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1v shows produced ln 8omanla l can say afLer many aLLempLs Lo waLch one documenLary fllm or

reallLy show or enLerLalnmenL show's LhaL Lhere are noL really Lhe besL boLh ln Lerms of dlrecLorlal and
acLlng 1he blg ma[orlLy of Lhe 1v shows Lend Lo lnsplre from Lhe day by day llfe and when LhaL happens
lL becomes uLLerly
l Lhlnk LhaL Sa Le prezlnL parlnLllor or Mlreasa penLru flul meu" dlsLorL Lhe reallLy and some can
Lake lL for good and acL llke Lhe performers from LhaL 1v show 1he language ls also lnadequaLe for LhaL
hour when chlldren can sLay and waLch aL Lhe 1v
Also ln carLoons we flnd a loL of words llke sLupld " fool and klds sLarL uslng Lhem from an early
age Lven ln names we of carLoons or movles LhaL are desLlned Lo chlldren we flnd flashy words
My llLLle slsLer sald me one day ldloL and when l asked her whaL lL means she sald LhaL she don'L
know buL she heard LhaL word aL Lhe 1v ln Cura[ calne frlcos" so she can name me llke LhaL l was
sLunned and afLer shaklng my head Lwlce l explalned her whaL lL means and she blushed
LeL's Lake for example vocea 8omanlel or x facLor or 8omanll au LalenL" All of Lhem are
presenLlng a dlsLorL reallLy Lhey show us aL Lhe 1v LhaL Lhey are golng ln preparaLlon sLages and
canLonmenLs buL ls noL Lrue
All of Lhls ls our faulL because we waLch whaL we wanL 8ecause lf we sLop waLchlng un snow pacaLos"
and lL wlll noL have audlence Lhe show for sure lL wlll be cancelled 8uL we conLlnuously waLch some
programs LhaL are very nasLy and we don'L care whaL our mlnd can suffer afLer such a blg lmporL of
erroneous lnformaLlon
Mynele 1v or 1araf are also channel LhaL are llke mlsslle for walls for our mlnd aLLacklng our braln and
slashlng lL We musL sLop waLchlng Lhls klnd of 1v show's or channels and Lhey wlll sLop dlffuse Lhem
1here are a loL of examples of 1v shows or channels all over Lhe world buL ln 8omanla lL seems LhaL
are many more Lhan ln any oLher counLry from uL or from 1he world l can say LhaL our 1v
enLerLalnmenL ls somewhere near polnL 0 1here are Loo less 1v show llke 1elenclclopedla" or vlaLa
saLulul even LhaL Lhe shows seem Lo be borlng lL's noL llke LhaL 1here are a loL of useful lnformaLlon
ln Lhem
nexL Lop model or 8urlacul" are also near ground wlLh lnformaLlon or Lrue reallLy buL we keep
waLchlng Lhem Why ? Well LhaL we don'L know ln 8omanla we don'L have a 1v show Lo be our ldea
we [usL copy pasLe whaL we see ln Amerlca or unlLed klngdoms And even if we have good copy, but
they're fakes, as Chinese frills and Turkish clothes.
We need a Media Revolution to make our TV shows educative or to can say that there are really TV
shows and true entertainment .

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