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Davis, Board Chair December 15, 2011 Minneapolis Board of Education 807 N.E. Broadway Street Minneapolis, MN. 55413 Dear Boar Chair Davis, Like you, we believe the resignation of Director Lydia Lee represents a great loss of institutional knowledge and leadership for Minneapolis Public Schools. In anticipation of your vote to replace Director Lee, the African American Leadership Forums education work group screened four of the five candidates seeking a seat on the Minneapolis Board of Education. Given the quality of the applicant pool you have a difficult decision before you. Each of them brings unique strengths that would be useful on the board. After thoughtful consideration, we support T. Williams candidacy. Mr. Williams is the only candidate with applicable school board experience and institutional knowledge. With only a one-year term there will be little time for a new board member to learn board processes and fulfill the expectations of a board director. We prefer an appointment that gives the greatest assurance of a board that is up to speed and fully able to perform on day one. For us, Mr. Williams is the wise choice. Our intent is to endorse one candidate, however, we feel it necessary to highlight how impressed we are with David DeGrio as well. In our screening process Mr. DeGrio demonstrated a great deal of insight, experience, and dedication to issues of equity. His rich responses to our detailed questions reflect high levels of knowledge about education, and respect for evidence-based reform. We expect to support Mr. DeGrio in his future endeavors. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the children of Minneapolis Public Schools. We appreciate your service! Regards, Dr. Sylvia Bartley, Co-Chair Chris Stewart, Co-Chair AALF Education Workgroup AALF Education Workgroup

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