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Healthy hair is everybody`s desire.

It gives the greatest oI looks adding

to the conIidence oI a person, while also giving a certain deIinition to
the Ieatures oI every person. Taking care oI your hair needs some extra
care. Here are Iew tips that help you.
For healthy and shiny hair
1. It is better to apply castor oil Ior a healthy growth oI hair.
2. Wash hair with tea once in a week.
3. Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained Irom the
cooked rice.
4. Apply the mixture oI an egg white, 2 spoons oI castor oil, 1 spoon
glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it aIter some time.
5. Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour beIore washing. Let it
soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair aIter an
hour or so.
6. Boil a Iew hibiscus Ilowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair
oil to control hair loss and thinning.
7. Do a steam-towel-wrap` once in a while, iI your cuticles are
damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.
8. Boil coconut oil with the juices oI curry leaves, basil, hibiscus
Ilower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it Ior sometime and
9. Take a cup each coconut and mustard oil. Soak halI a cup oI curry
leaves in the oil mixture and keep it Ior a night. Next morning, heat
on a slow Iire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove Irom heat
and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then
strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting
and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and
shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.
10. Add a lemon peel to a shikakai` and amla` mixture while
washing your hair.
For dandruff
1. Massage the Scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help
growth oI hair.
2. Apply coconut oil which has been boiled with small onions Ior
about 20 minutes. Wash it oII with a mixture oI green gram
powder and water drained Irom cooked (boiled) rice.
3. Apply a mixture oI almond oil and gooseberry juice with Iinger
tips on the scalp.
4. Apply the warm mixture oI olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil.
Do a steam -towel- wrap Ior 15 minutes and wash the hair with a
mild shampoo.
5. Apply a paste oI Ienugreek and mustard to the scalp.
6. Crush the leaves oI Iive petal hibiscus Ilower and take the juice.
Wash the hair with this juice.
7. Heat oil with a little camphor. Apply the oil in the scalp and
massage Ior 10 minutes. AIter 30 minutes wash the hair with a
herbal shampoo. Do the steam -towel- wrap Ior 15 minutes.

Improving your hair growth with natural remedies may seem almost
impossible, but actually it is quite a real thing. The matter is that there
are lots and lots oI plants that have the ability to increase the blood
Ilow in our head and this way provide the natural hair growth
process. Read on to check out natural remedies that can be used to
make your hair grow faster.
Green Tea
Green tea is one oI the perIect natural remedies that can be very
helpIul to make your hair grow Iaster. Due to the antioxidants this
miraculous drink includes, you can drink it or use as the component
oI your shampoo, lotion or any other hair care product to provide
stronger protection to your Iollicles.
Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil is another natural remedy to make your hair grow
Iaster. You are to rub warm grapeseed oil into your scalp just beIore
the bedtime 2 or 3 times a week.
Potato or more exactly water that is leIt aIter potato boiling is another
natural remedy that would help you to increase natural hair growth
process. Let it cool and rinse your hair, aIter wash hair with your Iave
Egg Hair Mask
Mix an egg with 50 g oI olive oil and apply the derived mixture to
you hair. Wrap up with a towel and leave Ior an hour. AIter wash oII
with mild shampoo and apply hair conditioner. Repeat the procedure
at least once a week.

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