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December 2011 Omnibus Week 1 Princeton Survey Research Associates International for National Journal Final Topline Results

December 5, 2011 1,008 adults age 18 and older Margin of error: Plus or minus 3.7 percentage points Interviewing dates: December 1 - 4, 2011 Notes: Due to rounding, percentages may not add to 100. An asterisk (*) indicates values less than 0.5%.

Princeton Survey Research Associates International December 2011 Omnibus Week 1

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CC1. Congress is considering legislation requiring all states which allow their own residents to carry concealed weapons to extend that right to non-residents with a concealed-carry permit from another state. Supporters say this legislation is necessary to ensure that people authorized to carry concealed weapons in their own state can protect themselves wherever they are. Opponents say it would undermine each states ability to set its own standards for who can carry guns, like age or training requirements. Which comes closer to your own view? [READ 1-2 IF NECESSARY] Dec 1-4 2011 40 49 11

This legislation is necessary to ensure people can protect themselves wherever they are and should become law (OR) The legislation would undermine each states ability to set its own standards for who can carry guns and should not become law Dont know/Refused (VOL.)

CC2. Some experts believe there are as many as 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States today. Which ONE of the following steps, if any, do you think the government should take to deal with illegal immigrants? [READ 1-3 IN ORDER FOR HALF SAMPLE, READ IN REVERSE ORDER FOR OTHER HALF SAMPLE] Dec 1-4 2011 25 39 28 5 3

Deport ALL illegal immigrants, no matter how long they have been in the U.S. Deport SOME, but allow those who have been here for many years and have broken no other laws to stay here legally [OR] Allow ALL illegal immigrants to stay, provided they have broken no other laws and commit to learning English and U.S. history None of the above (VOL.) Dont know/Refused (VOL.)

CC3. Last year, Congress provided a temporary reduction in the payroll tax paid by workers on their wages. Unless Congress extends this tax cut soon, it will expire. Supporters say this tax cut gives people more money to spend and helps the economy. Opponents say it increases the federal debt without doing much to help the economy. Do you think Congress should or should NOT extend the payroll tax cut? Dec 1-4 2011 58

Should extend payroll tax cut

Princeton Survey Research Associates International December 2011 Omnibus Week 1

Page 3 32 10 Should not extend payroll tax cut Dont know/Refused (VOL.)

CC4. As you may know, the federal government now helps pay for up to 99 weeks of unemployment insurance for people who have lost their jobs. Unless Congress acts to extend these benefits by the end of this year, unemployed people will receive only 26 weeks of benefits. In your opinion, should Congress [READ 1-3] Dec 1-4 2011 29 20 46 2 3

Take action to keep unemployment benefits at 99 weeks, Limit unemployment benefits to 26 weeks, OR Set a new limit for unemployment benefits between 26 and 99 weeks? None/Other (VOL.) Dont know/Refused (VOL.)

CC5. This week, Congress will vote on legislation that would make it more difficult for federal agencies, like the Environmental Protection Agency and Securities and Exchange Commission, to issue new regulations. This legislation calls for more cost-benefit analysis about the impact of new regulations and additional study of their impact on small businesses. In general, which of the following concerns you MORE about this issue[READ AND RANDOMIZE 1-2] Dec 1-4 2011 45 41 2 12

That regulatory officials appointed by President Obama will go too far in imposing unnecessary regulations on business and hurt the economy [OR] That Congress will go too far in reducing the authority of regulatory agencies and weaken oversight of business on issues like environmental protection and financial fraud? Neither is a concern (VOL.) Dont know/Refused (VOL.)

Princeton Survey Research Associates International December 2011 Omnibus Week 1

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Princeton Survey Research Associates International December 2011 Omnibus Week 1

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