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Merry Chr|stmas 2011

1hls year as usual was fllled wlLh loLs of Lravel and loLs of LheaLre
And so many blesslngs! 1o Cod 8e Lhe Clory! Merry ChrlsLmas!
Ln[oy our lcLures!
Sprlng 8reak Crulse 2011

CaLherlne ls now 14 years old
She had braces for [usL over a year buL
recenLly goL Lhem off!

CaLherlne en[oylng her 13
crulse over

We made lL Lo our favorlLe spoL 8asLa's" ln Cozumel Mexlco Lwlce Lhls year!

rean bys cme fr 3 week v|s|t
1hls summer we had 2 korean boys come for a vlslL 1hey were
10 years old We had a greaL Llme showlng Lhem Amerlcan
food and Amerlcan fun 8oLh almosL crled when Lhey had Lo
go back Lo korea 1hey were such fun A greaL experlence for
us and for Lhem Loo CoL Lo Lell Lhem [usL a llLLle abouL !esus
and whaL we belleve and why

1helr flrsL frled chlcken ever!

lun ln lL Lauderdale
8reLL Look over WesL alm 8each offlce Loo so we vlslL Lhere as
ofLen as we can!
lound a llLLle sweeL spoL Slnger lsland" LhaL we would love Lo
purchase as a fuLure reLlremenL condo!

CaLherlne was elecLed as vlce resldenL of her 8eLa
Club 1hese Lop sLudenLs learn Lo help oLhers by
volunLeerlng She and Connle volunLeer qulLe
frequenLly aL several dlfferenL places

CaLherlne volunLeerlng aL Clve klds Lhe World
rovldlng a compllmenLary alllncluslve vacaLlon Lo Wlsh" Chlldren wlLh Lermlnal lllnesses
Check lL ouL aL wwwCk1Worg

reLLy much Lhe whole sprlng was spenL pracLlclng and performlng ln Lhe Carden 1heaLre's producLlon of 1he
Sound of Muslc 1hey had over 20 shows and lL was an lncredlble experlence
1he Snd f Ms|c Cather|ne |s L|sa

O Check out the article that my mother published in the West Orange Times newspaper
O CIick: Grandmother refIects on Iifetime of 'Sound of Music'


CaLherlne ln her flrsL role ln a movle

CaLherlne ln Annle"
Per sprlng muslcal aL 8rldgewaLer Mlddle

ChrlsLy moved ouL Lo her own place ln downLown Crlando
SLlll Lhe slsLers spend a loL of Llme LogeLher whlle Mom and uad Lravel

1C AWAkDS kCMC1ICNS ICk SAUNDLkS fr 2011 (Gd |s s gd!)
8reLL's MasLers 1rlp 8eward for belng #1 Manager ln Lhe whole company
uerLa vallerLa ln Aprll 2011 vlew from our balcony LoLs of fun and such a greaL spoL!

Chr|sty gets prmted at wrk 8rke |ts f recrds |n her sa|es department s they prmted her!

acks up and moves Lo ManagemenL!
ChrlsLy ls now an LxecuLlve MeeLlngs Manager for 1he Swan and uolphln aL ulsney She ls responslble for selllng
groups Lo have Lhelr meeLlngs aL her hoLel

Cnn|e keaches M||||na|res C|b stats w|th Cr|se |anners (8k|ng ver 51m||||n |n sa|es |n ne year)

#7 ln Lhe WPCLL Company!
#2 ln Sales for ulsney Crulse Llne and #3 for Carnlval Crulse Llne!

AL Lhe Crulse lanners' annual convenLlon we were
awarded for our efforLs Connle goL Lo Leach a class
on lallure ls noL an CpLlon" and she goL Lo be on a
anel of oLher Mllllonalres ln Lhe Who wanLs Lo be
a mllllonalre" segmenL

A||Inc|s|ve kesrt 1rave|
1raveled a blL ouL of our crulse" comforL zone and began booklng more alllncluslve resorLs
Cnce you go you know! So we geL Lo go Lry Lhem ouL flrsL!
8lu 8esorL ln !amalca

Sandals !amalca 8reLL fun ln alrporL Sandals lounge

Club Med Sand lper resorL llorlda Ll uorado 8esorL ln Cancun Mexlcan 8lvera

lAMlL? vlSl1S
CoL Lo go Lo Ashevllle Lo see Lhe folks several Llmes durlng 2011
CaLherlne goL Lo go Lo 8llLmore house durlng one vlslL Lhls pasL summer

lamlly reunlon over Labor uay wlLh Lrln's son MaLL and hls famlly!

Lrln helped so much aL
8reLL's 30
8lrLhday parLy!

1he love of our llfe !osle Lhe mlnpln

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