orgunIzed InLo work groups. Some coders Iuve more InIIuence LIun
oLIers, buL unyone cun modIIy LIe soILwure und no one cun seII IL. AccordIng Lo
JusLIne Tunney, wIo conLInues Lo IeIp run, TIere Is IeudersIIp
In LIe sense oI deIerence, jusL us peopIe deIer Lo Inus TorvuIds. BuL LIe momenL
peopIe sLop respecLIng TorvuIds, LIey cun Iork IL-meunIng copy wIuL`s been buIIL
und use IL Lo buIId someLIIng eIse.
n mId-OcLober, supporLers In Tokyo, Sydney, MudrId, und ondon IeId ruIIIes;
encumpmenLs sprung up In uImosL every mujor AmerIcun cILy. NeurIy uII oI LIem
modeIIed LIemseIves on LIe New York CILy GeneruI AssembIy: wILI no oIIIcIuI
Ieuders, roLuLIng IucIIILuLors, und no IIxed seL oI demunds. Toduy, endorsemenLs oI
LIe Occupy movemenL cun be Iound everywIere, Irom unurcIIsL gruIIILI on bunk
wuIIs Lo AI Gore`s TwILLer Ieed. On u ruIn-smeured curdbourd sIgn neur LIe
sIuLLered wIndow oI un OukIund coIIee sIop LIuL Iud been desLroyed by u cudre oI
unurcIIsLs durIng u nIgILLIme cIusI wILI poIIce, someone wroLe, We`re sorry, LIIs
does noL represenL us. BeIow LIuL, someone eIse wroLe, Speuk Ior yourseII.
AL LImes, IorIzonLuIIsm cun IeeI IIke uLopIun LIeuLre. Ls greuLesL InvenLIon Is LIe
peopIe`s mIke, wIIcI sLurLs wIen someone sIouLs, MIke cIeck! TIen LIe crowd
sIouLs, MIke cIeck!, und LIen pIruses (pIruses!) ure LrunsmILLed (ure
LrunsmILLed!) LIrougI muss cIunLIng (LIrougI muss cIunLIng!). n LIe sume wuy
LIuL poker rILuuIIzes cupILuIIsm und NorLI Koreu`s muss gumes rILuuIIze
LoLuIILurIunIsm, LIe peopIe`s mIke rILuuIIzes IorIzonLuIIsm. TIe probIem, LIougI,
comes wIen muILIpIe peopIe Lry Lo summon LIe mIke sImuILuneousIy. TIen IL cun
IeeI u IoL IIke unurcIy.
TIe poIILIcs oI LIe occupuLIon run puruIIeI Lo LIe muInsLreum IeIL-LIe peopIe`s
mIke wus used Lo sIouL down MIcIeIe BucImunn und Governor ScoLL WuIker, oI
WIsconsIn, In eurIy November. BuL, In LIe end, LIe poInL oI Occupy WuII SLreeL Is
noL ILs pIuLIorm so mucI us ILs Iorm: peopIe sIL down und IusI LIIngs ouL InsLeud oI
pussIng LIeIr compIuInLs on Lo WusIIngLon. We ure our demunds, us LIe sIogun
goes. And IorIzonLuIIsm seems mude Ior LIIs momenL. L reIIes on peopIe IormIng
Ioose connecLIons quIckIy-someLIIng LIuL modern LecInoIogy exceIs uL.
EvenLs In New York seemed Lo beur ouL usn`s IuncI LIuL LIe Lemporury evIcLIon oI
LIe proLesLers Irom ZuccoLLI Purk wus un opporLunILy ruLIer LIun u deIeuL. TIe
orgunIzers were quIckIy ubIe Lo regroup und ugree LIuL LIey sIouId reLurn Lo LIe
purk, despILe LIe newIy enIorced bun on LenLs. usL TIursduy, LIe movemenL
mounLed one oI ILs IurgesL proLesLs Lo duLe. DemonsLruLors LrIed Lo sIuL down LIe
New York SLock ExcIunge (LIey IuIIed), orgunIzed u sIL-In uL LIe buse oI LIe
BrookIyn BrIdge, und LussIed wILI poIIce In ZuccoLLI Purk. More LIun Lwo Iundred
peopIe were urresLed. SImIIur Duy oI AcLIon proLesLs LemporurIIy bIocked brIdges In
CIIcugo, SL. ouIs, DeLroIL, HousLon, MIIwuukee, PorLIund, und PIIIudeIpIIu.
No muLLer wIuL Iuppens nexL, LIe movemenL`s cenLer Is IIkeIy Lo sIIIL Irom LIe
N.Y.C.G.A., jusL us IL sIIILed Irom Adbusters, und Iorm somewIere eIse, uround
some oLIer cIrcIe oI peopIe, Ideus, und pIuns. TIIs couId be LIe greuLesL LIIng LIuL
work on In my IIIe, JusLIne Tunney, oI, suId. BuL LIe
movemenL wIII Iuve oLIer Web sILes. Over LIe comIng weeks und monLIs, us oLIer
occupuLIons become more promInenL, ours wIII sIowIy become IrreIevunL. SIe
sounded us LIougI LIe IrreIevunce oI Ier projecL were boLI InevILubIe und
desIrubIe. We cun`L IoId on Lo uny oI LIuL uuLIorILy, sIe conLInued. We don`L
wunL Lo.
AILer LIe pIone cuII wILI WIILe, on LIe mornIng LIe New York poIIce cIeured
ZuccoLLI Purk, usn drove Lo Vuncouver, Lo u Iundred-yeur-oId Iouse LIuL serves
us Adbusters' IeudquurLers. usn renLs LIe Lop Lwo IIoors, wIIcI Iook down on
GrunvIIIe sIund und uIse Creek; Ie runs LIe muguzIne ouL oI LIe busemenL.
usn IIung down IIs buLLered brIeIcuse In LIe crumped conIerence room LIuL Ie
uses us un oIIIce. TIere Is u pIone, buL no compuLer, und usn spenL mosL oI LIe
duy sILLIng uL u LubIe und bruInsLormIng wILI IIs empIoyees, LIe oIdesL oI wIom
wus LIIrLy-Lwo. AILer conIerrIng wILI un Adbusters wrILer und LIe oIIIce munuger,
Ie modIIIed LIuL mornIng`s buLILub pIun. TIe nexL LucLIcuI brIeIIng wouId be spIIL
up InLo u serIes oI e-muIIs senL ouL over LIme. TIe cIessbourd Ius been
overLurned, und now u new gume begIns! usn reusoned, sIorLIy uILer noon. TIe
sLukes ure so mucI IIgIer LIIs LIme. IrsL, we need Lo IeL LIe dusL seLLIe.
usn cuIIed WIILe Lo LuIk ubouL LIIs new pIun, buL WIILe Iud uIreudy IeIL Ior LIe
UnIversILy oI CuIIIornIu`s Doe Ibrury, wIere Ie spends IIs uILernoons IookIng Ior
snIppeLs oI rudIcuI LIougIL Ior usn`s pIusLIc sIeeves. L`s LIe poInL In IIs duy wIen
Ie Ieuves beIInd uII eIecLronIc devIces Lo seek wIuL Ie cuIIs u bursL oI cIurILy.
WIILe Is noL on ucebook, wIIcI Ie cuIIs LIe commercIuIIzuLIon oI IrIendsIIp. He
uses e-muII und TwILLer onIy becuuse Ie IeeIs compeIIed Lo. HIs posILIon Ius
soILened sInce LIe LIme wIen Ie beIIeved In wIuL Ie cuIIs LIe HeIdeggerIun
crILIque oI LecInoIogy-LIuL IL Lurns us InLo empLy muLLer Ior LIe exporLuLIon oI
cupILuIIsm. usn weIcomes LIe InLernuLIonuI medIu uLLenLIon LIuL Adbusters Ius
receIved. `m surIIng, Ie suId, wIen usked II Ie ever IeIL swumped by LIe IIood oI
IncomIng messuges. WIILe IeeIs dIIIerenLIy: AII LIese e-muIIs-IL IeeIs IIke u denIuI-
oI-servIce uLLuck uguInsL my bruIn.
Every duy, us WIILe wuIks Irom IIs Iome Lo LIe IIbrury, Ie Is conIronLed by Lruces
oI wIuL Ie IeIped creuLe: posLers In sLore wIndows supporLIng u generuI sLrIke In
OukIund; posLers supporLIng LIe occupuLIon wIeuL-pusLed onLo u IooLbuII sLuLue;
We Are LIe qq PercenL! sIoguns wrILLen on wuIIs In cIuIk.
uImosL IeeI IIke `m u gIosL, or IIke `m IIvIng In u dreum, wIere my conversuLIons
wILI KuIIe Iuve munIIesLed In reuIILy, Ie suId. n mId-November, sIxLeen Iours
uILer someone creuLed u sIorL MIcuI M. WIILe enLry on WIkIpedIu, WIILe
nomInuLed IL Ior deIeLIon. Person Is non-noLubIe, Ie wroLe.

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