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Ck Z specs uo you undersLand LhaL specs ln Z conslsL of schemas?

We can use Z schemas Lo formally

speclfy funcLlons/procedural modules eg a funcLlon module SC81 or more complex
funcLlons/procedural modules eg SorL for sorLlng elemenLs eLc We can also use Z schemas Lo formally
speclfy classes/daLa absLracLlon modules lor example lf we wanL Lo speclfy a class wlLh aLLrlbuLes and
operaLlons Lhen we produce a schema where we lnLroduce/declare aLLrlbuLes and schemas for
operaLlons eg one schema for each operaLlon are we clear abouL lL? so for example lf we wanL Lo
formally speclfy a class 8ankAccounL wlLh aLLrlbuLe balance and operaLlons deposlLwlLhdraw and
currenLbalance Lhen we produce a schema where we lnLroduce/declare balance (Lhls schema ln a sense
speclfles Lhe sLaLe) and we produce schemas for each operaLlon leLs noLlce LhaL some
operaLlons/funcLlons are updaLlng ones some are enqulrles eg deposlL and wlLhdraw are updaLlng
ones whlle currenLbalance ls enqulry updaLlng operaLlons change Lhe sLaLe (ln Lhls case balance)
enqulrles do noL change Lhe sLaLe (eg balance) clear so far? ok LeL me conLlnuelor updaLlng
operaLlons we produce schamas wlLh Lhe symbol uLL1A (ln Creek alphabeL) whlch means
change/dlfference of Lhe sLaLe before and afLer Lhe operaLlon lor enqulry operaLlons we use anoLher
Creek leLLer xl So when you read formal specs you lmmedlaLely know wlch schemas speclfy updaLlng
and whlch enqulry operaLlons As you remember each schema conslsLs of 2 parLs ueclaraLlon and
redlcaLe parLs

LeLs see how Lo wrlLe a schema for Lhe sLaLe of class 8ankAccounL So golng back Lo Lhe sLaLe schema
for 8ankAccounL ln ueclaraLlon parL you lnLroduce/declare varlables whcl speclfy Lhe sLaLe ln Lhls case
balance Clear? you [usL wrlLe balance and lLs Lype lf Lhere are any consLralnLs (eg buslness consLralnLs)
lmposed on sLaLe varlables you should speclfy Lhem ln Lhe redlcaLe parL eg balance00 whlch
means LhaL balance ls never negaLlve

now leLs focus on schemas whlch speclfy operaLlons/funcLlons ln Lhe ueclaraLlon parL you normally
lnLroduce/declare parameLers so for example for deposlL Lhe obvlous parameLer ls amounL noLe LhaL
some parameLers are lnpuL parameLers some are ouLpuL prameLers (le resulLs) we have Lo clearly
lndlcaLe Lhls uslng decoraLlons ! and ? So Lo summarlse so far ln ueclaraLlon parL we lnLroduce
parameLers and we dlsLlngulsh beLween lnpuL and ouLpuL parameLers Clear? And flnally Lhe
redlcaLe parL of an operaLlon schema whlch ls Lhe mosL lmporLanL as lL acLually speclfles whaL an
operaLlon/funcLlon ls for ln general redlcaLe parL lncludes a number of predlcaLes whlch speclfy
condlLlons LhaL musL be meL by sLaLe varlables and lnpuL parameLers 8LlC8L Lhe operaLlon so some
sorL of 8LcondlLlons and predlcaLes/condlLlons LhaL musL be meL Al1L8 Lhe operaLlon/funcLlon so
some sorL of CS1condlLlons ls LhaL clear? so ln Lhe case of deposlL operaLlon we have Lo speclfy LhaL
parameLer amounL 0 Lhls ls an obvlous 8L condldLlon slnce amounL0 ls lncorrecL anoLher Lhlng
whlch we wanL Lo conslder ls Lhe sLaLe le balance buL for deposlL Lhere are no any
consLralnLs/condlLlon for balance so we end up wlLh only one predlcaLe/condlLlon (8L) amounL0 so
now we have Lo speclfy condlLlons/predlcaLes whlch should be meL Al1L8 Lhe operaLlpo le CS1
clear? assume LhaL operaLlon deposlL does noL have any ouLpuL parameLer so we do noL have Lo
boLher abouL lL buL we have Lo speclfy Lhe CPAnMCL Lo Lhe S1A1L (whlch ls represenLed by balance)!
Clear? and Lhe correspondlng predlcaLe/condlLlons ls balance balance amounL l am sorry for some
reason symbol plus ls noL vlslble plus beLween balance and amounL 1he sLandard convenLlon ls Lo
use Lo speclfy sLaLe varlables Al1L8 Lhe operaLlon l belleve l gave you a very deLalled explanaLlon
More examples are ln lecLures and LuLorlals!

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