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Name: Manuel Perez


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Answer all questions in full sentences and with facts

and details.

Begin by previewing the Trail of Tears Association

and the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail: Stories website

Why do you believe the Cherokee people were asked to leave their land?
I believe that the reason the Cherokee people had to leave Is because the
Europeans separated the old and the Ill and where forced out by gun point . Also
other European people wanted the gold that was on the Cherokee land.. 

Begin skimming the "The Story" section of the Trail of Tears Association

How did the Cherokee people fight the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
The Cherokee people fought the Indian Removal act by writing for the majority,
held that the Cherokee Nation was a " domestic dependent nation " and therefore
the state of Georgia state law applied to them.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case Worcester v. Georgia?
The Supreme Court rule that in the case of Worcester v. Georgia. That the
following year in
Worcester v. Georgia under the 1830 law. Georgia required all white residents to
secure a license from the governor and to take oath of allegiance to the state.

Carefully read the text under the heading The Roundup

and Trail of Tears in "The Story" section of the Trail of
Tears Association website. Next, carefully read the text
under "Many Days Pass and People Die Very Much" in
the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail: Stories website.
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are needed to see this picture. How did the United States government finally arrange to
remove the Cherokee people?
The United States government finally removed the Cherokee people by taking the old and ill and told 
them to leave at gun point  and they weren’t  able to defend themselves also Gen. Winfield Scott began 
rounding up the Cherokee and moving them into stockades in North Carolina by the order or president 
Martin Van Buren

Stop and think.

Do you believe the government's actions to remove the Cherokee were corrupt
(dishonest)? Why or why not?

Answer these questions after you finish reading both websites.

Under what conditions were the Cherokee forced to leave their homes?

What type of shelter and provision did the government provide the Cherokee?

Approximately how many Cherokee died during the relocation?

How does studying this episode of American history make you feel?
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