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QUICK DESCRIPTION OF WHAT THIS VIDEO IS It's 3 quick moments of different kinds of food monolouging to the camera in a bright,

happy environment about how great it is to be them. It should feel like Sesame Street if possible. Then a person comes to eat them and the screen goes to black and white, with some slow motion and dramatic, scary music. Then it starts over happy with the next food item. The food will sit still in whatever location we find them in. A different person can voice each food item to give some variety. There won't be any animated mouths, just some kind of food in the middle of the screen with a voice talking as if it's the food and it's completely normal that it's talking to the audience. We can either record the voices during the editing or during the shooting, depending on if we can capture good enough sound. INT. BOWL OF FRUIT - DAY An APPLE is in a fruit bowl next to some bananas and oranges and whatever other kind of fruit we put in there. APPLE Hi, how ya' doing? I'm an apple. I'm just hanging out here with my friends in this great bowl. I probably shouldn't be talking too loud 'cuz everybody's asleep. What's that? You'd like to know some things about me? Well first off, I'm very proud to be an apple. Apples are a special part of the world. One of the biggest cities around is nicknamed after me. There's even a large computer company named after who else? Me. Back whenever settlers first came over to the New World there was a surplus of -A person comes in the room and walks toward the apple. Everything goes to slow motion black and white. Cue the scary music. APPLE (panicking ) OH NO!! It's a person!!! I've gotta' hide fast!! I hope they choose one of the other fruits in this bowl!!! I know that's a dark thing to say but being in an apocalyptic situation such as this has brought out and ugly side of my apple nature!! All normal stakes have changed now since the humans have taken over!! This can't be

the end!! I must fight for my survival!! This is not how I thought it wound -Crunch. The person takes a bite of the apple. It shuts him up. This should be filmed as violently and dramatically as possible. Perhaps we're left with an image of an apple core in a trash can or being dropped carelessly on the floor. End Scene. INT. A KITCHEN COUNTER - DAY A TACO sits happily on a kitchen counter. TACO (Mexican accent if possible) Hola! I'm a taco!! Wanna be mi amigo?! Life is muy fantasico here on this counter! I have to say that I haven't been a complete taco for a very long time but in the last hour all of my parts have combined to become me, a taco! In my previous states I heard stories told of turning into a taco but I never thought it would happen to ME! But now I sit in awe of myself and just soak up the happiness of being a complete taco! I don't mean to be self centered but today is my cumpleaneos and I am LOVING it!! Back in Mejico I had -A person walks in. Goes B & W. Slow mo. Dramatic music. TACO (freaking) Aye aye aye!! Aidios mio!! What is that gigantic monster?! It seems mindless from my perspective!! I wish someone had put legs on me instead of diced tomatoes so I could flee from this potential carnagio!! I thought the people monsters were just superstitious legend passed down by all the old taco parts I knew as a young pre taco!! I never thought this appocalyptic horror was a reality!! Back in Mejico I -BLIIIAAAGHHHHH!!! The taco is eaten in violent slow mo. Crumbs and lettuce shards fall dramatically to the floor or opened taco wrap. End scene.

INT. A PLATE - DAY A marshmallow sits on a plate surrounded by his marshmallow brethren. He has the personality of a rapper. MARSHMALLOW Yo yo yo, whatup youtube?! Yo, I'm just workin' it here on dis plate keepin' it real for two thousand eleven, ya'll feel me? Life is da' bomb, yo! I'm just doin' what I always do: chillin' wit' my marshmallow homies! Shout out!! Yo, we just kick it old school style on this plate, word. We like to reminice about the old days, know what I'm sayin'? Remember hi tops? Oh shoot! Remember break dancing on cardboard boxes? Yo, I used to be da' illest head spinner outta' all the marshmallows around, word! I could spin on my head for like 10 minutes at a clip, homeboys and homegirls!! My kids don't believe me but I used to -A person or 2 walk in the room. B & W. Slow mo. Dramatic music. MARSHMALLOW (unhinged) Oh (BLEEP)!!! It's some (BLEEPIN') people!!! I shoulda' been mo' prepared for dis, yo!! I ain't even made peace with the marshmallow Jesus!! I didn't think the end was gonna' come so fast!! I ain't ready to bounce outta' the world just yet! I gotta' find da; stremph in maseff to obercome 'dis!! AHHH!! The marshmallow rolls off the plate and onto the floor and then underneath a couch, out of site. INT. UNDER THE COUCH - JUST THEN MARSHMALLOW (from under the couch) Yo, da' food that survives these people attacks is gonna' have to learn fast about how to live in deez crazy times. Things ain't gonna ever be as simple as dey wuz back on the plate. I may have to hook up wit' a rag tag group of

other surviving food items. Yo, it's definitely gonna' take me out of my comfort zone to kick it with some samiches and pizza and junk but yo' that's just how it is in this new appocalyptic reality, Doggs. We got to evolve, yo'. Tha' game done changed. You gots ta' change wit' it, feel me? A SANDWICH with a bite taken out of him comes over next to the Marshmallow. SANDWICH Hey, have they gotten to you, man? Have you kept your foodanity? MARSHMALLOW Yo, I been thru' da' (bleep) too and I'm still kickin' it and I intend to continue kickin' it. If you want to start a food team then I'm game. But don't play me for no fool, Homie. I'm a marshmallow you don't wanna have as an enemy. SANDWICH Man, I lost my family. They got eaten. Look at me. Someone took a bite of me. Luckily they got a phone call before they got any further and I had time to sneak away. I'm alone in this never ending hell just like you. I just need a friend. And by the way, the safety of being under this couch is nice but it already feels like it's getting boring and dragging. We should get a move on. MARSHMALLOW Well, there's only one thing left to do -The Marshmallow looks at the camera (whatever that means). MARSHMALLOW SUVIVE!!!! The Marshmallow and the Sandwich high five (whatever that means). "Times They Are A Changing" by Bob Dylan or a cryptic Johnny Cash song plays as they hobble away. The End. SUPA' BIG.

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