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G Liquid Chlorophyll

Cleansing to make good health a way of life.

Health is the level of functional and (or) metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person in mind, body and spirit; "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health-sciences research worldwide has proven that a person needs 20% acidic food and 80% alkaline food to maintain total good health. (Acidic food includes meat, seafood, canned food, sugar, salt, rice, egg yolk, cheese, alcohol, carbonated drink etc. Alkaline foods are fruits, vegetables and seaweed etc.) Percentage increase in acidic food in turn increases acidic levels in our body leading to illness (now very common amongst us) like heart disease, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. One needs to maintain an alkaline pH level of 7.4 too. Our Diets are acidic and we run miles from the green leafy vegetables on table (even if you are a vegetarian!!!!).Smoking and Drinking is a routine and more importantly stress levels have eaten into our rest. A component vital for revival and proper functioning of the body. How do you plan to stay healthy???

Nature to our rescue Chlorophyll Rediscovered

The good news is that Chlorophyll has been rediscovered. Chlorophyll is the green coloring agent found in all leafy green plants and vegetables. It is often referred to as the blood of plants and is formed when the green substance absorbs energy from the sun to produce oxygen by a process called photosynthesis. The energy stored in plants converts the water and carbon dioxide into glucose and together with the minerals absorbed from the ground account for the plants nutrients. In 1915, Dr. Richard Wilstatter won the Noble Prize for discovering the Chlorophyll chemical structure that is a network of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen atoms surrounding a single magnesium atom. Further Research on Chlorophyll indicated that it is similar to human red blood cells except that the nucleus of human blood is iron and Chlorophyll is magnesium. (Hence most prescribed for and post pregnancy stages) Another key characteristic of Chlorophyll is its Abundance. It contains abundant minerals, vitamins, protein and trace elements. This is the reason why, as a food substance, Chlorophyll constitutes one of the most nutrient rich food supplements known to mankind today .

The goodness of chlorophyll can be categorized in three principal functions it delivers

Natural Cleanser (Help Detoxification) Cleanses the intestines, cleanses the blood, acts as an anti-cancer agent, prevents bacteria, detoxifies body system and provides more oxygen. Innate neutralizer (Maintains pH Balance) Neutralizes and balances the pH levels in our body. Helps enhance our bodys working system and balances the pH level to be at 7.2 7.4 which is the most suitable level. Good Revitalizer(Increases Metabolism) The body requires oxygen and ample nutrients to produce new cells and dispose of dead cells. It revitalizes and assists in the multiplication of our red blood cells, thus, it helps to enhance our metabolism for our health and well being.
Thus low doses daily leads to a body that is cleansed, balanced and operating in healthy conditions. Chlorophyll is therefore our essential need for strength, vitality and well being; Our sure shot answer to Total Good Health.

Cleanse your way to good health with Chlorophyll

Cleanliness is not just next to godliness, Its a instant guarantee to good health. Be it internal or external. Our work pressured life devoid of rest is malnourished with unhealthy diets too. With innumerable problems right from air pollution to water contamination, pesticide grown food to high processed food and lifestyles that dictate acidic food clogs our body with toxins that usually build up to make a body sick. Its vital to purge the toxins of the body regularly. Research findings on cleansing has long proven it to be a critical function in maintaining good health Prof. Alexis Carrel, a Noble Prize winner in 1912 conducted a research on supplementing the right nutrition to a fowl liver to dispose toxin produced by the cells. His experimented fowl liver survived up to twenty nine years!!! Nearly twice the life expectancy period of a normal fowl. Eventually, the fowl liver died out due to his absentmindedness for not disposing the toxin in the fowl liver. Prof. Alexis Carrels research proved that if we continue to cleanse every day, our cells would live and survive longer. It is important that we maintain the cleansing process and dispose the toxin in our body. Chlorophyll contains rich natural micronutrients that combine with our bodys cell structure for cleansing and restoring unhealthy cells. This process of cleansing works wonders in maintaining a pH balance of the person as it adds to the alkaline requirements of a body intuitively. Dont forget its the blood of plants. The resultant cleansed body with the right pH balance of 7.3 7.4 is filled with energy that aids metabolism, thus revitalizing the entire system and functioning of the body to create total health.

A regular usage of Chlorophyll has immense benefits. A researched medical journal The Healing Power of Chlorophyll authored by Prof. Bernard Jensen enlists the following clearly o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Balances acid and alkaline levels Improves heart function Detoxifies blood and acts as anticancer Improves liver function Purifies blood Increases red blood cells Strengthens immune system Delays ageing process Enhances metabolism Abates digestive problems Improves urinary tract system Eliminates body odour Improves anemic condition Inhibits bacterial growth Improves oral health Soothes sore throat Enhances blood circulation Provides iron to organ Improves cell function Abates the risk of bronchitis Improves functions of the thyroid glands Stabilizes body temperature

Alfalfa- Make way for the father of foods.

G7 liquid chlorophyll main source of Chlorophyll is Alfalafa plant - The richest known source of chlorophyll to mankind. It has 4 times higher chlorophyll content than any plant on earth. It has been used by healers and medical practitioners from as early as 6th century by Chinese, Romans, Arabs and Latin Civilization. . The word Alfalfa comes from the Arabic word, a-fasfasah, which means the

Father of All Foods. The Arabs fed their livestock especially horses to add strength and speed to

Alfalfa originates from the dry highlands of Western Asia. The cultivation of Alfalfa was perhaps pioneered by the Medians of ancient Persia; hence its Latin name Medicago Sativa that means sowed by the Medians. Today, Alfalfa is the main source of Liquid Chlorophyll for commercial extraction and is being grown all over the world. Globally, there are more that 80 million acres of Alfalfa farmland, of which some 27 million acres are in United States.

There are a few varieties of Alfalfas each of which comes with a different flower colour-white, purple, yellow and pink. Research showed that the purple flowered species contains the best amount of nutrition Therefore, our BAE Liquid Chlorophyll is made only from the purple flowered variety to ensure that highest quality of Chlorophyll extracts are provided. The Alfalfa plant is an extremely hardy plant. The spread of the roots itself can be more than 10 meters and it can reach as much as 30 meters underground. That is why it can go deep in the ground and absorb all the high quality minerals and other nutrients such as amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins and elements. It also absorbs 8 types of essential amino acids, which are Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine. Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan and Valine. Chlorophyll as liquid form is easier to be absorbed by the human body. The Alfalfa plants Chlorophyll and the Magnesium contained in the Chlorophyll is replaced by Copper and Natrium content to get a strong liquid form that is easily dissolved. To enjoy the rich content of chlorophyll in its pure form, the extraction and purification undergoes 15 types of processes under high supervision to makes the Chlorophyll a valuable health drink. A number of these nutritional elements cannot be produced by the human body and only be obtained through consumption of food. Chlorophyll contains the complete nutritional elements. That is why it is a suitable health drink for improving health and strengthening cells.

Advantage G Liquid Chlorophyll

GLC is Highly Nutritional

The nutritional composition and healthy benefits of chlorophyll have been well documented, confirmed and accepted by scientists and nutritionist worldwide. GLC contains the best amongst this. The purple flower extracts that have the highest nutrient value of chlorophyll from alfalfa- the highest chlorophyll producing plant on the planet forms the main source of this exceptional drink. The vitamins that G Liquid Chlorophyll has includes: Vitamin A in the form of Bela Carotene. Alfalfa Chlorophyll contains approximately 175% of the US Required Daily Allowance (RDA) of the said vitamin. The range of vitamins in the vitamin B complex group is significantly in the form of Biatin, Choline, Folic Acid, Inositol, Pantothenic Acid and Pyridoxine. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid, Vitamin E in the form of Octacosanal and Vitamin K. In addition, Alfalfa Chlorophyll contains in significant quantities Saponin and Sterol compounds that are important for proper functioning of our body. Furthermore, it also contains trace elements and mineral such as selenium, silicon, Tin, Zinc, Potassium, Phosphorous, Aluminum, Cobalt, Chromium, Manganese, Magnesium and Iron.

It is also high in Carbohydrates and protein in all its constituent Amino Acids. The Chlorophyll in Alfalfa contains eight (8) essential enzymes in natural forms. Lipase a fat splitting enzymes Amylase acts on starch Coagulase solidifies milk and clot blood Emusin acts upon glucosides Invertase - converts sugar to dextrose Peroxidase - has an oxidizing effects on blood Pectinase forms vegetable jelly from pectin substance; and Protese digests protein It must be noted that with todays high technology processing system used for producing Alfalfa retain the active enzymes in pure form which is both important and far more effective in maintaining good health. G Liquid Chlorophyll is Pure and Natural GLC is extracted with utmost precaution using highly sophisticated extraction methods. Our scientists and nutritionists use most modern extracting processes that retain the active enzymes and minerals in the end product. The retaining of the green pigment is particularly significant, as the substance is vital for the bodys rapid assimilation of amino acid and for the synthesis of enzymes. Furthermore, our stringent quality process extracts only 10 gram of the purest Chlorophyll concentrate from every 42kg of Alfalfa Leaves. G Liquid Chlorophyll is pure and natural; G Liquid Chlorophyll also has no additives, preservatives or flavoring making it most effective and sought after product in the market today GLC is the Life Blood of Plants Chlorophyll is to plants what blood is to humans. It is often been referred to as the blood of plants. The simile has attained scientific credence research undertaken by nutrient scientists showed that Chlorophyll is almost identical to Hemoglobin, the pigment that gives our red blood cells their red colour.

Hemoglobin Blood of Plants Similar cell structure with magnesium core Core Human Blood cell Similar cell structure with iron core

Dr Richard Willstatter wins Nobel price discovering the chlorophyll

Dr Hans Fisher wins Nobel price for his research unveiling chemical structure.

Takes in carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen.

Hemoglobin takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide, It is a relaxant which also acts as a catalyst in the use of protein, Adds vitality carbohydrates, fats, calcium and phosphorous.

New England Journal First ever report on chlorophyll identified 1200 deficiencies and illness that reported a positive response to chlorophyll

GLC Cleanses and Detoxifies Chlorophyll is one of the best cleansing agent known to us today. It acts as an internal detoxifier. Chlorophyll detoxifies through its sheer ability to increase body oxygen intake at the cellular level and the blood circulation system. This was one of the findings concluded from research conducted by Dr. Willstatter and Dr. Fischer (the two noble prize winners) GLC Inhibits Bacterial Growth and Promotes Oral Health. Its ability to cleanse also maintains a zero bacteria zone. Medical studies found that Chlorophyll has antibacterial properties. Due to its non-toxic nature it can be used directly to promote oral health. Through its oxygen introducing ability, Chlorophyll can help inhibit bacterial growth and prevent worsening infection. When diluted with water, Chlorophyll is a mouthwash that helps remove bacteria. Chlorophyll also helps the gums and restores gum tissue to a healthy state.

It acts as a natural antiseptic. For example, Chlorophyll can be used to disinfect and clean open wounds. Chlorophyll helps in promoting oral health. Moreover, GLC is uniquely endowed to promote the growth of good bacteria. GLC Balances Body Hormones, Enzymes and Acid-Alkali Levels Chlorophyll is rich in nutrients such as amino acids! Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals and other elements in natural form. These elements can help stimulate hormone secretion and provide important enzymes. Chlorophyll also oxygenates and helps in restoring the alkaline pH level of the blood stream as well as helping to regulate blood sugar level. GLC Strengthens our Body fights Anti Ageing Research shows that free radicals are their main cause of ageing like face wrinkles and lines, fatigue and sickliness; Antioxidants can help neutralize and disarm free radicals. Chlorophyll is rich in antioxidants, which includes Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), C and E, and the trace minerals Selenium and Zinc. Vitamin A , or Beta Carotene, that are from natural sources, are the constitute of antioxidant carotenoids that act in synergy with other nutrients to wipe out free radicals. Vitamin C, on account of the research undertaken by Dr. Linus Pauling, can prevent the formation of nitrites and other chemicals in the body. Vitamin E can help protect cells from cell damaging free radicals this translates to a slowing of the ageing process. Selenium is a trace mineral that can help in delaying the onset of degenerative diseases. It also acts as an antioxidant, as it protects vital young cells from cellular ageing initiated by oxidation. Zinc, another antioxidant, helps to improve and maintain the integrity of cells and the formation of protein from which the genetic material (DNA & RNA) is derived from. Lack of zinc can retard cell growth. GLC is a Nourishing Agent for Cell Reproduction and Body Energy. Chlorophyll is rich in nutrients that are not only essential to the plant life that it came from, but also to Mankind. Our body needs these same nutrients for cell reproduction processes and to build vital body energy. These nutrients could easily be supplied by using chlorophyll which is far easily absorbed into our body system quickly and far more efficiently that many other sources of similar nutrients. Research, Scientific Study and Medical Expert Comments endorsing Chlorophyll

Prof. Richard Wilistatted and Prof. Hans Fischer: Research on Chlorophyll indicated that it is similar to human red blood cells except that the nuclei of human blood is iron and

Chlorophyll is magnesium. Therefore, it is essential to take Chlorophyll after child birth or if one is suffering from loss of blood.

Emil Burge of Berne: Chlorophyll helps anemia, improve general health condition, improves heart function and helps reduce blood pressure in cases where it is abnormally high. It stimulates peristalsis, improves intestinal health and stimulates metabolism system. Offen Krantz: research scientist Chlorophyll is useful for peptic ulcer. Dr. Samuel, Jerome and Bernard Weiss, in the American Journal of Gastro Entrerology. 36 cases of bleeding ulcers were given Afalfa concentrate. Every case shows tremendous improvement from within twelve to twenty two days. Dr. Bernard Jensen, a well known nutritionist and author of The Healing Power of Chlorophyll, in his research discovered that healthy people have higher blood counts than sick people. He discovered that by taking a lot of green leafy vegetables (Chlorophyll), the blood counts increased and became healthier. This shows the importance of taking Chlorophyll. Dr. Austau W Rapp, medical researcher at the Loyola University College of Dentistry and author of Chlorophyll as Anti-Plaque Agent Demonstrated the use of Chlorophyll in helping to prevent tooth decay and other oral health problems. Chlorophyll helps in neutralizing acidic conditions that causes tooth decay. American Journal of Surgery: Published findings by Temple University on the use of Chlorophyll to treat surgical wounds and other similar conditions.

Thus GLC A Healthy Food Supplement recommended for all++ 1. For Children - To promote health during the formative years of a childs development. Take 1 teaspoon with a glass of water, 3 times a day. 2. For Athletes - To improve strength and stamina. Take 2 teaspoons with a glass of water, 3 times a day. 3. For Women - To help ameliorate conditions caused by anaemia due to menstruation or after giving birth. Take 2 teaspoons with a glass of water 3 times a day. 4. For the Aged - To promote health and help digestion. Take 2 teaspoons with a glass of water. ++ Take Chlorophyll before meals. Do not use boiling or iced water. Q & A: 1. Q : My body is weak, can G Liquid Chlorophyll improve my health? A : Yes, G Liquid Chlorophyll cleanses, regulates and nourishes the body. The extracts from the purple flower Alfalfa is high in Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), B complex, C, E and

K, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and other compounds like Sterols and Saponins. It is also high in Amino Acids that make up Protein and Carbohydrates. 2. Q : Is G Liquid Chlorophyll suitable for expecting mothers?

A : Yes, Chlorophyll is rich in iron and calcium essential during pregnancy. Expectant mothers taking Chlorophyll regularly have healthier babies with stronger immune system. 3. Q : Is G Liquid Chlorophyll suitable for infants?

A : Yes, Chlorophyll can be mixed with milk or warm water for infant. Expectant mothers taking Chlorophyll regularly have healthier babies with stronger immune system. 4. Q : Why does my excrement appear green after taking G Liquid Chlorophyll? A : Before total cleansing is achieved, the body cannot yet absorb all the G nutrients that G Liquid Chlorophyll has. Once more toxins are cleared absorption will then improve and excrements no longer appear green. This means your body is ready to take in nutrients in Chlorophyll. : With improved health condition after taking G Liquid chlorophyll, can I stop taking it? : Yes, you can. Nonetheless it is recommended that you continue daily consumption to ensure continuous supply of essential nutrients for good health. : What is the suitable measurement to take G Liquid chlorophyll?

5. Q A 6. Q

A : For general health, it is best to take 1 -2 table spoon of G Liquid chlorophyll which is dissolved in plain water or warm water. When normal health is regained, they should reduce the intake to normal. Take lots of vegetables and other food containing high nutrition. Drink lots of clean water and practice a healthy lifestyle. For those who are active in sports exercises they should have enough rest. 7. Q : Is it suitable to take G liquid chlorophyll for a long period of time

A : Chlorophyll increases our immune system. By taking chlorophyll for long period will prevent all kinds of sickness and ensure the supply healthy nutrients. 8. Q A : I am suffering from joint and skin problems when consuming G Liquid chlorophyll the problem seems to increase should I continue taking G liquid chlorophyll : When these symptoms occur when taking chlorophyll, this shows that chlorophyll and drink plenty of water so as to speed the disposal of toxin form our body it wont take long until you feel the total healing health form Chlorophyll.

1. Q : How long can, G liquid chlorophyll be used after opening? A : It can be used safely for two years after opening, keep refrigerated.

2. Q : Wouldnt it be costly to be taking G liquid chlorophyll for a long period of time? A : Health is priceless asset. According to doctors, chlorophyll is health consumption. In developed countries like U.S.A and Japan, a lot of patients spent approximately US$700 for treatment. At this stage, you will begin to realize that consuming BAE liquid chlorophyll will be a small investment. 3. Q : Is G liquid chlorophyll good form external use A : Yes, chlorophyll can be used externally as it can reduce infection and eliminate bacteria. Apply externally on cuts, scalds, pimples, etc. 4. Q : I have a habit of smoking and consuming alcohol. Can G Liquid chlorophyll help dispose toxin in me which resulted from smoking and drinking? A : Chlorophyll will help to clean out the nicotine from our breathing channel and the toxin caused by alcohol in heart and liver. 5. Q : I am trying to lose weight and reduce my appetite. Can K liquid chlorophyll help? A: Chlorophyll is rich in good nutrients for those who are on a diet or trying to reduce weight. It also helps to remove toxin form out body and is suitable health drink. 6. Q : I am taking G liquid Chlorophyll for my general health and physical strength. Do I still need to exercise? A : There is plenty of pollution caused by our advanced technology in todays society. Even though G liquid Chlorophyll is an effective health drink, it is still necessary for us to perform exercise and to have enough rest. We should also maintain a well balance diet. 7. Q : I am taking medication prescribed by my doctor, can I still take G liquid chlorophyll? A : Yes, you may the suitable time to take G Liquid chlorophyll is 1 our before or after medication from the doctor. 8. Q: Some people feel dehydrated warm, mild headaches, sore throat and others after consuming G Liquid Chlorophyll. Why is this so? A: This is because Chlorophyll is performing its cleaning function in our body and we are required to drink plenty of water. It wouldnt be long for us to feel comfortable in our body. After adapting to the change, we should increase its quantity or consult a doctor first. Who Should Drink Chlorophyll? Very skinny people Those who suffer from constipation Those who suffer menstrual pain Those who eat often Those with pale complexions

Smokers and those who consume alcohol frequently Those who cannot stand cold Those with body odour and bad breath Those who dislike eating vegetables People with weight problems Busy and stressful people Easily fatigued people Those who often have sore throats

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