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CynLhla Ardary

Mr Corona
uS PlsLory p3
rocess aper
Cn Lhe chooslng of my Loplc for Lhe 2012 PlsLory uay pro[ecL l wenL Lo Lhe naLlonal PlsLory uay
webslLe and looked Lhrough Lhe sample Loplcs When l saw uoroLhea ulx and Lhe Asylum 8eform lL
caughL my aLLenLlon so l looked up whaL lL was on Coogle 1he Loplc appealed Lo my lnLeresLs and l
declded Lo do my pro[ecL on LhaL
When researchlng uoroLhea ulx and Lhe Asylum 8eform l wenL on Coogle and looked aL Lhe books
LhaL she publlshed onllne some of her dlary enLrles and her blographles l also looked aL plcLures of Lhe
hosplLals she was responslble for bulldlng l wanLed Lo flnd ouL abouL Lhe LreaLmenL of Lhe menLally lll
before uoroLhea ulx sLarLed Lhe reform so l looked up LreaLmenLs of Lhe menLally lll on Coogle l Lhen
wenL onLo 1he new ?ork 1lmes webslLe and looked aL newspaper arLlcles she was feaLured ln and
galned more lnformaLlon abouL Lhe reformaLlon l also looked aL leLLers she wroLe and Lhe memorlals
she presenLed Lo Lhe sLaLe leglslaLure Lo see whaL she saw ln Lhe [alls and how she wanLed Lo change
1o choose how l was golng Lo presenL my reporL l LhoughL of whaL would be Lhe easlesL way Lo puL
all Lhe lmporLanL lnformaLlon on my pro[ecL ln Lhe mosL organlzed way l chose Lo do a webslLe because
l could organlze my LhoughLs and lnformaLlon on dlfferenL pages and everyLhlng would be all on one
slLe AfLer chooslng my way of presenLaLlon l wenL back on Lo Lhe naLlonal PlsLory uay webslLe and
looked aL examples Lo galn knowledge of how lL should look l wenL on Lo weeblycom and creaLed an
accounL Lhen began creaLlng my webslLe l separaLed my webslLe lnLo seven secLlons lnLroducLlon
uoroLhea ulx blography lnformaLlon on Lhe Asylum 8eform a Llmellne plcLures my process paper and
a works clLed page l chose Lhe deslgn of my webslLe Lhen goL plcLures from Coogle and began Lo creaLe
Lhe slLe
My pro[ecL relaLes Lo Lhe naLlonal PlsLory uay Lheme 8evoluLlon 8eacLlon and 8eform because
uoroLhea ulx sLarLed a reformaLlon and lL caused a blg reacLlon She changed Lhe way many people saw
Lhe menLally lll and helped Lhem geL Lhe LreaLmenL Lhey needed As a reacLlon Lo her flndlngs 32 sLaLe
menLal hosplLals were creaLed and changes were made ln 14 counLrles She also caused a reacLlon ln
many people some were angry aL her for releaslng Lhe lnformaLlon she found ouL abouL Lhelr prlsons
and clalmed LhaL she only came Lhere Lo make Lhelr sLaLe look bad and Lrled Lo Lear down her efforLs buL
Lhey obvlously dld noL succeed

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