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10/31/11 Biorhthms and their effect on Group Dnamics and Team Dnamics

Biorhthms &
Group Dnamics
and Team Dnamics
The Crossing. A Place where people meet
The study oI Biorhythms is over 80 years old now, with Physical, Intellectual, and Emotional Biorhythm having
been discovered along the way. There is a multitude oI services and soItware being oIIered with regards to
Biorhythms like biorhythm charting, readings, Iorecasts, the list is nearly endless. Almost all oI this inIormation is
based on personal biorhythm cycles. Although I Iind these personal services useIul, that is not what this page is
about. This page is about what type oI eIIect biorhythms have on a group oI people, or a team oI employees, all oI
who have diIIering biorhythmic cycles. How do Group Dynamics or Team Dynamics change when you add or
remove certain members with unique properties, and why some people simply don't get along with each other, all
due to Biorythmic incompatibility, as well as what one can do about it iI they have to.
There is also a Free WinXP/98/ME/2000 compatible Biorhythm Calculator SoItware at the end oI this page Ior
you to download. The diIIerence oI this Biorhythm SoItware compared to other such applications is that it allows
you to track and compare 15 individuals, and gives you a quick overview oI who is compatible with home, and in
which respect.
As a team building exercise, enter all members oI a team oI employees into the soItware and look at who is
compatible with whom. One oI the team building activities you could do is described below, which is to insert a
bridge into a group iI you notice that there are two deIinite groups Iorming that are not communicating well. You
will quickly learn that enabling eIIicient teamwork is not a matter oI accident, but a question oI design and careIul
My interest in biorhythms goes back about Iour years now, and I have been doing a considerable amount oI private
research on this topic. My main interest is the study oI human behavior within a group, and group and team
dynamics in general. As a programmer, I Iind myselI Irequently working in small teams, and I Iind it interesting to
see how the individual members relate to each other.
When we look at human beings and their behavior to each other, several Iactors dictate what the Iinal outcome will
be. One oI these Iactors is how well these people communicate with each other. We all assume that people are
always the same. OI course, those oI us who believe in the concept oI biorhythms know that parts oI our bodies
change on a regular basis. We have suIIicient research at this point that these cycles are real, start the day we are
born (which by the way is strange, as it should really be the day we were conceived), and depending on these
cycles, our physical, emotional and intellectual abilities go Irom highs to lows and back to highs very predictably.
From that, it Iollows that people who have matching cycles will get along better than people who have mismatched
cycles, as when one person is up and the other is down, over the long run this will lead to Iriction and
misunderstandings. The way I explain the intellectual compatibility between to people is to use people under the
10/31/11 Biorhthms and their effect on Group Dnamics and Team Dnamics
inIluence oI alcohol as an example. Two people who are sober can communicate perIectly well. Two people who
are drunk can communicate perIectly well also, though it is oIten humorous to the more sober people. On the other
hand, one person who is drunk and one person that is sober just cannot communicate satisIactorily Ior both parties.
Friction develops very quickly because the drunk person just doesn't get what the sober person is telling him or her,
and the some goes the other way. We assume that this is the Iault oI the drunk person because they don't have the
mental capacity to think at this point. I disagree. I think the reason they cannot communicate is because they are
talking Irom two diIIerent states oI mind, and a diIIerent set oI reIerences to establish a common context.
I believe that biorhythms operate exactly the same way. II one person is in their intellectual high cycle and one is in
their intellectual low cycle, communication is Ilawed, and the more complicated the topic, the worse the experience
gets. The person in their intellectual high cycle (A) will grasp connections and concepts at a rate that the one in the
low cycle (B) is simply not able to match. Person A will quickly become aware oI this and become impatient with
Person B's obvious slowness. Person B will also become upset, with him or herselI, and with Person A. Person A
just can't slow down, and Person B just can't speed up. This will lead to conIlict, striIe, and eventually to a
dysIunctional team. Now, what iI we could introduce one or more people with the skill to understand concepts well
to 'translate' them between Person A and Person B? II you talk in terms oI biorhythms, these people would have to
be between the cycles oI Person A and Person B. I like to reIer to these individuals are a bridge.
Team Building Eercise
So, let's say that we have these two experts that are both incredibly smart, both experts in their Iields, and we want
them to work together, but, comparing their biorhythmic curves, we know they are completely incompatible with
each other. What iI we threw two more people into the team, people who have suIIicient understanding oI the
concepts to communicate them, but are not at the level oI the Experts in thinking up new concepts. We must ensure
that, throughout the cycle, whenever Expert A is high and Expert B is low, one oI the two other members are
between them, maybe each 'bridge' closer to one oI the Experts. Now we have the necessary buIIering between
the Experts at any time in the cycle, we avoid Iriction, and we allow whichever Expert is on their low cycle to still
continue communicating with the rest oI the team.
The same holds true Ior the other curves, especially the emotional one. In a group oI Iriends that is emotionally
unmatched, you will have some members that are Ieeling great, and others that are Ieeling poor at any one time. Get
two groups like that together, and you won't have a group Ior very long. On the other hand, throw in some people
who are in between, that can relate to both sides will avoid much oI the aggression caused by either group making
statements on how they Ieel. Remove those individuals, and suddenly conIlict will arise.
So remember, teamwork is not an accident, it is careIul planning. That's why it's called Team Building.
Please proceed to download Your Free Biorhythm Calculator SoItware and start your Team Building exercises.
You can Iind Instructions Ior using the your Biorhythm Calculator here
or iI you preIer, you can use the Online Biorhythm Calculator here
More on Biorhthms? How about Biorhythms and Friendship, Biorhythms in Love and Romance, or Biorhythms
and Marriage
or compare yourselI to dozens oI Iemale or male Celebrities, or my new Bollywood Celebrity Section all on one

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