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Name : Samsul bin Siji Matrix ID : 2009438014

Date : 24
November 2011
Personal Selling assignment
Personal selling is deIined as one to one communication to customer to build a
relationship between them. Moreover, it also a way that the sellers IulIill the buyer need and
Personal selling is one oI elements in promotional mix, while the promotion is one oI
elements in marketing mix. Marketing mix is consists by Iour elements, which is place,
promotion, price and product.
First, to create a good environment in marketing, we must have a strategic place. For
example, we will take two examples, one company choose hotspot place where as one company
selects place that do not approach many customer. First situation is example oI getting the right
place in a way to create a good marketing in business.
Second, is a promotion. There a lot way to create good promotion which is we can use
promotional mix as a tool in promotion. Promotional mix also consists Iour parts, which is
personal selling, publicity or public relation, advertisements and sales promotions. In personal
selling, we will use communication, which is oral communication between two parties. We will
use one to one communication to build a strong relationship. On the other hand the buyer will get
their need and demand, while the seller will achieve target sales.
While another promotional mix is publicity, publicity also known as public relations, and
is deIine as is way that the seller use media medium to publish and attract their potential buyer
about their products. For example, there a lot oI cosmetic products in market, Avon Company
choose a media as their marketing plan, which their will advertise in magazine, catalogue and
television in order to compete with other competitors.
Then, advertisement. Back to previous example, Avon Company select advertisement
their product as tool to marketing their products. They took television, catalogue, magazine and
others as their medium to advertise their products. Last part oI promotional mix is sales
promotions, which is the seller will use their power to create good sales promotions. For
example, Year End Sales (YES) is one oI national sales in our country. So there are lot oI
company will took this chance to get their loyal & potential buyer.
Back to marketing mix, the third components is by reducing the price. We closely related
by reduce the price we is an example oI sales promotions. This automatically will make us to
stay in market and still in market competition.
Lastly, is the product. Product is a thing us will change to the buyer as exchange with
their money. To create the good product, we must do a marketing and research and development
strategy to ensure we still in market.
There a lot oI personal selling philosophy. One oI the thought is to create a proIit. As a
seller we will aim the proIit in making the business. So, will always contribute in market as long
we have a capital and remain in market.
Second, is to maximize the need and customer satisIaction. By doing this we will get a
loyal customer, which contribute us to stay longer in market.
Then, we also will chose two way communication, which between the seller and the
buyer. By doing this we will build a close relationship to the customer or buyer.
Personal selling evolution is evolution time by time that have been Iaced by the personal
selling. There are two evolution that have been Iaced by the personal selling, which is sales
oriented and customer oriented.
BeIore we are using customer oriented, we use a sales oriented which the aim is to get the
maximize proIit but never think about customer need and demand. On the other hand, the
customer oriented selling is always close to customer to ensure they still remain in market and

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