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Llogaritja e nje regjimi te pershtatshem dozimi

Dozat e shumeIishta I.V

1. Pacientit me peshe 70kg iu administrua nje bar me doza te shumeIishta i.v bolus. Per nje
trajtim optimal perqendrimi i barit duhet te qendronte midis vlerave te Cpmax 10 mg/L
dhe Cpmin 1 mg/L. Per kete bar vellimi apparent I shperndarjes dhe kel jane
perkatesisht, 1 L/kg peshe dhe 0.1 ore
. Gjeni vlerat e t, dozes ngarkese dhe asaj
2. Pacienti me peshe 70 kg ka marre 100 mg bar si nje doze iv bolus do 12 ore. Ky bar ka
nje vellim shperndarje 1 L/kg dhe kel 0.1 ore
. Llogaritni vlerat e Cpmin dhe Cpmax
ne gjendjen e qendrueshme.
Linear Plot of Cp versus Time after Multiple IV Bolus Doses
. patient is started on a drug at an IV bolus dose oI 200 mg every 24 hours. Calculate the
drug concentration at a Iew oI time points during the Iirst three dosing interval. Graph
these data on semi-log graph paper (The graph is not required Ior this homework
exercise). SpeciIically calculate the concentration three hours aIter the Iirst dose, two
hours aIter the second dose and one hour aIter the third dose. ssume a one compartment
linear model applies to this drug in this concentration range. The kel and V Ior this drug
in this patient are 0.1 hr
and 27.7 L, respectively.

The equation:

Equation 25.2.1 Drug Concentration, Cp, after Multiple IV Bolus Doses (Uniform
Dosing Interval and Dose)

Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3
0 7.22 24 7.4 4 7.49
4 4.157 2 4.09 52 4.14
2.94 2 2.41 56 2.44
12 1.7 6 1.429 60 1.4
16 0.794 40 0.2 64 0.24
20 0.457 44 0.474 6 0.474
24 0.26 4 0.27 72 0.27

IV Bolus Dose was 200 mg
every 24 hr
with kel 0.1 hr
and volume
27.7 L
The nswers
Cp at hr was 4.77 mg/L
Cp at 26 hr was 5.6 mg/L
Cp at 49 hr was 6.5 mg/L

4. patient is started on a drug at an IV bolus dose oI 150 mg every 12 hours. Calculate the
drug concentration at a Iew oI time points during the Iirst three dosing interval.
SpeciIically calculate the concentration three hours aIter the Iirst dose, two hours aIter the
second dose and one hour aIter the third dose. ssume a one compartment linear model
applies to this drug in this concentration range. The Clearance and V Ior this drug in this
patient are 0.4 L/hr and 7 L, respectively.
$emi-log Plot of Cp versus Time after Multiple IV Bolus Doses

Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3
0 21.429 12 2.22 24 7.66
2 19.114 14 2.74 26 .59
4 17.05 16 25.69 2 29.965
6 15.209 1 22.7 0 26.729
1.566 20 20.4 2 2.42
10 12.101 22 1.197 4 21.267
12 10.794 24 16.22 6 1.971

IV Bolus Dose was 150 mg
every 12 hr
with kel 0.0571 hr
volume 7 L
The nswers
Cp at hr was 1.05 mg/L
Cp at 14 hr was 2.74 mg/L
Cp at 25 hr was 5.57 mg/L

Dozat e shumeIishta orale
1. Nje bar jepet me doza orale te shumeIishta do ore. Pas konsiderimit te kushteve
klinike te pacientit u vendos qe perqendrimi plazmatik mesatar i barit te mbahet ne vleren
e 45 mg/L. Konsideroni nje model linear monokompartimental te aplikuar per kete bar ne
kete zone te perqendrimeve. Per kete Iorm doze dhe pacient biodisponibiliteti eshte 0.72
dhe konstantja e shpejtesise se perthithjes eshte 1.27 ore
. Vlera e klirensit dhe V per
kete bar ne kete pacient jane perkatesisht 15. L/ore dhe 55.6 L. Llogaritni dozen e
nevojshme per te arritur perqendrimin mesatar 45 mg/L.
2. Nje bar jepet me doza orale te shumeIishta 100 mg do 12 ore. Konsideroni nje model
linear monokompartimental te aplikuar per kete bar ne kete zone te perqendrimeve. Per
kete Iorm doze dhe pacient biodisponibiliteti eshte 0.62 dhe konstantja e shpejtesise se
perthithjes eshte 1.2 ore
. Gjysme jeta plazmatike dhe V per kete bar ne kete pacient
jane perkatesisht .2 ore dhe 0 L. Llogaritni dozen e nevojshme per te arritur
perqendrimin mesatar.
3 Nje bar jepet me doza orale te shumeIishta 200 mg do 12 ore. Konsideroni nje model
linear monokompartimental te aplikuar per kete bar ne kete zone te perqendrimeve. Vlera
e klirensit dhe V per kete bar ne kete pacient (42.2 kg) jane perkatesisht 11.5 L/ore dhe
1.16 L/kg. Per kete Iorm doze dhe pacient biodisponibiliteti eshte 0.65 dhe konstantja e
shpejtesise se perthithjes eshte 2.65 ore
. Llogaritni vlerat e pritshme te Cpmedias,
Cpmin, dhe nje vlere te peraIert te Cpmax ne gjendjen e qendrueshme.

uest|on arameter Answer 1 uose 2869 mg 2 Cp
08 mg/L 3 Cp
0183 mg/L Cp

0942 mg/L Cp
1699 mg/L

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