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Kesetimbangan Fasa adalah suatu keadaan dimana suatu zat memiliki komposisi yang pasti
pada kedua Iasanya pada suhu dan tekanan tertentu, biasanya pada Iasa cair dan uapnya.
LeIt to equilibration, many compositions will Iorm a uniIorm single phase, but depending on
the temperature and pressure even a single substance may separate into two or more distinct
phases. Within each phase, the properties are uniIorm but between the two phases properties
Water in a closed jar with an air space over it Iorms a two phase system. Most oI the water is
in the liquid phase, where it is held by the mutual attraction oI water molecules. Even at
equilibrium molecules are constantly in motion and, once in a while, a molecule in the liquid
phase gains enough kinetic energy to break away Irom the liquid phase and enter the gas
phase. Likewise, every once in a while a vapor molecule collides with the liquid surIace and
condenses into the liquid. At equilibrium, evaporation and condensation processes exactly
balance and there is no net change in the volume oI either phase.
At room temperature and pressure, the water jar reaches equilibrium when the air over the
water has a humidity oI about 3. This percentage increases as the temperature goes up. At
100 C and atmospheric pressure, equilibrium is not reached until the air is 100 water. II
the liquid is heated a little over 100 C, the transition Irom liquid to gas will occur not only at
the surIace, but throughout the liquid volume: the water boils.
a distinct state oI matter characterized by homogeneous composition and properties and the
possession oI a clearly deIined boundary

Iron-carbon phase diagram, showing the conditions necessary to Iorm diIerent phases

Distinct phases may be described as diIIerent states oI matter such as gas, liquid, solid,
plasma or BoseEinstein condensate. UseIul mesophases between solid and liquid Iorm other
states oI matter.
Distinct phases may also exist within a given state oI matter. As shown in the diagram Ior
iron alloys, several phases exist Ior both the solid and liquid states. Phases may also be
diIIerentiated based on solubility as in polar (hydrophilic) or non-polar (hydrophobic). A
mixture oI water (a polar liquid) and oil (a non-polar liquid) will spontaneously separate into
two phases. Water has a very low solubility (is insoluble) in oil, and oil has a low solubility in
water. Solubility is the maximum amount oI a solute that can dissolve in a solvent beIore the
solute ceases to dissolve and remains in a separate phase. A mixture can separate into more
than two liquid phases and the concept oI phase separation extends to solids, i.e., solids can
Iorm solid solutions or crystallize into distinct crystal phases. Metal pairs that are mutually
soluble can Iorm alloys, whereas metal pair that are mutually insoluble cannot.
As many as eight immiscible liquid phases have been observed.
Mutually immiscible liquid
phases are Iormed Irom water (aqueous phase), hydrophobic organic solvents,
perIluorocarbons (Iluorous phase), silicones, several diIIerent metals, and also Irom molten
phosphorus. Not all organic solvents are completely miscible, e.g. a mixture oI ethylene
glycol and toluene may separate into two distinct organic phases.

Phases do not need to macroscopically separate spontaneously. Emulsions and colloids are
examples oI immiscible phase pair combinations that do not physically separate.

Azeotrop adalah campuran dari dua atau lebih komponen yang memiliki titik didih yang
Azeotrop dapat menjadi gangguan yang menyebabkan hasil distilasi menjadi tidak
Komposisi dari azeotrope tetap konstan dalam pemberian atau penambahan
Akan tetapi ketika tekanan total berubah, kedua titik didih dan komposisi dari
azeotrop berubah. Sebagai akibatnya, azeotrop bukanlah komponen tetap, yang komposisinya
harus selalu konstan dalam interval suhu dan tekanan, tetapi lebih ke campuran yang
dihasilkan dari saling memengaruhi dalam kekuatan intramolekuler dalam larutan.

Vapor-liquid equilibrium oI 2-propanol/water showing azeotropic behavior

Azeotrop dapat didistilasi dengan menggunakan tambahan pelarut tertentu, misalnya
penambahan benzena atau toluena untuk memisahkan air.
Air dan pelarut akan ditangkap
oleh penangkap Dean-Stark.
Air akan tetap tinggal di dasar penangkap dan pelarut akan
kembali ke campuran dan memisahkan air lagi.
Campuran azeotrop merupakan
penyimpangan dari hukum Raoult.




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