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'In \vith the spirit .of

Christmas the Laurelhurst' Par-
association ex'e'cu-
tive- board is sponsoring I 'a
shower of toys, books and se-
le,cted comics for' the :,fwys at
the Frazier' detention' ho'me,
which is at the edge o{,its dis-
trict, " '
Parents:' and children:.--in the'
district, have been invited, to
'share' in ,this Christmas pr,oject
by bringing to the school used
put' usable gifts appropriate for
'the boys at the home, Any 'gifts
received that ar.e 'particularly
appropriate for girls win be'dis-
tribul:ed at the Girls' 'JilVenile
hOJ:l1e. '
E'a'ch 'yea'r Laurelhurst' Par-
ent-Tca'cher. association, as part
of 'its planned program, pro-
vides the boys at the hon1e .with'
subscriptions to good boys' mag-
azines, and representa tives froni.
the executive board of the asso'
cialion m'eet with the superin-
tendent of the hOme ,to help,
plan constructive recreation for
the boys, ' ,
XvII'S.. Ronald Brown, social
welfa're and juvenile protection
chairman for ' the Laurelhurst
Parent-Teacber association, is
in, charge of the, toy shower and
has as her committee Mrs. L.' \V.
Bame, Mrs. John Clark, Mrs.
J. E.- Mulligan, Mrs.' G. ,C. Nick-
erson and Mr!'. George W.- Win-
kler. They will arrange and dis-
tribute the donafed gifts to the
boys and girls,:at the homes the
week before. Christmas.
Hot rice or fried Chinese
'Brown cubes of pork ill hot
fat. Add onion,' mushrooms and
celery.and saute lightly. Add
seasonings, and, bouillon. Cover'
and cook until' vegetables are
tender, Mix sauce, )Vorce's-
tershire, sauce with flou'r to
a paste, adding a- little
water to make: it smooth. Add
to chop suey and cook until :MOTHERS', PARTY SET
. constantly. Add The Theta xi Mothers' club
bean ',:sprOl.lts and, ,heat thol'4 61 Dreg'on Stat, e college w, ill ex'-
ollghly. Serve over hot'Tice or'
fried noodle,s. '. Sprinkle with change',. gifts. at a Christmas
party 'at the home of Mrs, Lynn
shredded alll1onds. . Hasmussen, 2323 N. E. 13th ave':
CrtlrOtor nue, Friday at 12:30 p. n1, Molh..
C.l'an- rls. OrCJ:onJiltl !:IClStC.'l.'1 }lOUiC. '1'he ers', of new pledges will be
after 1;-1;;3-;,;;2-;:0:;s;:,=w=' :::p:::or:::t1=iIJ1:::d='=l,=o:::r=,='=':::'=g=ll=CS=t=s=,====================

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