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8andag Automot|ve was esLabllshed ln 19 years ago 8efore 2003 lL was managed by !

lm's faLher and

afLer LhaL he (!lm 8andag) Look over Lhe buslness
number of employees 300
8andag AuLomoLlve dlsLrlbuLes replacemenL mufflers bulbs englne parLs englne parLs eLc)
ulvlslon Supplles servlce sLaLlons and repalr shops 8andag AuLomoLlve auLo supply sLores
P8 acLlvlLles LhaL 8andag ouLsource are employmenL agency LhaL does 8andag recrulLlng and
screenlng payroll servlce appllcaLlon forms performance appralsals and honesLy LesL
Maln problem ln Lhe case lack of P8 deparLmenL Lo oversee Lhe P8 funcLlon and admlnlsLer all P8
speclflc lssues and problems vlolaLlon of Lhe LLCC (Lqual LmploymenL CpporLunlLy Commlsslon) and
regnancy ulscrlmlnaLlon AcL
Consequences of Lhe problems flrlng of Penry !aques demoLlon of Cavln and ellmlnaLlon of hls poslLlon
from Lhe organlzaLlon dlscharglng Mlrlam for pregnancy lssues and Lurnlng down of 8andag Lruck
malnLenance servlce people who applled for Lhe drlvlng [ob
1 Clven 8andag AuLo's slze and anyLhlng else you know abouL lL should we reorganlze Lhe human
resource managemenL funcLlons and lf so why and how?
?es 8andag should reorganlze Lhe human resource managemenL funcLlons because Lhere ls no
sLrucLured human resource deparLmenL ln Lhe 8andag Lo coordlnaLe and manage human resource
funcLlons and lssues ln Loday's compeLlLlve world of buslness employee's managemenL moLlvaLlons
and saLlsfacLlons are keys Lo success 1herefore Lo be more compeLlLlve and Lo reLaln and saLlsfy Lhe
human resources ln Lhe organlzaLlon Lhey should have sysLemaLlc and sLrucLured human resource
managemenL deparLmenL so LhaL Lhey can manage human lssues ln Lhe organlzaLlon
1o resLrucLure Lhe human resource deparLmenL 8andag can open new separaLe deparLmenL and
asslgn P8 speclflc roles and duLles Lo perform 1hey can hlre P8 speclallsL Lo lead Lhe deparLmenL

2 WhaL lf anyLhlng would you do Lo change and/ or lmprove upon Lhe currenL P8 sysLems forms and
pracLlces LhaL we now use?
1he maln Lhlng l would change and lmprove Lhe exlsLlng sysLems ls Lo esLabllshed new
funcLlonal areas wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon speclflcally for human resources and carrles all Lhe people
relaLed funcLlons lssues and problems from LhaL funcLlonal area 1he ma[or Lhlng l would do ls recrulL/
hlre a P8 speclallsL Lo manage Lhe P8 lssues ln addlLlon Lo Lhls l would make sure LhaL Lhe organlzaLlon
ls followlng all Lhe uS labor AcL's llke LLCC (Lqual LmploymenL CpporLunlLy Commlsslon) and regnancy
ulscrlmlnaLlon AcL eLc
3 uo you Lhlnk LhaL Lhe employees LhaL !lm flred for creaLlng whaL Lhe manager called a polsonous
relaLlonshlp has a leglLlmaLe clalm agalnsL us and lf so why and whaL should we do abouL lL?
l don'L Lhlnk LhaL lL ls a leglLlmaLe clalm because Lhere ls no such evldence ln Lhe case LhaL Penry
made Lhe whole place polsonous !lm argues LhaL Penry has serlous problems lnLeracLlng wlLh hls
coworkers and furLher adds LhaL he was conLlnually argulng wlLh hls coworkers a complalnlng Lo Lhe
sLore manager abouL worklng condlLlon 8uL l would say good [ob Lo Penry for complalnlng for worklng
condlLlon because lf Lhere ls no P8 deparLmenL and P8 personnel Lo handle P8 relaLed lssues Lhen how
could Lhelr worklng condlLlon be quallLaLlve
4 ls lL Lrue LhaL we really had Lo puL Cavln back lnLo an equlvalenL poslLlon or was lL adequaLe Lo [usL
brlng hlm back lnLo a [ob aL Lhe same salary bonuses and beneflLs as he had before hls leave?
?es! Cavln worked for 8andag for 10 years Lhe lasL Lwo as manager of one of Lhe company's flve sLores
so prlorlLy should be glven Lo hlm 8andag should offer hlm an equlvalenL poslLlon Same salary
beneflLs and bonuses are noL enough Lo reLaln hlm Pe ls one of Lhe experlenced and valuable
employees of Lhe 8andag So 8andag should reLaln hlm by offerlng hlm same level of poslLlon noL only ln
Lerms of salary and remuneraLlon buL also ln Lerms of auLhorlLy and responslblllLy
3 Mlrlam Lhe conLroller ls baslcally clalmlng LhaL Lhe company ls reLallaLlng agalnsL her for belng
pregnanL and LhaL Lhe facL LhaL we ralsed performance lssues was [usL a smokescreen uo you Lhlnk Lhe
LLCC and/or courLs would agree wlLh her and ln any case whaL should we do now?
ln my oplnlon Lhe LLCC and/or courLs would agree wlLh her because accordlng Lo Lhe regnancy
AcL lf an employee ls Lemporarlly unable Lo perform her [ob because of her pregnancy Lhe employer
musL LreaL her Lhe same as any oLher Lemporarlly dlsabled employee lor example lf Lhe employer
allows Lemporarlly dlsabled employees Lo modlfy Lasks perform alLernaLlve asslgnmenLs or Lake
dlsablllLy leave or leave wlLhouL pay Lhe employer also musL allow an employee who ls Lemporarlly
dlsabled because of pregnancy Lo do Lhe same
regnanL employees musL be permlLLed Lo work as long as Lhey are able Lo perform Lhelr [obs lf an
employee has been absenL from work as a resulL of a pregnancyrelaLed condlLlon and recovers her
employer may noL requlre her Lo remaln on leave unLll Lhe babys blrLh An employer also may noL have
a rule LhaL prohlblLs an employee from reLurnlng Lo work for a predeLermlned lengLh of Llme afLer
1o solve Lhese parLlcular lssues 8andag can arrange fewer hours per week for her unLll her
recovery lf 8andag refused Lo do so and flred her courL may go agalnsL Lhem for noL followlng law and
order of Lhe sLaLe
6 An employee who ls deaf has asked us Lo be one of our dellvery people and we Lurned hlm down Pe's
now LhreaLenlng Lo sue WhaL should l do and why?
l Lhlnk 8andag should allow hlm Lo be drlver for Lhe dellvery Lruck lL ls agalnsL Lhe LLCC (Lqual
LmploymenL CpporLunlLy Commlsslon) Lo dlscrlmlnaLe agalnsL someone Lo be Lhe drlver [usL because
he/she ls deaf 8aLher Lhan Lurnlng hlm down company can provlde hlm speclal earphone lf needed noL
glvlng Lhe drlvlng [ob Lo someone [usL because he/she ls deaf ls fully dlscrlmlnaLlon 1herefore 8andag
should avold such dlscrlmlnaLlon

7 ln Lhe prevlous 10 years we only had one equal employmenL complalnL and now ln Lhe lasL few years
we had four or flve WhaL should l do abouL lL? Why?
l Lhlnk Lhe maln reason behlnd lncreaslng equal employmenL complalnL ls !lm hlmself We know LhaL
!lm's faLher was qulLe lnvolved ln Lhe employee's problem llke flndlng ouL whaL Lhelr problem ls and
even helplng Lhem ouL wlLh an occaslonal loan and belng qulLe llberal when employees face some sorL
of problem llke when Lhelr chlldren were slck Cn Lhe oLher hand !lm Lends Lo be more abrupL and does
noL en[oy Lhe same warm relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe employees as dld hls faLher
!lm ls very focused on lmprovlng 8andag's flnanclal performance and so all hls declslons lncludlng hls
P8 relaLed declslons generally come down Lo cuLLlng cosLs llke fewer days off raLher Lhan more fewer
beneflLs Lo employees raLher Lhan more and less flexlble wlLh Lhe employees even when employees
need lL 1herefore ln overall Lhe employees of 8andag are qulLe dlssaLlsfled wlLh Lhe overall
managemenL of Lhe 8andag And such complalnL lncreased dramaLlcally durlng a decade or so
l Lhlnk Lo solve Lhls problem 8andag should deflne speclflc P8 relaLed pollcles Lo address such lssues
1here ls no P8 deparLmenL no P8 speclflc rules and pollcles Lo gulde and manage Lhe P8 relaLed
problems and lssues So Lhe company ls faclng a loL of people relaLed problems ln pasL 10 years

8ecommendaLlon from oLher slLe
8ecommend whaL 8andag should change and/or lmprove upon regardlng Lhe currenL P8 sysLems
forms and pracLlces Lhe company now uses ln Loday's compeLlLlve envlronmenL lL's lmporLanL for all
managers Lo undersLand Lhey have a role ln bulldlng even wlLhln Lhelr own deparLmenL hlgh
performance work sysLems A hlghperformance work sysLem ls a seL of human resource managemenL
pollcles and pracLlces LhaL promoLe organlzaLlonal effecLlveness" ln flndlng new ways Lo provlde
LransacLlonal servlces Lhey can use selfadmlnlsLer beneflLs plans such as lnLraneLbased web slLes 1hls
wlll ellmlnaLe paper forms and sLore all documenLs elecLronlcally ln a daLabase warehouse !lm flred an
employee for creaLlng whaL Lhe manager called a polsonous relaLlonshlp Lxplaln wheLher or noL Lhe
employee has a leglLlmaLe clalm agalnsL Lhe company and Lhe acLlons Lhe company should Lake

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