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EpIanation tct is a tct gcnrc which trics to cpIain how a thing happcns or
why thc thing is madc. EpIanation tct actuaIIy is simiIar to proccdurc tct, howcvcr,
cpIanation tct tcnds to cpIain. VhiIc thc proccdurc tct is intcndcd to instruct how
to form or makc somcthing.
BcIIow arc somc campIcs of cpIanation tct which arc groupcd into scvcraI topics.
This Iist of Iinks rcIating to cpIanation tct hopcfuIIy hcIps studcnts to gct morc
undcrstanding about tct gcnrcs, cspcciaIIy an cpIanation tct.

EpIanation tcts about food
How a chocoIatc is madc

EpIanation tcts about toy pIay
How a kitc fIics

EpIanation tcts about naturaI phcnomcna:
How a tsunami happcns
How a Vcnus ccIipsc happcns
How an carthquakc happcns
How rain happcns
How scasons happcn
How day and night happcns
Vhy dayIight in summcr is Iongcr than in wintcr

EpIanation tcts about tcchnoIogy
How a ccII phonc works
How a fucI Iight works

EpIanation tcts about monumcntaI things
How roman roads wcrc buiIt
Vhy EiffcI towcr was buiIt

EpIanation tcts about discascs
How a canccr is formcd

If you want to know what thc purposc, gcncric structurc, and Ianguagc fcaturc of
cpIanation tct arc. rcad thc foIIowing post
Vhat is an cpIanation tct?

If you want to know thc simiIarity and diffcrcncc bctwccn a rcport and proccdurc tct,
rcad thc foIIowing post
Rcport tct vs proccdurc tct

AdditionaIIy if you want to know thc summary of tct typcs "Ringkasan jcnis tct daIam
bahasa Inggris, rcad thc foIIowing post
Thc summary of EngIish tct typcs
EpIanation Tct

Dcfinition and purposcs of EpIanation
Lxplanaiion is a icxi which iclls proccsscs rclaiing io orming o naiural, social, scicniiic and
culiural phcnomcna. Lxplanaiion icxi is io say 'why' and 'how' o ihc orming o ihc
phcnomcna. Ii is oicn ound in scicncc, gcography and hisiory icxi books.

Gcncric structurc of EpIanation
Gcncral siaicmcni, siaiing ihc phcnomcnon issucs which arc io bc cxplaincd.
Scqucnccd cxplanaiion, siaiing a scrics o sicps which cxplain ihc phcnomcna.

Languagc Fcaturc
Icaiuring gcncric pariicipani, sun, rain, cic
Using chronological conncciion, io bcgin wiih, ncxi, cic
Using passic oicc paiicrn
Using simplc prcscni icnsc

1hc icrm o isunami comcs rom ihc Japancsc which mcans harbour ("isu") and wac
("nami"). A isunami is a scrics o wacs gcncraicd whcn waicr in a lakc or a sca is rapidly
displaccd on a massic scalc.

A isunami can bc gcncraicd whcn ihc sca loor abrupily dcorms and criically displaccs ihc
ocrlying waicr. Such largc criical mocmcnis o ihc carih's crusi can occur ai plaic

Subduciion o carihquakcs arc pariicularly ccciic in gcncraiing isunami, and occur whcrc
dcnscr occanic plaics slip undcr coniincnial plaics.

As ihc displaccd waicr mass mocs undcr ihc inlucncc o graiiy io rcgain iis cquilibrium, ii
radiaics across ihc occan likc ripplcs on a pond.

1sunami always bring grcai damagc. Mosi o ihc damagc is causcd by ihc hugc mass o waicr
bchind ihc iniiial wac roni, as ihc hcighi o ihc sca kccps rising asi and loods powcrully
inio ihc coasial arca.

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