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arLnershlp ueed

Partnership Deed
The name oI the Iirm shall be Saif textile mill and the commencement oI business at 30
dec. 2011 Within 30 days Irom the commencement oI business, the Iirm shall be registered. The
nature oI business is design or manuIacture oI clothing and their distribution.
The business oI the Iirm shall be carried on at Karachi (OIIice No.725, 7th Floor,
Mashriq Centre Block-14, Gulshan-e-Iqbal) ((0092 21) 4945072, 4890809).
The partnership duration is 5 years. Duration start is date oI commencement oI business.
There are a Iour partner in this business:
O Mr. Tariq YousuI, male, Muslim, son oI Mr. Muhammad YousuI, resident in Karachi
O Mr. Hassan Ali, male, Muslim, son oI Mr. Liaqat Ali Chohan, resident in Lahore
O Mr. Umer Naseem male, Muslim, son oI Mr. Naseem Syed, resident in Faisalabad
O Mr. Adnan Nawaz, male, Muslim, son oI Mr. Muhammad Nawaz, resident in Karachi
The business oI the Iirm shall be sum oI Rs. 1,000,000 to be contributed by the partners
in equal shares, and shall be paid immediately aIter the execution oI these presents
First partner Mr. Tariq is duties is advertisement oI business and second partner Mr.
Hassan is duty is providing a raw material and third partner Mr. Umer duty is distribution oI
clothing in diIIerent cities and last partner Mr. Adnan duty is maintained an accounting records
oI the business.
The head oIIice oI business is Karachi and there are Iour branches oI business (Karachi,
Lahore, Faisalabad and Multan. The proIits and losses shall belong to and be borne by the
partners in equal shares
All Iour oI the partners shall devote the whole oI their time and attention to the best
advantage oI the business oI the Iirm.
arLnershlp ueed

The amount oI salary is paid to the partners who are perIorming a important task in a
business like a maintained a accounting record oI all the business and branches and maintained a
every employee record.
AIter one week maintained, prepared and updated a every record oI the business. The
business dealing oI the bank is Habib bank limited (HBL).AIter one year completed a business
successIully then audit oI your account Ior true and Iairness view oI the account.
In case oI insolvency oI one partner the deIiciency will cover a other partner in the Iorm
oI investment.
%he witness of partnership deed is:
Mr. Sadiq Hussain
A-15, Usman Plaza, Block 13/B, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi.
II the business duration is complete then business will be dissolution. II the dissolution oI the business
then settlement oI proIit and loss must be distributed oI an equally ratio.

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