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INT. CLASSROOM - DAYTIME We enter a classroom full of kids fooling around. The occasional paper airplane is flown through the sky, while other students spend their time balancing a pencil on their nose/chin. We zoom into the conversation of the two kids that seem to be the "loners". We notice that they are observing all of the other kids horseplay, while they quietly sit there, and carry out a conversation. The first thing that you would notice on polo shirt that is tucked into his dress as though they are about to burst at the emotionless, and he is staring into what GRAHAM, is his pink pants, which look seems. His face is seems to be space.

GRAHAM Do you think that girls have the same things going through their heads as us? Without, looking, or giving it much thought, ALAN, shakes his head. We notice that his look makes him look a lot more cheap, as though he does not care how he appears. His shirt is almost like pajamas, they are silky, but old and dirty. The feature that sticks out the most is his messy hair. From the looks of it, he has not showered, and the greasiness has forced his hair into an upward position. ALAN No. GRAHAM Yeah, but see, Ive given it some thought. And, if you really think about it, we both are people, and uh, that weALAN Well, if they think the same as we do, then why, would us men, not understand them as well as we would hope. And people like us, never even have a chance of getting a girl. GRAHAM No, no, no. You see, uh, we do have a chance, it is this exact attitude that gets us nowhere. See, I read somewhere that girls like confident guys, the kind who respect (MORE) (CONTINUED)



GRAHAM (contd) themselves; and from what I am hearing out of you, it seems as though you do not have any confidence inside of yourself at all. ALAN No, butWe see a small paper airplane is thrown, and crosses into the frame, and is flown straight into ALANS face, and although it is not a big deal, GRAHAM gets heated. GRAHAM (pushing the kid) Get the hell away. The KID walks away, and GRAHAM crumbles the paper airplane into a snowball shape, then throws it at the kid. GRAHAM (to THE KID) Thats right, watch it. (to ALAN) Continue. ALAN continues straight into his story, not even being phased by the dialogue that just took place. ALAN I was saying, that it seems at though girls like to have that roll. You know, the not caring at all, and full of herself look. GRAHAM No, you are wrong; as usual. See, we want the power roll, to take charge, and let em know whos boss in the relationship. GRAHAM and ALAN stand up, and start walking out of the classroom. We glide with them out of the door, as we see the people in the background continue to horseplay. INT. HALLWAY - DAYTIME ALAN No, your wrong, and even if your right...




GRAHAM stops to steal a soda from someone at the side of the hallway. GRAHAM (to the kid who got his soda stollen) Hey, suck it up. GRAHAM goes back to paying attention to ALAN. ALAN (CONTD) ...even if you are right, then I have even less of a chance to get a girl. GRAHAM Hell right. Neither of us do. Look at me, Im as fat as a linemen after thanksgiving. And you got no balls. Either way you look at it, we got no shot. ALAN, looks discouraged. The emotion is not shown in close up, but his shoulders fall, and his head drops in a way that implies exactly what he means. ALAN Yeah... So what class do you have next? GRAHAM I got friggin Math; what about you? ALAN I have English. GRAHAM Which you like, what kind of kid likes any subject in school? ALAN decides to ignore this comment, except for a small shrug. We continue to glide with the kids, as they take a turn in the hallway. GRAHAM takes a sip of his soda, and swallows. ALAN Me. GRAHAM Typical Alan. Hey, are you free after school today?




ALAN Yeah, I think so. GRAHAM takes another sip of his soda. GRAHAM Good. We can discuss this while doing our homework. And dont worry, Im sure we will get enough for your liking. The kids stop at a door, however, the audience continues past the door a few feet, then comes to a stop to show the outline of the entire scene. GRAHAM Hey, listen. The camera cuts to a close-up of GRAHAMS face. GRAHAM (CONTD) We are going to get a girl. And dont give me any negative crap. Cut to Alans face. GRAHAM (CONTD) You know Hellen Gramfield? ALAN nods. GRAHAM (CONTD) I have a crush on her. ALAN stays completely silent throughout this short conversation. GRAHAM (CONTD) Dont tell anyone, you gotta swear it. ALAN Alright. GRAHAM Good. Unless we die, see you after school. GRAHAM shuts the door to the classroom, stranding ALAN in the middle of the hallway, alone; with nothing but his own reflection from the shiny floor. CUT TO:


INT. CLASSROOM - DAYTIME We watch the door to the classroom swing slowly open, as ALAN tries to enter as silently as he possibly can; to avoid the fact that he is late, and will get in trouble. MRS. GERMILLY Youre late. ALAN Im sorry. MRS. GERMILLY Well, this is the third time this week, you got to knock it off. ALAN Im sorry, I will try harder next time. MRS. GERMILLY That is, if you even show tomorrowMRS. GERMILLY stops and looks at the class; who all have blank expressions on their face. MRS. GERMILLY We will talk after class. Now take a seat. ALAN slowly, trudges over to the only empty desk in the back of the classroom; with the camera following him to his seat. We see him take his seat, then reach next, and we observe as he pulls out a binder, with a notebook. MRS. GERMILLY (in background) Now, class, you can tell me what two-thirds multiplied by three sevenths is... The camera slowly zooms in onto ALANS face. It is obvious that he is pondering something; a thought of some sort. BELL RINGS: INT. CLASSROOM - DAYTIME All of the kids begin to flood the doorway, and leave the classroom, as ALAN is once again left in the dust, sitting there, fiddling with his pencil. We see the entire scene: the kids running out the door, and ALAN sitting there being (CONTINUED)



lonely in his seat. Until MRS. GERMILLY begins to arrive at the lonely desk. Then we cut in to show their conversation. ALAN is sitting there with a blank expression, playing with his pencil still, whereas the teacher has a disappointed feel to her expression. MRS. GERMILLY What can I say? ALAN sits there quitely, and waits for her to finish. MRS. GERMILLY (CONTD) You get straight As in class, yet you somehow decide to show up ten, twenty minutes late? The camera cuts to ALANS face, then back to MRS. GERMILLY. MRS. GERMILLY (CONTD) That is, if you even decide to show up at all. And all you say is... sorry? ALAN continues to sit there. MRS. GERMILLY (CONTD) That wasnt a rhetorical question. ALAN Yeah. MRS. GERMILLY You should be skipping grades, not redoing them. You are a smart kid, you have the school smarts down. Now, you have to learn commen sense smarts. ALAN continues to stare down at his desk, and avoid eye contact. MRS. GERMILLY (CONTD) Now you listen to me right now. I dont know Graham very well, but from the looks of it, he seems to have a negative impact on you. I know I am in no position to judge you and your friends, or friend, but I just think that you should probably stop hanging out with this boy. ALAN looks up right away after this statement, and stares right into MRS. GERMILLYS eyes. (CONTINUED)



ALAN Hes my only friend. MRS. GERMILLY I know. And I think that he is a great friend, but not the right one for you. ALAN Im not giving up our friendship because of this. MRS. GERMILLY Okay, okay, but

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