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Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of Ch|cago I|||no|s ne|ps ou Make

Cook|ng for Cne or 1wo Iun Lasy

lloooloq ooJ ltepototloo fot 5mollet Meols
Are you used Lo cooklng for an enLlre famlly and flndlng lL challenglng and frusLraLlng Lrylng Lo
cook for one or Lwo? All lL really Lakes ls a blL of plannlng and a few Llps and Lrlcks
keep varleLy ln your cooklng for healLhful eaLlng and remember LhaL homemade meals can be
more nuLrlLlous beLLer LasLlng and more economlcal Lhan eaLlng ouL lan your menus a week
aL a Llme ln order Lo be efflclenL and save money lor example a Sunday roasL can be used for
sandwlches on Monday and beef and vegeLable sLlrfry anoLher day
Smaller cans or precuL frulLs and vegeLables mlghL be more economlcal lf you frequenLly Loss
ouL spolled lLems lus Lhey are more convenlenL and save Llme repared pasLa sauce
boneless chlcken breasLs and frozen bread dough help make meals fasLer and easler lf you llke
uslng sauces Lry gourmeL condlmenLs llke cranberry honey musLard LhaL wlll lasL longer
Make mea| t|mes at home fun and [oyfu| by fo||ow|ng these s|mp|e t|ps
% repare a place seLLlng wlLh your good chlna and crysLal
% Add a cenLerplece llghL some candles and play some muslc
% lnvlLe a frlend over for a poLluck
1|ps for Shopp|ng Stor|ng Cook|ng Sma||er ort|ons
% Wrap lndlvldual porLlons of meaL label and freeze (smaller pleces of meaL are
easler Lo work wlLh and Lhaw fasLer)
% lreeze lefLover lLems such as LomaLo pasLe lemon [ulce and chlcken broLh ln lce
cube Lrays pop ouL afLer Lhey are frozen and sLore ln a freezer bag or plasLlc
% SLarL a cooklng or food shopplng club wlLh oLher slngles or couples meeL new
people Lry new foods and dlvlde larger meals among your group
% 8uy smaller porLlons of chopped vegeLables for sLlrfrles and casseroles from salad
bars ln your supermarkeL
% 8uy nuLs and candy from selfserve dlspensers Lo geL smaller quanLlLles
% repare a sLandard reclpe for a casserole buL make lL ln several smaller pans Lhen
% use muffln Llns for baklng lndlvldualslzed porLlons of meaLloaf or sLufflng LhaL can
be frozen and reheaLed as needed
% SLore unused canned and [arred lngredlenLs ln Lhe refrlgeraLor ln glass or plasLlc
conLalners (sLorlng foods ln Lhelr orlglnal alumlnum cans can be unsafe for your
% use smaller appllances such as mlnlslow cooker LoasLer ovens and mlnlfood
processors (Lhey Lake up less sLorage space Loo)
% SeparaLe bacon sllces lnLo approprlaLelyslzed porLlons and freeze uslng waxed
sheeLs for separaLlng afLer freezlng
Sen|or ne|pers In nome L|der Care of Ch|cago I|||no|s ne|ps ou Make
Cook|ng for Cne or 1wo Iun Lasy

need help wlLh meal plannlng and preparaLlon? no problem! Cur Senlor Pelpers can help wlLh
LhaL and much more!
About Sen|or ne|pers
Senlor Pelpers provldes many lnhome careglvlng servlces for Lhe elderly ln Lhe Chlcago
llllnols area We offer exLenslve lnhome care servlces for senlors who embrace Lhelr
lndependence and Lhe personal dlgnlLy LhaL goes wlLh lL Cur lnhome care servlces are
provlded by bonded and lnsured care glvers all of whom pass a naLlonal background check
lf a senlor famlly member needs lnhome care servlces ln 8elmonL Parbor 8uckLown Chlcago
ueaul uownLown Cold CoasL Lake Shore urlve Lakevlew Llncoln ark Mlchlgan Avenue
near norLh near norLh Slde norLh Mlchlgan Avenue SLreeLervllle WaLer 1ower lace and Lhe
surroundlng areas we are an excellenL cholce wlLh lmpeccable references Pome healLh care
for your elderly loved ones ls never an easy cholce buL we can promlse we wlll do our besL Lo
make lL as palnless as posslble lrom our famlly Lo yours we slncerely Lhank you for conslderlng
Senlor Pelpers of Chlcago Pome PealLh Care Company lor more lnformaLlon please vlslL

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