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ulseases 1ransmlLLable 1hrough Sallva Cold Sores


What is "Cold Sores"?
'Cold Sores are small, painIul, Iluid-
Iilled blisters or sores that appear on the lips,
mouth, or nose that are caused by a virus
(Mortada, Tran, Young, and Nettleman, 2008).
The virus that can cause cold sores is called
Herpes Simplex Virus, which is commonly
known as HSV. There have Iound to be two types oI Herpes Simplex Virus existing in this
world; type one (HSV-1), and type two (HSV-2). According to Cold Sores, the type one virus
usually causes oral herpes, or cold sores, while contrarily, the type two virus usually aIIects
the genital area (2010). The Herpes Simplex Virus is highly inIectious; it can be transIerred
very easily iI a person gets too close to one another, most oI the time aIter a person gets
inIected, the virus usually stays inactive until it gets triggered by some stimuli to be active
(Cold Sore, 2007). However, there are rare cases that the virus might stay inactive Ior the rest
oI the person`s liIe iI it does not get activated.
Signs and Symptoms
Once the Herpes Simplex Virus is
activated, it moves Irom its hiding place in
nerve root back up to the skin and cause some
kind oI tickly Ieeling, and once it starts to
appear, it would get painIul, itchy, and would
be very easy to notice which can cause
embarrassment to the person who has it (Hicks, 2008). Moreover, iI by any chance, the cold
ulseases 1ransmlLLable 1hrough Sallva Cold Sores

sores occur again, the blisters dry out quickly and leave reddish layers in their places which
would eventually disappear within a Iew days or so (Mortada, Tran, Young, and Nettleman,
ethods of Prevention
UnIortunately, Primary outbreak oI cold
sores is not possible to be completely
prevented, cold sores are most inIectious when
they burst and would still have the ability to
inIect others until it heals completely, and that
is why direct contact should be avoided
(Preventing cold sores, 2007). However, according to Preventing cold sores, there are ways to
minimize the spreading oI cold sores, such as, avoiding direct contact, washing hands to stay
clean, and avoiding kissing and oral sex (2007).
1reatments Available
Unluckily, there is no treatment
available Ior getting rid oI the Herpes Simplex
Virus once it gets into your body. Nevertheless,
there are steps that the patient can Iollow in
order to reduce the eIIects oI cold sores. The
steps that can be carried out are as Iollows,
taking pain killer such as paracetamol, applying anti-viral cold sore creams which would
reduce the itchy Ieeling, avoiding contact with the blisters and wash your hands all the time
to prevent the spreading, avoiding the sharing oI personal objects, and last but not the least,
increasing the water intake in order to reduce dehydration (Cold sores (oral herpes), 2008).

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