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ArticIe TitIe: Modern forms of SIuvery by UN

There moy be some words fhof ore
new or need defining. Use fhis oreo
fo record, ond in your own words
expIoin whof fhey meon

Exocerbofe-moke o probIem or
sifuofion worse.

Source ReIiubiIity
O ho wrofe fhis orficIe7
The UM wrofe fhis orficIe
O ho is fheir oudience7
Their oudience is fhe peopIe fhof ore educofed ond
peopIe who ore frying fo sove sIoves.
O s fhis o reIiobIe source7 hy or why nof7
f is o reIiobIe source becouse if is wriffen by fhe
UM, on orgoni;ofion fhof is mode for securify ond fo
foke core of peopIe oround fhe worId.

key stutements sfofemenfs fhof you fhink ore
inferesfing or imporfonf.
t is estimated that more than 250,000 children are currently
being exploited as child soldiers in as many as 30 areas of
conflict around the world. Many of the kidnapped girls who
are made into child soldiers are also forced into sexual

%he nternational Organization for Migration estimates that
annually 700,000 women, girls, men and boys are being
traficked across borders away from their homes and families
and into slavery.

n estimated 5.7 million children are victims of forced and
bonded labour, also known as debt bondage, and 1.2 million
children are victims of child trafficking.

Linked to trafficking is the commercial sexual exploitation of
children of whom 1 million, mainly girls, are forced into
prostitution every year. %hese girls are sold for sex or used
in child pornography in both the developed and the
developing world.
largely as a result of vulnerability exacerbated by poverty,
discrimination and social exclusion.

Whut 'perspectives' wouId this support?
!ersonoI MofionoI 0IoboI Fufure

The perspective wouId be SIobuI becuuse UN usuuIIy
mukes urticIes towurds the worId und ubout the
worId, AIso in the urticIe it incIudes words such us
borders und worId, So it suggests thut the urticIe is
uimed towurds the worId,

My Summury of the urticIe
-More thun Z000 chiIdren ure being trufficked uround the worId the epIoiters turns
them into chiId soIdiers,
-The InternutionuI Orgunizution for Migrution estimutes thut there ure 70000 women
und chiIdren thut ure being trufficked
-,7 miIIion chiIdren ure victims-forced Iubours
-1,Z miIIion chiIdren ure victims-chiId trufficking
-1 miIIion girIs ure being trufficked for prostitution or seuuI ubuse
-AII becuuse of increuse number of vuInerubIe peopIe in poverty ureus,

ArtlClC tltlC: [OOCrn FOrm O( lvCrx
keywords/definitions There moy be some words fhof ore new or need defining. Use fhis oreo fo
record, ond in your own words expIoin whof fhey meon.
Exocerbofe-moke o probIem or sifuofion worse.

[ummrlC thC KCx DOlnt.
-More thun Z000 chiIdren ure being trufficked uround the worId the epIoiters turns

them into chiId soIdiers,
-The InternutionuI Orgunizution for Migrution estimutes thut there ure 70000 women
und chiIdren thut ure being trufficked
-,7 miIIion chiIdren ure victims-forced Iubours
-1,Z miIIion chiIdren ure victims-chiId trufficking
-1 miIIion girIs ure being trufficked for prostitution or seuuI ubuse
-AII becuuse of increuse number of vuInerubIe peopIe in poverty ureus,

Whut 'perspectives' wouId this support?
!ersonoI MofionoI 0IoboI Fufure
The perspective wouId be SIobuI becuuse UN usuuIIy mukes urticIes towurds the worId
und ubout the worId, AIso in the urticIe it incIudes words such us borders und worId,
So it suggests thut the urticIe is uimed towurds the worId,

How reIiubIe is this informution? {Source reIiubiIity}
O ho wrofe fhis orficIe7
The UM wrofe fhis orficIe becouse fhey wonf fo send oworeness oround fhe worId obouf
O ho is fheir oudience7
Their oudience wouId be educofed peopIe or onybody becouse fhof's whof fhe UM does.
They send oworeness fo onybody ond fhey heIp onybody who needs if.
O s fhis o reIiobIe source7 hy or why nof7
This source is reIiobIe becouse of fhe boffom of fhe poge fhere is o source poge. AIso UM
won'f posf onyfhing fhof isn'f reIiobIe becouse fhey ore o frusfed orgoni;ofion fhof heIps

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