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aradlse LosL

1he CreaL Crash of 2028 changed everyLhlng Man's dependence on Lechnology flnally goL Lhe beLLer of
hlm and broughL Lhe glanL Lumbllng Lo hls knees As world flnances Lore Lhemselves asunder so dld
socleLy lLself War broke ouL over Lhe small and large dlspuLes wlLhouL dlsLlncLlon Any resource
lmaglnable became a flash polnL and blood would be Lraded for oll and waLer 1he pandemlcs would puL
a sLop Lo Lhe wars for a Llme aL leasL 1he envlronmenLal damage and compleLe breakdown of
lnLernaLlonal relaLlons made us easy LargeLs for Lhe super vlruses and plagues now noL even naLlons
could remaln whole as clLy foughL agalnsL clLy broLher agalnsL broLher everyone [usL looklng for a way
Lo survlve 60 years laLer and Lhlngs have slmmered Lo a sLandsLlll PumanlLy ls now conflned Lo a selecL
few clLles and locales across Lhe globe each under Lhe waLchful eye of a dlfferenL facLlon each looklng
greedlly aL lLs nelghbor buL wlLh llLLle Lhey can do abouL lL ?ou are uusLers a colorful name for a
colorful group of mercenarles dogooders and scoundrels allke lor Lhe rlghL amounL of money Lhere ls
llLLle you won'L do 1he world ls a harsh place years of unchecked warfare and polluLlon have led llfe
across Lhe globe ln sLrange dlrecLlons A sense of mysLery has flnally been resLored Lo Lhe unlverse and
llLLle ls known abouL whaL lles ln dark waLchlng and walLlng

ClLy Lxamples

1hls was Lhe reCrash home Lo some of Lhe world's largesL and mosL Lechnologlcally advanced
corporaLlons now run by an amalgamaLlon of Lhese companles called slmply Lhe CorporaLlon 1he
8oard Lhe governlng body has used Lhe resources avallable Lo Lhem Lo creaLe Lhe closesL Lhlng Lo Lhe
old days ln Lhe enLlre world eople here possess a falrly hlgh sLandard of llvlng
L|berty (San D|ego)
1he uS aclflc lleeL once called Lhls clLy home and Lhey now are lLs masLers A vlrLual pollce sLaLe Lhe
enLlre clLy ls run wlLh mlllLary efflclency by Lhe 1rlbunal from Lhelr clLadel Lhe nlmlLz 1helr mlllLarlsLlc
naLure ls curbed by Lhe facL LhaL Lhey musL consLanLly deal wlLh ralder aLLacks from nearly all sldes
Cne of Lhe mosL powerful clLles ln Lhe world due Lo lLs proxlmlLy Lo boLh crude and waLer Lhe 8aron
lamllles run Lhls Lown wlLh ruLhless pollLlcs and backsLabblng Lhelr own fracLured naLure prevenLlng Lhe
clLy from ever fully recoverlng or prosperlng

St Lou|s
1he only clLy ln Lhe world sLlll malnLalned by democracy llfe ls hard here buL falr and [usL as well Many
uusLers call Lhls clLy home due Lo Lhe avallablllLy of work and Lhe decenL llvlng condlLlons uesplLe Lhelr
wanL of peace SL Louls ls engaged ln a desperaLe baLLle for survlval wlLh Chlcago
Cne of Lhe largesL ralder clLles Chlcago ls conLrolled by varlous gangs and crlmlnal groups LhaL
occaslonally Lake a break from kllllng each oLher Lo rald Lhe surroundlng areas SL Louls' proxlmlLy
makes lL Lhe prlme LargeL and Lhe Lwo are engaged ln frequenL baLLles

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