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Captulo 1
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Captulo 12
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Captulo 13
Thompson,MW, McInnes RR, Willard HF. Genetics in Medicine 5th ed. Londres: eds WB Saunders Co; 1991:167-200. Nussbaum RL, McInnes RR, Willard HF. Genetics in Medicine. 5th ed. Londres: WB Saunders Co; 2001:111 - 134. Mueller RF, Young MD. Gentica Mdica 10ma ed ed. Marban Libros S.L; pags 2001:122-4.

Captulo 14
Vogel F, Motulsky V. Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches. New York: Springer -Verlag; 1979. Rimon DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, Korf BR. Emery and Rimoins. Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics 4 th Ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2002:3-36.

Captulo 15
Falconer DS. Introduccin a la Gentica Cuantitativa 3 impresin. Mxico DF. Editorial Continental 1972. Vogel F, Motulsky V. Human Genetics. Problems and Approaches. New York: Springer -Verlag. 1979 Nusshaum RL, McInnes RR, Willard HF, Willard HF. Genetics in Medicine. 6th ed. New York: W.B. Saunders Compay 2001.

Captulo 16
Adrian M, Owen RD, Gentica General. Edgar RS 3ra. Ed. Barcelona: Ediciones Omega S:A; 1974. Rimon DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, Korf BR. Emery and Rimoins. Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics 4 th Ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 2002:3-36. King RA , Rotter JI, MotulskiAG. The Genetics Basis Of Common Diseases. Oxford: University Press, Oxford; 1992.

Captulo 17
Rimon DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, Korf BR. Emery and Rimoins. Principles and Practice of Medical Genetics 4 th Edition. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 2002:3-36. Stevenson RE, May JG, Goodman RM. Human Malformations and Related Anomalies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1993. Jones KL. Smith's Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformation. 5th Ed Montreal: W.S Saunders Company, 1997. Larsen W. Embriologa Humana. 2da. Edicin. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1997.


Alberts B, Bray D. Lewis J, Raff M, Roberts K, Watson JD. Molecular biology of the cell .3th ed. New York: Garland Publishing; Inc. 1999.

Captulo 18
Baker DL, Shuette JL, Uhlman WR. A guide to Genetic Counseling. Wiley - Liss; 1998. Harper PS. Practical Genetic Counselling. 5th ed. Butterworth Heinemann; 1998. Thompson MW, Mc Innes RR, Willard HF. Gentica Mdica. 4ta ed. MASSON; 1996. Emery s Gentica Mdica. RF Mueller, ID Young. 10 ed. MARBAN, 2001. Penshaszadeh VP, Punhales-Morejon D. Dimensiones psicosociales de los problemas Genticos. Curso patrocinado por la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatra; 2000. Penchaszadeh VB. Biotica y Gentica en Amrica Latina. Braz J Genet 1997:20(1)163-70. Report of WHO Meeting on Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics; 1997. International Guidelines on Ethical Issues in Medical Genetics and Genetic Services. Report of a WHO Meeting: 1998. Statements of the WHO Expert Consultation on New Developments in Human Genetics; 2000.


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