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Chelsie Pyles

Classroom Management Plan


O %heorists and theories that I believe in

I have always believed in the behavioral theory oI rewarding and giving
consequences Ior positive and negative behavior, like Skinner. With
consequences, I think it is important to make them meaningIul and logical
%he theorist that I Ieel I mirror the most is William Glasser. I Ieel that
giving a child the opportunity to make the right choices gives them a sense oI
responsibility. I also think that positive reinIorcement and having a positive
atmosphere in your classroom allows the students to Ieel saIe and encourages
them to learn. I also think that praising Ior good behavior builds good Ioundations
Ior their Iuture learning. I also insure that my students know that it is okay to
make mistakes as long as they Iix them.
Like Fred Jones, I think that positive classroom discipline is important,
just using proximity control instead oI broadcasting a student`s behavior will
allow your students to respect you, and not let them Ieel humiliated.
O Classroom Rules
1. Please Iollow directions.
2. Please be a good listener.
3. Please use quiet and kind voices.
4. Please raise your hand to talk.
5. Please keep your hands, Ieet and all other objects to yourselI.

O Management Plan/Procedures
1. %he strategy used to re Iocus the class is when the teacher says 'one, two, three,
eyes on me, then the students respond with ' one, two, eyes on you as they stop
whatever they are doing and put their eyes and attention on the teacher.
2. Another strategy to use to make sure that all students are paying attention or to
quiet them down is kind oI like Simon says. %he teacher says, 'II you can hear me
put your hands on your head, iI you can hear me put your hands on your nose
etc. until your Iinish with 'iI you can hear me put your hands in your lap.
3. %he students will have classroom jobs, and each week the jobholders will
change. %he diIIerent jobs will be line leader, door holders (2), lunch duty (2),
teacher (class duties).
4. Morning Procedures: When the students come into the classroom, they will
know to unload Iolder Irom bag and put it in the black box, take lunch out and put
it on the shelI, hang their backpacks on a hook, and sit down on the carpet Ior
5. II at the end oI the day and the student did not have to pull a card and still has
green he/she gets a sticker on a behavior chart. AIter the chart is all Iull, the
student will be able to pick a treasure out oI the treasure box.
O Consequences
Chelsie Pyles
Classroom Management Plan

1. Verbal Warning
2. Change Card (green, yellow, red, black)
3. %ime out
4. Call home
5. Principals oIIice
O Rewards
1. Compliments and Smiles
2. %eam points
3. Sticker Chart/%reasure box
4. Student oI the Week
5. Positive Reports
O Signal to Quiet/ReIocus Class
1. 'Eyes up- %eacher will say 'eyes up and all students stop what they are doing
and put their eyes and attention on the teacher.
2. %eacher will clap a beat, and students will echo the beat Iollowed by another
beat with a student repeat. %he students will know that they need to be quit and all
ears and eyes on the teacher aIter clapping the beats.
O Strategies to ReIocus Individual Student(s)
- %o reIocus an individual student can easily be done by standing or walking in
their proximity. Most students will stop what they are doing and start working on
the assigned task. II that doesn`t work I would just point or explain what they
should be doing and stand there a minute until they Ielt ready to work on their
O %echniques/Strategies to Establish Positive Rapport with Student
- Get to know your students, their name, interests.
- Speak to your students with respect, and Iace to Iace or on their level.
- Believe in your students and give them a chance to Iail and succeed.
- Make school a place that they can Ieel saIe and enjoy coming to everyday.
- Involve your students in all classroom duties.
- Encourage them to do well in all that they do.
- I always say, 'It`s okay to make mistakes, as long as we Iix them

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