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Current Web Presence Analysis

8r|se|da Agu|rre
Prolessor Rodr|go
Noveroer 9, 2011

|\ssat|.s amms.,.
Tr|s docurerl d|scusses ry currerl ard lulure Weo |derl|l|es, lre slrerglrs ard ooslac|es. ll exp|a|rs or
roW l ar go|rg lo acr|eve ry proless|ora| ||le ard a|so Ways or roW lo acr|eve ry proless|ora| Weo
|derl|ly. lav|rg var|ous joos ard do|rg vo|urleer Wor| lor rary lr|rgs ras g|ver re ar edge lor Wrer |l
cores lo |rleracl|rg W|lr peop|e, Wr|cr W||| core |r rardy Wrer l ar see||rg lulure erp|oyrerl. Tr|s
docurerl |s a r|ce lo loo| lo assess roW We|| l ar do|rg |r deve|op|rg a currerl Weo |derl|ly.

Table oI Contents

Future Web Presence................................................................................p.1
Analysis oI Job Advertisements...............p.2
Analysis oI Job .......................p.2
Criteria Table1.......................................................................................P.1
Current Web Presence...................................................................p.2
Criteria Analysis...................................................................................p.2
Bridging The Gap..............................................................................p.3
Appendix A.............................................................................................p.4
Appendix B ....................................................................................p.4

Future Web Presence

, ms|s ss| |s ||ls wsa|i |s ts a|t|msts|, |sssms s isst|st ls. s sss,.sl|t|tst|ss. | wsa|i
ssjs, t||s ,.slsss|ss |sssass sst ss|, is | |||s ts |sts.sst w|t| s |st sl ,ss,|s ssi | s|ss |||s ts
|.s |ss| ts m, ssmmas|t,. /sst|s. .sssss t|st | wsa|i |||s ts ssssm,||s| t||s |s oecause;
rav|rg good ora| ryg|ere car preverl a |ol ol d|seases lral allecl oul soc|ely loday.
To lr|r| lral soreday l W||| rave lre |roW|edge lo re|p la|e care ol pal|erls ard
adv|se lrer or r|grl cro|ces, or lre|r ryg|ere ra|es re Warl lo pursue lr|s career
ever rore |l ra|es re lee| |||e l car ra|e a d|llererce. 8ecor|rg a derl|sl W|||
la|e severa| years ol scroo|, oeyord a oacre|or degree. Tr|s career |s a We||-|roWr
ard respeclao|e career ard lre serv|ces lral derl|sls g|ve |s reeded ard |roWr oy
everyore. To oe r|red as a derl|sl lrere rary requ|s|les lral rave lo oe rel
oov|ous|y a ||cerse ard perr|ss|or lror lre slale. Vosl oll|ces lral r|re derl|sls a|so
|oo| al Wrere lre persor slud|ed ard lre accorp||srrerls |r lre|r proless|ora| ||le.
As We|| as sore ol lre pasl Wor| exper|erce lral |s re|aled lo lre l|e|d.

TIIs Imuge wus borrowed Irom

TIIs Is u good Iorm oI udverLIsIng IL sIows coIor und sIupe und IInes. TIe
coIor oI LIIs udverLIsemenL mukes you wunL Lo reud wIuL LIIs IIyer persuudes
und swuy you Lo go wILI your IumIIy Lo LIe denLIsL.

TIIs Imuge wus borrowed Irom
n LIIs Imuge LIe creuLor wus LryIng Lo InLegruLe some comedy Lo IIs
udverLIsemenL by puLLIng some surcusm. TIe Imuges used Ior LIe
udverLIsemenL uren'L reIuLed Lo LIe IIeId buL LIInk LIuL`s wIuL mukes you
wunL Lo reud IL In LIe IIrsL pIuce . TIe conLrusL In LIe bIuck und wIILe couId
uIso muke u reuder eILIer Lry see IL or noL.
TIIs Imuge wus borrowed Irom
TIIs udverLIsemenL Ior me Iook IIke ILs sorL oI busy wIIcI mukes IL Iook sIoppy

und jusL puL LogeLIer rundomIy . Becuuse LIe IonL Is noL uL uII LIe sume und
uIso LIe Imuges ure LIILed und LIIs mukes LIe Imuges Iook noL properIy pIuced.
TIe skIIIs LIuL peopIe need Ior becomIng denLIsLs: WIuL you need Ior LIIs
posILIon: BeIore uppIyIng, you sIouId meeL LIe IoIIowIng quuIIIIcuLIons: -
DDS or DMD degree Irom U.S. denLuI scIooI LIuL Is uccredILed by LIe
AmerIcun AssocIuLIon oI DenLuI EducuLIon - CurrenL CPR IIcense, rudIuLIon
IIcense, und nurcoLIc IIcense
WIuL you wIII be doIng: - DIugnose und LreuL dIseuses, InjurIes, und
muIIormuLIons oI LeeLI und gums, und reIuLed oruI sLrucLures - ExumIne
puLIenLs Lo deLermIne nuLure oI condILIon, uLIIIzIng x-ruys, denLuI InsLrumenLs,
und oLIer dIugnosLIc procedures - CIeun, IIII, exLrucL, und repIuce LeeLI, usIng
roLury und Iund InsLrumenLs, denLuI uppIIunces, medIcuLIons, und surgIcuI
ImpIemenLs - ProvIde prevenLIve denLuI servIces (IIuorIde und seuIunLs;
educuLIon In oruI und denLuI IygIene)
WIuL's In IL Ior you? - CompeLILIve puy pIus bonus o% oI coIIecLIons -
ExcepLIonuI beneIILs, medIcuI, denLuI, IIIe Insurunce - muIprucLIce Insurunce -
greuL work envIronmenL - OpporLunILy Lo grow
AnoLIer PIuce LIuL Iooks Ior skIIIed denLIsLs Is on DDS, DMD or IoreIgn
equIvuIenL, IIcense Lo prucLIce denLIsLry In PA, DEA IIcense, und unesLIesIu
permIL - resLrIcLed , mInImum yeurs experIence.
$20boilderz Is IookIng Ior more GeneruI DenLIsLs Lo joIn our rupIdIy
growIng Leum. We ure u muILI-specIuILy denLuI prucLIce usIng onIy sLuLe oI LIe
urL LecInoIogy und muLerIuIs. Our beuuLIIuI IucIIILy, IIgI quuIILy,
compreIensIve upproucI und dIverse puLIenL buse oIIerIng numerous
opporLunILIes Ior GeneruI

DenLIsLs. Our denLIsLs ure responsIbIe Ior provIdIng Lop oI LIe IIne cure Lo
puLIenLs oI uII uges; perIorm uII uspecLs oI generuI denLIsLry IncIudIng buL noL
IImILed Lo: exLrucLIons, IIIIIngs, crown und brIdge work, denLures, resLorIng
ImpIunLs und udmInIsLer nILrous oxIde durIng procedures. We uIso oIIer
seduLIon wILI un unesLIesIoIogIsL.
TIIs InIormuLIon wus Luken Irom .
Dr. McGee perIorms CosmeLIc, mpIunL und GeneruI DenLIsLry. HIs empIusIs
In prucLIce encompusses porceIuIn IumInuLe veneers, resLoruLIon oI denLuI
ImpIunLs und LIe mukIng oI crowns, brIdges und denLures us weII us LIe use oI
u dIode Iuser Lo enIunce surgIcuI und perIodonLuI procedures .HIs prucLIce
uIso Ius u IuII LIme IygIenIsL wILI yeurs experIence. TIe prucLIce Is IocuLed In
LIe cILy oI Mesu ArIzonu und cIoseIy borders LIe Lown oI GIIberL. PIeuse IeeI
Iree Lo vIsIL Dr McGee uL
PrevenLIve, ResLoruLIve, CosmeLIc, AesLIeLIc, PerIodonLuI, OruI Surgery,
CIeunIngs, BrIdges, ComposILe, BondIng, CosmeLIc orLIodonLIcs-nvIsuIIgn
Procedures, BIopsIes, IuorIde TreuLmenLs, Crowns, PorceIuIn Crowns, Gum
Surgery, ExLrucLIons, MouLIguurds, DenLures, PorceIuIn Veneers, Non
SurgIcuI TreuLmenL, SeuIunLs, IIIIngs, TooLI CoIored IIIIngs mpIunLs
Owner und soIe prucLILIoner uL MesquILe Cunyon DenLuI Owner und operuLor
oI u CosmeLIc, mpIunL, und umIIy DenLuI
PrucLIce uL MesquILe Cunyon DenLuI PrIvuLe PrucLIce in CosmeLIc, mpIunL
und GeneruI DenLIsLry uL TIe oIIIce oI Dr.
DuvId S. McGee
PusL AssocIuLe entist uL uIrwuys DenLuI EducuLIon Oregon HeuILI und
ScIence UnIversILy ArIzonu SLuLe UnIversILy

TIe IIve crILerIu Lo evuIuuLe peopIe In LIIs posILIon - A DDs or MDS - Huve LIe
ubIIILy Lo communIcuLe weII wILI peopIe - Huve more LIen yeurs experIence
In IIeId -UndersLundIng Iow Lo work wILI oLIer coIIeugues orrent Yoo
WIen GoggIed myseII on nLerneL expIorer:
-IrsL IInk LIuL wus ussocIuLed wILI me Ius Lo do wILI LIe job LIuL currenLIy
IoId In LIe UnIversILy. (PubIIc)
- Second Ink LIuL Iound wus LIe one LIuL IInks me Lo LIe DIIgo group LIuL
we Iuve creuLed Ior LIIs cIuss TWC o1 (pubIIc)
WIen Iooked Ior myseII Iound LIe sume LIIng on MoxIIIu Ire ox nLerneL
As oI rIgIL now my onIIne IdenLILy does noL IoIIow uny oI LIe crILerIu LIuL
menLIoned ubove. need Lo more work und expose myseII InLo more oI u
denLuI reIuLed IIeId Lo begIn Lo geL my IooL In LIe door. TIe onIy LIIng LIuL
LIese onIIne IdenLILIes demonsLruLe Is LIuL um sLudenL wILI u job uL my
UnIversILy. TIey don'L demonsLruLe uny oI LIe crILerIu menLIon ubove
onclosions: Bridging the Gu5:
One oI LIe sLrengLIs LIuL Iuve In my onIIne IdenLILIes Is LIuL LIe IIrsL IInk
LIuL comes up wIen my nume Is seurcIed Is someLIIng LIuL Is reIuLed Lo
scIooI. beIIeve LIuL sIows LIuL um u Iurd workIng sLudenL becuuse
muInLuIn u job on cumpus us weII us beIng u sLudenL. AnoLIer sLrengLI Is LIuL
LIe IInks LIuL come up wIen my nume Is Iound Iuve no neguLIve ussocIuLIons
wILI LIem. A weukness oI LIIs wouId be LIuL uII LIe IInks LIuL come up don'L
Iuve unyLIIng Lo do wILI wIuL wunL Lo be wIen grow up, so be IookIng uL
my IdenLILy you wouId LIInk LIuL um noL doIng unyLIIng Lo IeIp me geL
wIere wunL Lo be In my proIessIonuI IIIe .

TIe puges LIuL come up wIen my numes Is seurcIed couId Iook und sound
more proIessIonuI.

BrIseIdu AguIrre -AssIsLunL DIrecLor
BrIseIdu AguIrre :Groups In DIIgo:

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