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While I was reading this amazing story, I couldn`t appreciate the real

signiIicance oI it, it seemed so clean, Iilled with nothing, but I realized that it is Iilled with
so much in the same time.
In the beginning oI the story, George and his wiIe are presented, the wiIe being
reIerred as the 'American WiIe, meaning that she is just an average American woman,
with no individualism or character.
The writer keeps repeating that it`s raining.everything seems to be hopeless.
The atmosphere is monotonous and empty. Hemingway is using the rain to lock the couple
in their room, to underline the interaction between the two partners and to demonstrate their
deteriorating marriage, because oI the wiIe`s strong need Ior attention and love and the
restraints that George has put on her.
In the story, the 'American Girl sees the cat through her window 'crouched
under one oI the dripping green tables, and right away Ieels the need to set it Iree. The
husband oIIers to help Irom his bed, but, she says 'no and goes out to Iind the cat by
herselI. On the Iirst reading it can be interpreted as a wiIe who is bored and keeps bragging
out about her liIe and bothering her husband, who is staying in bed careIree reading a book.
In reality, the lack oI George`s attention makes her Ieel like she must ask and Iight Ior it.
She still has a hope in saving the cat, which represents a symbol oI the woman`s
need Ior attention and compassion, but also a strong willpower to save her marriage. She
Ieels that she has to save the cat; she has to win this challenge, to go through all the eIIorts
oI the rain in order to save the cat, even iI it means to get wet.
Also, she has a strong desire Ior many things in the story; this desire Ior
material goods comes Irom an incompetence to gain intangible possessions such as Iun and
In the story the term 'restraint it`s not mentioned, the wiIe never speaks out the
restraint George puts on her but she Ieels it. This is the main reason oI her transIormation
Irom being the 'American WiIe to the 'American Girl. The wiIe has to protect an image;
as the cat Ieels the restraints oI the rain, the wiIe Ieels the restraints when she is leaving her
husband behind to save the cat. The wiIe and the cat yearn to be rescued and want to pass
all the obstacles that keep them Irom enjoying liIe. By going through the weather to rescue
the kitty she shows conIidence which is absent whenever George is present.
When she saw that the cat is gone, 'suddenly she Ielt disappointed, she
wanted a change in their marriage and a change in her appearance, she wanted to Ieel more
Ieminine. George was insensitive to her needs; he didn`t oIIer to consulate her. Instead, he
made a remark: 'Oh, shut up and get something to read. This is another maniIestation oI a
marriage lacking oI communication, giving the impression that he is aIIirming her anxieties
in her appearance and Iemininity.
Following, the wiIe is no longer a wiIe, she is a girl. 'As the American girl
passed the oIIice, the padrone bowed Irom his desk.Something Ielt very small and tight
inside the girl. The padrone made her Ieel very small and atthe same time really important.
She had a momentary Ieeling oI being oI supreme importance. The hotel manager is very
courteous with her and tries to be there whenever she wants, something hardly happening in
her liIe. He stimulates a Ieeling oI superiority, not like her husband who makes her Ieel
'very small and tight inside. The 'American Girl Ieels less restraint due to her sense oI
Ireedom, her youth and innocence.
In conclusion, the story employs a complex oI obstacles and enclosures that
restrict her character, which makes the 'American WiIe Ieel isolated, unable to be
emotionally Iree. The poor girl is a reIeree in a Iace-oII between the actual and the possible.
The actual is made oI rain, boredom, a preoccupied husband, and irrational yearnings. The
possible is made oI silver, spring, Iun, a new coiIIure, and new dresses. Between the actual
and the possible stands the cat. (Carter 1982)
CarLer 8A (1982) 5tyle ooJ lotetptetotloo nemloqwoys cot lo tbe kolo ln CarLer 8 A ed
Language and LlLeraLure unwln Pyman
hLLp//flndarLlclescom/p/arLlcles/ml_m2433/ls_3_34/al_39211343/ consulLed ln 23 of CcLober

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