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Secondary / Secondaire / Sekonder Primary / Primaire / Primer RMU - Compact / Compact / Kompakt

Introduction / Introduction / Tantm

Our Profile EKOS GROUP efforts to be a corporation of being respected and trusted within its 5 companies; and to provide world class service with its quality manufacturing and engineering. EKOS GROUP has activities in electrical engineering, production and marketing within the boards of Turkey, North Africa, Eastern Europe, Middle-West Asia and Middle East-Gulf. EKOS GROUP companies are EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.S., EKOSinerji Dis Ticaret Koll. Sti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canada. The company, especially in gas insulated switchgear technology, is the first and the largest manufacturer of Turkey and intends to provide high quality, proven reliability in operating conditions and flexible technology eliminating the need for brand loyalty products. Company has the ISO Quality Management System, ISO Environmental System, OHSAS The Occupational Health & Safety Management System Certificates, which are the necessity of quality principle that we never give up. Also, the company provides the criterias required by the latest version standards and proves this by the type test reports, taken from independent and internationally accredited laboratories. EKOS GROUP exports 70% of its productions by the existence of homologation certificates, which means the products are utilisable in that country, taken from several transmission and distribution companies all around the world. Notre Profile Le GROUPE EKOS constitu de 5 socits est fier dtre une structure de rfrence dans le domaine de llectricit avec son service de qualit en matire de production et dingnierie en respectant les normes internationales. Le GROUPE EKOS mne ses activits dans le domaine de llectricit avec son ingnierie, sa production et sa commercialisation en Turquie, en Afrique du Nord, au Moyen Orient, les pays du Golf et au Canada. Les socits qui constituent le GROUPE EKOS sont: EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.S., EKOSinerji Dis Ticaret Koll. Sti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canada. Notre socit est la premire et la plus grande socit de fabrication de cellules moyenne tension spcialement en cellules isoles au gaz en Turquie. Notre socit fournis des cellules qui ont prouv sur le terrain leur qualit et fiabilit liminant lobligation de rester attach une marque donne et compatibles avec toutes les autres marques reconnues. Notre socit ayante toujours comme principale procupation la qualit et la scurit est certifie; ISO Systmes de Management de la Qualit, ISO Sytmes de Management Environnemental, OHSAS Systmes de Management de la sant et de la scurit. Aussi la socit possde les rapports types des laboratoires indpendants internationallement accrdits pour fournir une qualit repondante aux dernires normes de la CEI. 70% de la production de notre socit est destine lexportation et nos produits sont homologus par les socits nationales dlectricit de tout ces pays partenaires. Cette homologation demontre que les produits OSEL sont adapts et repondent aux caracteristiques techniques du rseau et de lutilisation approuves par les socits nationales dlectricit de ces pays. Notre Domaine dActivit -La fabrication, la vente, la commercialisation des cellules MT avec notre ingnierie propre sans aucun contract de license -Gestion des projets relatifs aux systmes de protection, de controle et de SCADA de GE Digital Energy dont nous sommes distributeur -La sous-traitance pour; Appareillage et poste de transformation HT/MT/BT, cablage, Transmission de donnes, et leur installation, systmes de protection secondaire HT/MT, installation, tests sur site et mise en service Profilimiz EKOS GROUP, bnyesindeki 5 irketle saygn ve gvenilir bir kurum olmann, kaliteli retim ve mhendisliiyle dnya standartlarna bir hizmet sunmann gayreti ierisindedir. EKOS GROUP Trkiyede, Avrupada, Afrikada, Orta Dou ve Krfez lkelerinde, Trk Cumhuriyetlerinde ve Kanadada elektrik sektrnde mhendislik, retim ve pazarlama-sat konularnda faaliyet gstermektedir. EKOS GROUP irketleri EKOSinerji Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret A.., OSEL Elektrik Sanayi A.., EKOSinerji D Ticaret Koll. ti, Sarl EKOS ENERGIE, EKOS ENERGIE Canadadr. zellikle gaz izoleli hcre teknoloji konusunda Trkiyenin ilk ve en byk reticisi konumundaki irket; elektrik enerjisinin datmda yksek kaliteli, gvenirlilii iletme koullarnda ispatlanm, marka bamll yaratmayan esnek teknoloji rnlerinin var olmasn ilke edinmitir. irket, hibir zaman vazgemedii kalite ilkesinin gereklilii olan, Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri, evre Ynetim Sistemi ve Sal ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi sertifikalarna sahip olmasnn yannda, en son versiyon uluslararas standartlarn tm gerekliliklerini karlamakta ve bunu uluslararas bamsz ve akredite laboratuarlardan alnm tip test raporlar ile kantlanmaktadr. EKOS GROUP, bir ok iletim ve datm kurumundan alnm sistemde kullanlabilir anlamna gelen yeterlilik belgelerine sahip bir ekilde retiminin %70ini ihra etmektedir.

Our Scope of Activities -Production, sales and marketing of MV Switchgears with our own engineering and without any license agreement -Project management of protection, control, monitoring, optimization and SCADA systems by the distributorship of GE Digital Energy -Acting as an electrical contractor; HV/MV/ LV switching and substations, cabling, data transferring, and their installations, HV/MV secondary protections systems, erections, settings, site tests and energizinge world

Faaliyet Alanlarmz -Herhangi bir lisans anlamas olmadan, tamamen kendi mhendisliimiz ile orta gerilim alt ekipmanlar retimi, sat ve pazarlamas -GE Digital Energy distribtrlklerimiz ile koruma, kontrol, optimizasyon, izleme ve SCADA sistemleri proje ynetimi -Elektrik mteahhidi olarak, YG/OG/AG anahtarlama ve transformatr merkezleri, kablolama, veri transferi ve kurulumlar, YG/ OG sekonder koruma sistemleri, montaj ayar, saha testi ve enerjilendirme

Our Expertise -Primary and secondary distribution products and substations -Protection, control and monitoring (SCADA) systems -Substation automation -Complete site works and contracting -Project design up to 400 kV -Complete site tests -Transformer monitoring-diagnostic systems and transformer oil regeneration -Local presence and continuous consultancy -Operation and maintenance support

Notre Expertise -Appareillage de distribution primaire et secondaire et postes prefabriqus -Protection, contrle et systme de surveillance (SCADA) -Automation des postes de transformation -Sous-traitance et tous les tests sur site -Conception de projet jusqua 400 kV -Tous les tests sur sites -Surveillance, diagnostic et systme de regnration de lhuile des transformateurs -Support pour lexploitation et la maintenance -Prsence locale et consultation rgulire Nos Marchs - Clients -Rseau dElectricit (production, transmission et distribution) -Ptrol et gaz (rafineries) -Transport (chemins de fer, autoroute) -Eau (traitement, gestion des eaux uses) -Industries lourdes (mine, metals, ciment) -Btiments (appartements, hotels, hopitaux, centre commerciaux)

Uzmanlk Alanlarmz -Primer, sekonder datm ve transformatr merkezleri rnleri -Koruma, kontrol ve izleme (SCADA) sistemleri -Transformatr merkezleri otomasyonu -Komple saha testleri -400 kV seviyesine kadar proje dizayn -Transformatr ya rejenerasyonu -Transformatr izleme ve bakm sistemleri -letme ve bakm destei

Our Markets - Customers -Electricity network (generation, transmission and distribution) -Oil and gas (refineries) -Transportation (railways, highways, pipelines) -Water (treatment, waste facilities) -Heavy industry (mining, metals, cement) -Buildings (house, hotel, hospital, shopping center)

Hizmet Ettiimiz Pazarlar -Elektrik sistemi (retim, iletim, datm) -Petrol ve gaz (rafineriler) -Ulam (tren yolu, otoban, havaliman) -Su (artma, pompa) -Ar sanayi (maden, demir&elik, imento) -Yaplar (konut, otel, hastane, alveri mer.)

Why GIS? At GIS-Gas Insulated Switchgears, all energized parts and switching equipments are in a chamber that filled with SF6 gas which is 5 times heavier than the air and has 3 times higher breakdown strength. This structure prevents accidental touches and also prevents ingress of humidity, dust, small animals and the other objects that may cause short circuit. Also, through the high breakdown strength of SF6 gas, the dimensions are smaller compared to air insulated switchgears. This feature provides decrease of investment costs, that particularly the investment decisionmakers intersted in and increase of benefits in total. Pourquoi GIS? Dans les cellules nommes GIS Cellule Isole au Gaz tout les lements de coupure et les znes sous nergie sont dans une enceinte en acier inoxydable remplie de gaz SF6 qui a une capacit disolement 3 fois plus importante que celui de lair et qui est 5 fois plus lourd. Cette structure permet dviter tout contact accidentel, la pntration de la poussire, de lhumidit et des petits animaux pouvant crer des court circuits. Grce la capacit disolement du SF6, les cellules gagnent des dimensions trs rduites compares aux cellules isoles dans lair. Lobjectif est de pouvoir utiliser des cellules de grande qualit avec un volume trs rduit pour les espaces limits. Neden GIS? GIS-Gaz zoleli Hcrelerde, tm enerjili blmler ve anahtarlama elemanlar, havadan 5 kat ar ve delinme dayanm 3 kat yksek olan SF6 gazyla doldurulmu bir tankn ierisindedir. Bu sayede dardan kaza ile herhangi bir temasn olamayaca gibi, ksa devrelere neden olan nem, toz, hayvan ve yabanc maddelerin de ieri girmesi engellenmi olur. Bylece bakm gereksinimi de sfra inmi olur. Ayrca SF6 gaznn yksek delinme dayanm sayesinde boyutlar, hava yaltml hcrelere kyasla olduka klmektedir. Bu da zellikle karar alclarn ilgilendii yatrm maliyetlerinin azalmasn ve toplam faydann artrlmasn temin etmektedir.

Our Production EKOS GROUP is manufacturing medium voltage gas insulated switchgears in its facilities located in Cayirova/Kocaeli, Gebze/Kocaeli ve Hendek/Adapazari, since 2000 completely with Turkish engineering and capital. Through the experience of being the first Turkish manufacturer of GIS in Turkey and the development based engineering principle, today, The GROUP can manufacture primary and secondary medium voltage gas insulated switchgears up to 38.5 kV. 3150 A and 31.5 kA levels as the natural results of development based engineering principle and the investments in R&D activities; through these levels, EKOS GROUP has became the pride of Turkish electromechanical industry.

Notre Production Le GROUPE EKOS fabrique des cellules moyenne tension depuis 2000 avec une ingnierie et un capital totalement turc dans ses 3 usines qui se trouvent a Cayirova/Kocaeli, Gebze/Kocaeli et Hendek/Adapazari. Avec la grande exprience acquise tante la premire socit Turque fabriquer les GIS et grce aux investissements continues sur la racherche et le dveloppement, et sur le principe dingenierie bas sur le dvekoppement nous pouvons, aujourdhui, fabriquer des cellules GIS pour la distribution primaire et secondaire jusqua 38.5 kV, 3150 A, 31,5 kA. Avec ce niveau technique atteind, le GROUPE EKOS attire la fiert de lindustrie lectromcanique Turque.

retimimiz Group; ayrova/Kocaeli, Gebze/Kocaeli ve Hendek/Adapazarnda kurulu 3 fabrikas ile 2000 ylndan bu yana tamamen Trk mhendislii ve sermayesiyle, gaz izoleli orta gerilim hcreleri retmektedir. Group; Trkiyede gaz izoleli orta gerilim hcresi retimine balayan ilk yerli firma olmann verdii tecrbe ve en temel ilkesi olan gelimeye dayal mhendislik ilkesi sayesinde bugn, 38.5 kVa kadar primer ve sekonder gaz izoleli hcre retmektedir. Ulalan 3150 A, 31.5 kA seviyeleri ise srekli geliim ilkesinin ve Ar&Ge almalarna yatrm yaplmasnn doal bir sonucu olmu ve Trk elektromekanik sanayinin yz ak olmutur.

Type Test Reports The gas insulated switchgears are appropriate to the IEC 62271-200 standards which are determined by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) for the 1-52 kV medium voltage switchgears and the other sub-standards (IEC 62271-100 and IEC 62271-102 and IEC 62271-105 and the others) for the other equipments. Compliance with the standards of the products is provided through updating the type test reports, by the expert staff, for increasing the operator safety and the product quality.

Rapport de Test Types Nos cellules moyenne tension isoles au gaz GIS rpondent aux normes CEI 62271-200 de la Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (CEI) pour des tensions comprises entre 1-52 kV et aussi les autres standards derives comme (IEC 62271-100 et IEC 62271-102 et IEC 62271-105 et autre) pour les autres quipements. Les standarts sont suivis par nos experts et les rapports de test types sont mis jour pour garantir la scurit de loprateur et la qualit du produit.

Tip Test Raporlarmz retimi yaplan gaz izoleli hcreler, Uluslararas Elektroteknik Komisyonu (IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission) tarafndan, 1-52 kV aras orta gerilim hcreleri iin belirlenen IEC 62271-200 temel standard ve alt ekipmanlar iin dier alt standartlarn (IEC 62271-100 ve IEC 62271102 ve IEC 62271-105 ve dier) hepsine uygundur. Tm standartlar, konusunda uzman bir ekip tarafndan takip edilmekte ve de zellikle operatr ve rn gvenirliliini ve kalitesini artrc ekilde rnlerin standartlara uygunluu tip test raporlar da gncellenerek salanmaktadr.

Our Test Capabilities -Power frequency withstand (50Hz, max. 100 kV) -Measurement of resistence of the main circuit -Circuit breaker open-close velocity -Lighting impulse (max. 240 kV) -Pressure withstand test -Temperature-rise up to 1250 A -Partial discharge -Functional tests -SF6 gas leakage -Dielectric tests

Nos Capacits de Test -Tenue dilectrique (50Hz, max. 100 kV) -Mesure des rsistances du circuit principal -Vitesse de commutation du disjoncteur -Tenue aux ondes de choc (max. 240 kV) -Test de Pression -Augmentation de la temprature jusqua 1250 A -Dcharge partielle -Tests fonctionnel -Fuite du gaz SF6 -Tests dilectriques

Test Olanaklarmz -Anma dayanm gerilimi testi (50Hz, max. 100 kV) -Yldrm darbe dayanm testi (max. 240 kV) -Ana devre direncinin llmesi -Kesici ama-kapama hz testi -Scaklk art testi (max. 1250 A) -Basn dayanma testi -Ksmi dearj testi -Fonksiyon testleri -SF6 gaz szdrmazlk testi -Dielektrik testleri

GIS - Advantages / Avantages / Avantajlar

Robustness The places, where the medium voltage switchgears are used, have usually the toughest environmental conditions. This place may be a wind turbine in the middle of a sea, a transformer substation in a desert or an industrial facility in Canada. The switchgears that you use, have to be resistant to these extreme conditions. At gas insulated switchgears, all energized parts are in a tank which is hermetically insulated and filled with SF6 gas. This ensures the switchgears resistance to humidity, dust, sand, etc. Robustesse Les cellules moyenne tension sont gnralement installes dans des milieux avec des conditions environnementales et climatiques svres. Cette place peut tre au milieu de la mer pour un centrale olienne, au Canada pour un poste industriel ou un poste dans un dsert. Les cellules utiliser doivent tre en mesure de rsister ces conditions. Dans nos cellules GIS toutes les znes sous nergie sont confines dans une enceinte hermetiquement ferme et remplie de gaz SF6. Cela permet aux cellules de rsister lhumidit, la poussire, etc. Salamlk Orta gerilim hcrelerinin kullanld yerler, genelde zorlu evre koullarna sahiptir. Denizin orta yerindeki bir rzgar trbininde, ldeki bir transformatr merkezinde ya da Kanadadaki bir endstri tesisinde. Kullandnz orta gerilim hcresi tm bu zorlu koullara dayankl olmaldr. Gaz izoleli hcrelerde enerjili ksmlar havadan tamamen yaltlm ve SF6 gazyla doldurulmu bir tankn ierisindedir. Bu da hcrelerin nem, toz, kum gibi evresel etkilere kar dayankl olmasn salar.

Reliability If a switchgear becomes out of order, especially in places which are difficult to reach for a operator, this may cause important problems. It may take long time to repair or replace the switchgear and this may cause power failure for a long while. Therefore, it is required that the switcgears can operate problem-free for years. Through the experience of being the first Turkish manufacturer of GIS in Turkey, EKOS GROUP hold the possibility of malfunction of its products at minimum level and offers maximum reliable products.

Fiabilit Lorsquune cellule moyenne tension est hors service surtout dans des zones ou laccs dun agent comptant pour la maintenance ou le remplacement est difficile, des problmes enormes peuvent en rsulter. Cela peut durer longtemps et priver le secteur denergie durant toute cette priode. Cest pourquoi vos cellules doivent avoir la garantie de fonctionner pendant des annes sans problme.

Gvenilirlik zellikle ulam zor olan blgelerde bir hcrenin kullanm d kalmas, byk skntlara neden olabilir. Operatrn gelip hcreyi tamir etmesi ya da deitirmesi uzun sreler alabilir ve hcrenin kullanld yerde uzun sre enerji kesintisi yaanabilir. Bu yzden hcrelerin uzun sre sorun karmamas istenir. Trkiyede, gaz izoleli orta gerilim hcresi reten ilk yerli firma olmann verdii tecrbeyle, EKOS GROUP rnlerinin arzalanma ihtimalini minimumda tutmakta ve mterilerine maksimum gvenilir rnler sunmaktadr.

Electrical Stress-Resistance Medium voltage switchgears are exposed to mechanical stress, because of their environmental conditions. They are also exposed to electrical stress due to such reasons as voltage fluctuations. Moving parts, like switching equipments and the bolted joints, are the most commonly subject to this high stress. Switchgear must be resistant to this stress. The R&D studies minimized the number of moving parts and the number of connection points to provide the maximum resistance to electrical stress. To ensure the maximum safety, any product which has not been completely tested, are not sent to customer.

Resistance au Stress Electriques Les cellules moyenne tension sont exposes aux stress mcaniques cause des conditions environnementales. Dautre part elles subissent un grand stress lectrique due aux oscillations du voltage. Les parties mobiles comme les lements de contact, les joints boulons sont les plus exposes ce stress. Les cellules doivent tre rsistantes ces stress. Notre R&D tudie et dveloppe les cellules avec le minimum de parties mobiles et de contact afin de fournir une rsistance maximale aux stress lectriques.

Elektriksel Strese Dayankllk Orta gerilim hcreleri, bulunduklar ortamdaki mekanik zorlanmalara maruz kald gibi, gerilim dalgalanmalar gibi nedenlerden dolay elektriksel olarak da stres altnda alrlar. Ama-kapama mekanizmas gibi hareketli ve civata gibi birleme noktas olan paralar, bu strese en ok maruz kalan paralardr. Hcre, bu tip zorlanmalara da dayankl olmaldr. Yaplan Ar&GE almalaryla hareketli para ve balant says minimuma indirilerek rnlerimizin elektriksel strese maksimum derecede dayankl olmas salanmtr. Maksimum gvenlii salamak iin tamamen test edilmemi hibir rn mteriye gnderilmez.

Lower Dimensions The space has a high value in the middle of a city or in a wind farm and should be used with maximum efficiency. The dimensions of switchgears should be kept as small as possible to provide efficient use of limited spaces; but the safety should not be ignored. Gas insulated switchgears, offer the ideal solution for the limited spaces. These switchgears, due to their modular structure and small sizes, provides the best solution for each volume. Providing this solution, not to compromise security, all our products are delivered to the users, after passing the required tests.

Dimensions Reduites Lespace a une valeur importante dans les centres villes ou dans les centres oliens et doit tre utilise avec maximum dfficacit. Les dimensions des cellules doivent tre reduite au minimum tout en tanant compte de la scurit. Cellules isole au gaz fournissent une solution idale pour le manque despace. Avec les dimensions trs rduites des cellules et leur parfaite modularit elles sont adaptables toute volume. Tout en offrant cette solution, la scurit nest jamais nglige et aucun produit nest xpedi sans tre test.

Kk Boyut ehir merkezi ya da rzgar santralleri gibi yerlerde alan son derece deerlidir ve maksimum derecede verimli kullanlmaldr. Bu kstl alanlar verimli kullanabilmek iin hcrelerin boyutlar mmkn olduu kadar kk tutulmal; bu salanrken de gvenlik gz ard edilmemelidir. Gaz izoleli hcreler, yer sknts olan yerlerde ideal zm sunmaktadr. Hcrelerin, modler yaplar ve kk boyutlar sayesinde, her trl hacimde en uygun zm sunmaktadr. Bunu salarken gvenlikten taviz vermeme adna, tm rnler gerekli testlerden geerek kullancya ulatrlmaktadr.

Integratability Medium voltage switchgears become a part of network, when they are added to a system. They should not only be controlled by hand, but also they should provide remote control. The switchgears are required to be integratable to a control and automation system, especially in applications that on-site control is difficult, such as wind farms. EKOS GROUP is the authorised distributor of GE Digital Energy and our products are designed appropriate to GE Digital Energy products. The products are manufactured as SCADA READY. They can be integrated to the system easily.

Compatibilit Les cellules moyenne tension deviennent une partie du rseau lorsquelles sont integres un systme. Elles ne doivent pas tre seulement controlles manuellement mais doivent aussi permettre un contrle distance. Les cellules doivent tre compatibles avec un systme de controle et dautomation surtout pour les application o le contrle sur site est difficile comme les fermes eoliennes. Etant un distibuteur autoris des produits GE Digital Energy, toutes nos cellules sont prtes pour la communication SCADA PRET. Elles peuvent tre integres facilement au systeme.

Sisteme Uyumluluk Orta gerilim hcreleri kullanldklar yerlerde artk bir an paras haline gelmektedirler. Elle kumanda edilebildikleri gibi, uzaktan da mdahale edilebilmeleri nemlidir. zellikle rzgar santralleri gibi, yerinde kumanda ans zor olan uygulamalarda kullanlacak hcrelerin, bir kontrol ve otomasyon sistemine entegre edilebilir olmalar arttr. EKOS GROUP rnleri, grubun ayn zamanda distribtrln de yapt GE Digital Energy rnlerine uygun olarak tasarlanmakta ve SCADAya hazr olarak retilmektedir. Kullanlacaklar yerdeki otomasyon ana kolaylkla entegre edilebilirler.

Durability Motors, used in industry or arc furnaces, used in iron and steel industry, are the applications, where medium voltage switching is used. The switchgears, used in such conditions, have to switch several times within a large number of variable currentvoltage values and should work without problem. High-tech vacuum circuit breakers are used in gas insulated switchgears, which are suitable for these situations. These switchgears, which have these type of circuit breaker that are capable of switching under load and short circuit, are the most suitable solutions for tough conditions.

Durabilit Les cellules MT sont parfois utilises pour les moteurs industriels ou pour les fours arc, pour la production de fer ou dacier. Les cellules utilises dans ces conditions doivent avoir le pouvoir de disjoncter plusieurs fois sur des valeurs variables courant-voltage. Le produit doit fonctionner sans problme dans ces conditions. Nous utilisons des disjoncteurs vide high-tech dans nos cellules GIS qui sont appropries pour ces situations. Nos cellules qui intgrent ces disjoncteurs avec pouvoir de disjoncter sous charge ou court-circuit constituent une solution idale pour lopration dans des conditions difficiles.

Sreklilik Sanayide kullanlan motorlar ya da demirelik sanayinde kullanlan ark frnlar, orta gerilimde ama-kapamann yapld uygulamalardr. zellikle bu gibi artlarda alan hcreler, deiken akm-gerilim deerlerinde ok sayda anahtarlama yapmak zorundadrlar. Kullanlan rnn bu artlarda sorunsuz almas gerekir. Bu gibi durumlar iin en uygun zm olan kesicili hcrelerde, yksek teknoloji rn vakum kesiciler kullanlmaktadr. Yk altnda ve ksa devrede anahtarlama yapabilen bu kesicilere sahip hcreler, zorlu koullarda en uygun zm sunmaktadrlar.

Environmentally Sensibility and High Efficiency Today, it is very important that the electrical equipments are environmentally friendly. The most important criterias that customers consider when choosing a product, are high-efficiency of the product and his ability to not to damage the nature. EKOS GROUP gas insulated switchgears are manufactured with 2 years product guarantee and 20-30 years leakproofing (tightness) guarantee and they do not leave to atmosphere any harmful gas. Also, to minimize the losses, materials with high electrical conductivity are used in the contacts and the efficiency is maximised.

Sensiblit lEnvironnement et Haute Efficacit Aujourdhui, il est trs important que les quipements electriques utiliss soient clogiques. Les plus importants critres de slection dun client restent lfficacit du produit tout en considerant son effet cologique. Les cellules moyenne tension de GROUPE EKOS isoles au gas GIS sont livres avec une garantie de 2 ans doprations et de 20-30 ans sans fuite de gaz ni chappement daucune particule vers latmosphre. Dautre part pour minimiser les pertes, des materiaux de grande conductivit sont utiliss pour permettre une meilleure fficacit.

evreye Duyarllk ve Yksek Verimlilik Gnmzde, elektrik ekipmanlarnn evreye duyarl olmalar byk nem kazanmtr. Mterilerimizin rn seerken dikkat ettii en nemli kriterler, rnn yksek verimli olmas ve doaya zarar vermemesidir. EKOS GROUP rnleri 2 yllk rn garantisi yannda 20-30 yllk gaz szdrmazlk garantisiyle retilmekte ve atmosfere, zararl herhangi bir gaz brakmamaktadr. Ayrca kontak yerlerinde, yksek elektriksel iletkenlii olan malzemeler kullanlarak kayplar en aza indirilmekte ve verim en st seviyeye karlmaktadr.

High Performance The rated voltage, rated current and short circuit currents of switchgears are variables according to the purpose of usage. EKOS GROUP efforts to manufacture the gas insulated switchgears in a wide range of products. It produces GIS with nominal voltage from 6.3 to 38.5 kV, nominal current from 630 to 3150 A and short circuit current from 16 to 31.5 kA. So, if you need gas insulated switchgears, it has the best products, suitable for your purpose.

Grande Perfomance La tension nominale ainsi que le courant nominal et le courant de court circuit dune cellule MT dpendent des objectifs de lutilisateur. Le GROUPE EKOS se force produire des cellules moyenne tension isoles au gaz dans une gamme complte allantes dune tenison nominale de 6.3 38.5 kV, un courant nominal de 630 3150 A et un courant de court circuit de 16 31.5 kA. Donc si vous avez be-soin dune cellule de moyenne tension EKOS a une solution pour vous.

Yksek Performans Orta gerilim hcrelerinin nominal gerilim, nominal akm ve ksa devre akmlar, kullanm yeri amacna ok deikenlik gstermektedir. EKOS GROUP mterilerine ok geni bir yelpazede rn sunma gayreti ierisindedir. retimi yaplan gaz izoleli hcreler 6,338.5 kV nominal gerilim, 6303150 A nominal akm ve 1631.5 kA ksa devre akm aralndadr. Yani, orta gerilim hcresine ihtiyacnz varsa, EKOS GROUPta mutlaka size uygun bir rn vardr.

Secondary / Secondaire / Sekonder

Introduction Modular gas insulated switchgears, designed for distribution systems, are manufactured at the levels of rated voltage of 38.5 kV, rated current of 630 A for switching equipments and 1250 A for busbar, 16 kA rated short-time current. All switching equipments are in a Cr-Ni stainless steel tank filled with SF6 gas and the connections of the busbar are solid insulated systems that the best and the latest technology of gas insulated switchgears.

Introduction Les cellules modulaires isoles au gaz (GIS) pour les systmes de distribution sont fabriques pour des tensions nominales jusqu 38.5 kV, des courants nominales jusqu 630 A pour linterruption, 1250 A pour le jeu de barres et 16 kA de courant de court-circuit. Toutes les quipments de contact sont logs dans une enceinte en Cr-Ni inoxydable remplie de gas SF6 et pour les jeu de barres la dernire et la meilleure technologie, qui est le systme de barre solides, est utilis.

Giri Datm ebekeleri iin tasarlanm modler gaz izoleli hcreler olup, 38.5 kV anma gerilimi, 630 A anahtarlama ve 1250 A ana bara anma akm, 16 kA ksa sreli arza akm deerleri iin retilmektedir. Tm anahtarlama elemanlar SF6 gaz doldurulmu Cr-Ni alaml paslanmaz sactan imal bir tank ierisinde bulunmakta olup, ana bara balantlar gaz izoleli hcre teknolojisinin geldii son nokta olan kat yaltml teknoloji ile salanmaktadr.

Technical Specifications / Spcifications Techniques / Teknik zellikler General / Gnrales / Genel Rated Voltage / Tension Nominale / Anma Gerilimi [kV] Rated Current / Courant Nominal / Anma Akm [A] Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Switchgear / Cellule / Hcre Internal Arc Withstand Current / Tenue lArc Interne / Ark Dayanm [kA] (1s) Rated Frequency / Frquence / Anma Frekans [Hz] Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A / Anma Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] (50 Hz 1m) Impulse Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A Londe De Choc / Darbe Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] Ambient Temperature / Temprature / Ortam Scakl [C] IP Class (Energized Parts/Switchgear) / Classe IP (Parties Sous Itension/Cellule) / IP Snf (Enerjili Blmler/Hcre) IEC Classification / Classifications IEC / IEC Snflandrmas Loss of Service Continuity / Perte de Continuit de Service / Servis Sreklilii Kayb Partition Class / Classe de Sparation / Blmelendirme Snf IAC Class / Classe IAC / IAC Snf Accessibilty / Accessibilit / Eriilebilirlik Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Load Break Switch, Circuit Breaker / Interrupteur, Disjoncteur / Yk Ayrc, Kesici Cable and Fuses / Cables et Fuses / Kablo ve Sigorta Accessible / Accessible / Eriilebilir Non-Accessible / Non-Accessible / Eriilemez Interlocked-based (Optionally procedure-based) Interverrouillage (Serrure cl optionelle) Kilit kontroll (Opsiyonel olarak ileme bal)
* Depending on customers requests / Selon la demande du client / Mteri isteine bal. ** Rated currents are defined for maximum 40 C, given in the table. ** Les courant nominaux sur ce tableau sont pour une temperature maximale de 40 C. ** Tabloda verilen anma akm deerleri maksimum 40 C iin verilmitir.

IEC 62271-200 36 (38.5*)

1250 630 16 50 / 60 70 (80*) 170 (180*) -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X

LSC2A PM - Partition Metal / Sparation par Mtal / Metal Blmelendirme 16 kA, 1s, AFL

RM 36 LB
Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with Load Break Switch This type of switchgear has the ability of switching load current up to 630 A and earthing the outgoing circuit. It is used in branch or ring network feeders, where the protection is not required, for switching under load current and earthing the circuit. Cellule Interrupteur-Sectionneur La cellule avec interrupteur sert principalement couper et ouvrir les courants de charge jusqu 630 A et mettre la terre le courant de dpart. Elle sert de cellule dalimentation pour ouvrir-fermer sous charge et pour la mise la terre dans les circuits ring ou de drivation o la protection nest pas demande. Yk Ayrcl Giri-k Hcresi Anma akm 630 Ae kadar olan yk akmlarn ama, kapama ve k devresini topraklama zelliine sahiptir. Ring ya da dal-budak ebekelerde, koruma ilevi gerekmeyen yerlerde yk altnda amakapama ve topraklama manevras yapabilen hat fideri olarak kullanlr.






RM 36 FL




Transformer Protection Switchgear with Load Break Switch-Fuse Combination It is designed for switching and protection of a transformer. Used load break switch has the ability of switching the load and fault currents up to 630 A. When a fault current occurs in MV circuit, load break switch and fuse interrupt the fault current by working together. Interruption alarms and the faults in the LV panel are transferred to fault indicator and this equipment is provided as standard equipment.

Cellule Combination Interrupteur-Section et Fusibles La cellule avec le combination dinterrupteur et fusibles, sert principallement la protection des transformateurs. Linterrupteur utilis permet la commutation des charges et des courants de panne ayant une intensit nominale jusqu 630 A. En quipments standards les indicateurs de defauts sont installs sur la partie BT et tout dfaut sur le circuit MT est signal.

Yk Ayrcs-Sigorta Bileii ile Transformatr Koruma Hcresi Transformatr korumas ve anahtarlamas iin dizayn edilmitir. Yk ayrcs 630 Ae kadar olan ykleri ve arza akmlarn kesebilir. OG devresinde meydana gelebilecek bir arza akmnda, sigorta yk ayrcs ile beraber alarak arza akmn kesmektedir. Korunacak transformatr gcne baklmakszn ama ve ihbarlar ve AG panosundan gelebilecek arzalar kl arza gsterge dzeneine tanm olup, standart ekipman olarak sunulmaktadr.



RM 36 CB




Incoming-Outgoing or Transformer Protection Switchgear with Vacuum Circuit Breaker-Relay Combination This switchgear is used in incoming and outgoing ring feeders, where the protection is required, and for protection of transformer. Beside the ability of switching load currents up to 630 A and earthing the cable line, this also can break the fault currents and short circuit currents. This switchgear includes vacuum circuit breaker, 3-position load break switch, toroidal current transformer and secondary protection and control equipments.

Cellule de Protection Gnrale Avec Disjoncteur Cette cellule peut tre utilise comme Arrivee/Depart des alimentations boucle et lalimentation de transformateur o la protection est demande. Elle sert ouvrir et fermer les charges jusqu 630 A et pour la mise la terre des cables. Elle est equipe dun disjoncteur vide, dun interrupteur 3 positions, de transformateur de courant toroidales et des quipements de protection et de contrle secondaire.

Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Giri-k Hcresi veya Transformatr Koruma Hcresi Koruma fonksiyonu gereken besleme hatt giri-klar ve transformatr fiderleri iin kullanlr. Anma akm 630 Ae kadar ykleri ama-kapama ve kablo hatt topraklama ilevi ile birlikte arza akmlarn kesme ilevi grr. Vakum kesicisi, 3 pozisyonlu yk ayrcs, toroid akm transformatr ve sekonder koruma-kontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.



RM 36 K




Cable Connection Switchgear This type of switchgear is designed for connecting the cable to the busbar directly in safety. Does not include any switching equiment.

Cellule de Raccordement Des Cables Une cellule raccordement est conues pour le raccordement des cbles directement sur le jeu de barres. Elle ne contient pas dlement de coupure.

Kablo Balama Hcresi Gvenli bir ekilde dorudan ana baraya balant yaplabilmesi amac ile dzenlenmi bir hcredir. Herhangi bir anahtarlama eleman iermez.

RM 36 MU




Current-Voltage Measuring Switchgear This type of switchgear is designed for current and voltage measuring for gas insulated switchgears and is a kind of air insulated switchgear that covers the measuring type current and voltage transformers. Does not include any switching equiment.

Cellule de Mesure Courant-Tension Ces cellules isoles lair sont conues pour la mesure de lintensit du courant et de la tension des cellules isoles au gas. Elles ne contiennent pas dlement de coupure.

All dimensions are mm. Toutes les dimensions sont en mm. Tm ller mm cinsindendir.


Akm-Gerilim l Hcresi Gaz izoleli hcrelerde akmgerilim l devresi istekleri iin dizayn edilmi ve l tipi akm-gerilim transformatrleri iin bir tr hava izoleli hcredir. Herhangi bir anahtarlama eleman iermez.


Primary / Primaire / Primer

Introduction Modular gas insulated switchgears, designed for HV/MV transformer substations, MV/MV transformer substations and transmission utilities, are manufactured at the levels of rated voltage of 12-24-36 kV, rated current of 1000-1250-20002500-3150 A for switching equiments and 25003150 A for busbar, 20-25-31.5 kA rated short-time current. All switching equipments are in a Cr-Ni stainless steel tank filled with SF6 gas and the connections of the busbar are solid insulated systems that the best and latest technology of gas insulated switchgears.

Introduction Les cellules modulaires isoles au gas pour les postes de transformation HT/MT, MT/MT sont fabriques pour des tensions nominales de 12-24-36 kV, des courants nominaux de 10001250-2000-2500-3150 A pour les parties de commutations et 2500-3150 A pour le jeu de barres, 20-25-31.5 kA courant de court-circuit. Toutes les quipments dinterruption sont logs dans une enceinte en Cr-Ni inoxydable remplie de gas SF6 et pour les jeu de barres la dernire et la meilleure technologie qui est le systme de barre solides est utilis.

Giri ndirici transformatr merkezleri, OG/OG merkezler ve iletim ebekeleri merkezleri iin tasarlanm modler gaz izoleli hcreler olup, 12-24-36 kV anma gerilimi, 1000-1250-20002500-3150 A anahtarlama ve 2500-3150 A ana bara anma akm, 20-25-31.5 kA ksa sreli arza akm deerleri retilmektedir. Tm anahtarlama elemanlar SF6 gaz doldurulmu Cr-Ni alaml paslanmaz sactan imal bir tank ierisinde bulunmakta olup, ana bara balantlar gaz izoleli hcre teknolojisinin geldii son nokta olan kat yaltml teknoloji ile salanmaktadr.

Technical Specifications / Spcifications Techniques / Teknik zellikler General / Gnrales / Genel Rated Voltage / Tension Nominale / Anma Gerilimi [kV] Rated Current / Courant Nominal / Anma Akm [A] Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Switchgear / Cellule / Hcre Internal Arc Withstand Current / Tenue lArc Interne / Ark Dayanm [kA] (3s) Rated Frequency / Frquence / Anma Frekans [Hz] Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A / Anma Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] (50 Hz 1m) Impulse Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A Londe De Choc / Darbe Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] Ambient Temperature / Temprature / Ortam Scakl [C] IP Class (Energized Parts/Switchgear) / Classe IP (Parties Sous Itension/Cellule) / IP Snf (Enerjili Blmler/Hcre) IEC Classification / Classifications IEC / IEC Snflandrmas Loss of Service Continuity / Perte de Continuit de Service / Servis Sreklilii Kayb Partition Class / Classe de Sparation / Blmelendirme Snf IAC Class / Classe IAC / IAC Snf Accessibilty / Accessibilit / Eriilebilirlik Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Load Break Switch, Circuit Breaker / Interrupteur, Disjoncteur / Yk Ayrc, Kesici Cable and Fuses / Cables et Fuses / Kablo ve Sigorta Non-Accessible / Non-Accessible / Eriilemez Non-Accessible / Non-Accessible / Eriilemez Interlocked-based (Optionally procedure-based) Interverrouillage (Serrure cl optionelle) Kilit kontroll (Opsiyonel olarak ileme bal)
* Depending on customers requests / Selon la demande du client / Mteri isteine bal. ** Rated currents are defined for maximum 40 C, given in the table. ** Les courant nominaux sur ce tableau sont pour une temperature maximale de 40 C. ** Tabloda verilen anma akm deerleri maksimum 40 C iin verilmitir.

IEC 62271-200 12 24 36 (38.5*)

3150 1600-3150 31.5 50 / 60 28 75 -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X

2500 1600-2500 31.5 50 / 60 50 125 -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X

2500 1000-1250 20 50 / 60 70 (80*) 170 (180*) -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X

LSC2A PM - Partition Metal / Sparation par Mtal / Metal Blmelendirme 31.5 kA, 3s, AFL 31.5 kA, 3s, AFL 20 kA, 3s, AFL

RM 12 CB / RM 24 CB
800 1173



Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with Vacuum Circuit BreakerRelay Combination This switchgear is used in incoming and outgoing ring feeders, where the protection is required. Beside the ability of switching load currents up to 2500-3150 A and earthing the cable line, it can also break the fault currents and short circuit currents. This switchgear includes vacuum circuit breaker, disconnector, toroidal current transformer, voltage transformer and secondary protection and control equipments.

Cellule dArrive et de Dpart Avec la Combination de Disjoncteur Vide et Relais Cette cellule est utilise pour les arrives et les dparts des alimentations boucle o la protection est demande. Elle permet louverture et fermeture des charges nominales jusqua 2500-3150 A la mise la tere et en mme temps la coupure des courants de defaut. Elle est equipe dun disjoncteur vide, dun sectionneur, dun transformateur de courant toroidal, transformateur de tension avec des quipements de protection et contrle secondaire.

Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Giri-k Hcresi Koruma fonksiyonu gereken besleme hatt giri-klar iin kullanlr. Anma akm 2500-3150 Ae kadar ykleri ama-kapama ve kablo hatt topraklama ilevi ile birlikte arz akmlarn kesme ilevi grr. Vakum kesicisi, ayrc, toroid akm transformatr, gerilim transformatr ve sekonder koruma - kontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.


RM 12 CB / RM 24 CB
600 1173


Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with Vacuum Circuit BreakerRelay Combination This switchgear is used in incoming and outgoing ring feeders, where the protection is required. Beside the ability of switching load currents up to 1600 A and earthing the cable line, it can also break the fault currents and short circuit currents. This switchgear includes vacuum circuit breaker, disconnector, toroidal current transformer, and secondary protection and control equipments.

Cellule dArrive et de Dpart Avec la Combination de Disjoncteur Vide et Relais Cette cellule est utilise pour Arrivs/Dpart des alimentations boucle o la protection est demande et pour la protection du transformateur. Elle perme louverture/fermeture des charge nominales jusqua 1600 A, la mise la terre et la coupure des courants de defaut et de court circuit. Elle est equipe dun disjoncteur vide, dun sectionneur, dun transformateur de courant toroidal avec des quipements de protection et contrle secondaire.

Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Giri-k Hcresi Koruma fonksiyonu gereken besleme hatt giri-klar ve transformatr fiderleri iin kullanlr. Anma akm 1600 Ae kadar ykleri ama kapama ve kablo hatt topraklama ilevi ile birlikte arz akmlarn kesme ilevi grr. Vakum kesicisi, ayrc, toroid akm transformatr ve sekonder koruma-kontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.


RM 36 CB




Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with Vacuum Circuit BreakerRelay Combination This switchgear is used in incoming and outgoing ring feeders, where the protection is required. Beside the ability of switching load currents up to 1250 A and earthing the cable line, it can also break the fault currents and short circuit currents. This switchgear includes vacuum circuit breaker, disconnector, toroidal current transformer, voltage transformer and secondary protection and control equipments.

Cellule dArrive et de Dpart Avec la Combination de Disjoncteur Vide et Relais Cette cellule est utilise pour Arrivs/Dpart des alimentations boucle o la protection est demande et pour la protection du transformateur. Elle perme louverture/fermeture des charge nominales jusqua 1250 A, la mise la terre et la coupure des courants de defaut et de court circuit. Elle est equipe dun disjoncteur vide, dun sectionneur, dun transformateur de courant toroidal, transformateur de tension avec des quipements de protection et contrle secondaire.

Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Giri-k Hcresi Koruma fonksiyonu gereken besleme hatt giri-klar ve transformatr fiderleri iin kullanlr. Anma akm 1250 Ae kadar ykleri ama kapama ve kablo hatt topraklama ilevi ile birlikte arz akmlarn kesme ilevi grr. Vakum kesicisi, ayrc, toroid akm transformatr, gerilim transformatr ve sekonder korumakontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.


RM 36 CB



Incoming-Outgoing Switchgear with Vacuum Circuit BreakerRelay Combination This switchgear is used in incoming and outgoing ring feeders, where the protection is required. Beside the ability of switching load currents up to 1000 A and earthing the cable line, it can also break the fault currents and short circuit currents. This switchgear includes vacuum circuit breaker, disconnector, toroidal current transformer, secondary protection and control equipments.

Cellule dArrive et de Dpart Avec la Combination de Disjoncteur Vide et Relais Cette cellules est utilise pour les Arrivs/Dpart des alimentations boucles et pour lalimentation du transformateur. Elle permet louverture/fermeture des charge nominales jusqu 1000 A, la mise a tere et louverture des courants de defaut. Elles sont equipes dun disjoncteur vide, dun sectionneur, dun transformateur de courant toroidal avec des quipements de protection et contrle secondaire.

Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Giri-k Hcresi Koruma fonksiyonu gereken besleme hatt giri-klar ve transformatr fiderleri iin kullanlr. Anma akm 1000 Ae kadar ykleri ama kapama ve kablo hatt topraklama ilevi ile birlikte arz akmlarn kesme ilevi grr. Vakum kesicisi, ayrc, toroid akm transformatr ve sekonder koruma-kontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.


All dimensions are mm. Toutes les dimensions sont en mm. Tm ller mm cinsindendir.


Compact / Compact / Kompakt

Introduction These are the ring main units, designed for transformer substations. All switching equipments, busbars and connection equipments are in a Cr-Ni stainless steel tank filled with SF6 gas. These RMUs passed the type tests which are required for operator and operation safety. All energized parts are isolated from air, so they are not effected from dust and humidity, and also they do not require maintenance and cleaning. These products are the best solution for the distribution in the cities.

Introduction Ces cellules sont les units principales de boucle destines aux postes de transformation. Toutes les quipments dinterruption sont dans une enceinte en Cri-Ni inoxydable remplie de gaz SF6. Les cellules blindes compactes ont pass tous les tests types necessaires pour la scurit de loprateur et de lopration. Toutes les parties sous-tension sont isols du milieu extrieur permettant une protection contre la poussiere, lhumidite, et ne necessite pas de maintenance et de nettoyage. Ces cellules constitiuent la meilleure solution pour les milieux urbains.

Giri Transformatr merkezleri iin tasarlanm bir ring devre nitesidir. Tm anahtarlama cihazlar, baralar ve balant elemanlar SF6 gaz ile doldurulmu paslanmaz sacdan imal edilmi bir tank ierisindedir. Operatr ve iletme gvenlii iin gerekli tip testlerine tabi tutulmu ve testlerden baaryla gemitir. Tm enerjili blmler havadan izole edildii iin tozlanma, nemlenme gibi d etkilerden etkilenmezler ve bu zellikleri, ile bakm ve temizlik gerektirmezler. ehir datm iin mkemmel bir zmdr.

Technical Specifications / Spcifications Techniques / Teknik zellikler General / Gnrales / Genel Rated Voltage / Tension Nominale / Anma Gerilimi [kV] Rated Current / Courant Nominal / Anma Akm [A] Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Switchgear / Cellule / Hcre Internal Arc Withstand Current / Tenue lArc Interne / Ark Dayanm [kA] (1s) Rated Frequency / Frquence / Anma Frekans [Hz] Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A / Anma Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] (50 Hz 1m) Impulse Withstand Voltage / Tension De Tenue A Londe De Choc / Darbe Dayanm Gerilimi [kV] Ambient Temperature / Temprature / Ortam Scakl [C] IP Class (Energized Parts/Switchgear) / Classe IP (Parties Sous Itension/Cellule) / IP Snf (Enerjili Blmler/Hcre) IEC Classification / Classifications IEC / IEC Snflandrmas Loss of Service Continuity / Perte de Continuit de Service / Servis Sreklilii Kayb Partition Class / Classe de Sparation / Blmelendirme Snf IAC Class / Classe IAC / IAC Snf Accessibilty / Accessibilit / Eriilebilirlik Busbar / Barres / Ana Bara Load Break Switch, Circuit Breaker / Interrupteur, Disjoncteur / Yk Ayrc, Kesici Cable and Fuses / Cables et Fuses / Kablo ve Sigorta Non-Accessible / Non-Accessible / Eriilemez Non-Accessible / Non-Accessible / Eriilemez Interlocked-based (Optionally procedure-based) Interverrouillage (Serrure cl optionelle) Kilit kontroll (Opsiyonel olarak ileme bal) LSC2A PM - Partition Metal / Sparation par Mtal / Metal Blmelendirme 16-20-25 kA, 1s, AFL 16-20 kA, 1s, AFL 16 kA, 1s, AFL 630 630 16-20-25 50 / 60 28 75 -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X 630 630 16-20 50 / 60 50 125 -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X 630 630 16 50 / 60 70 (80*) 170 (180*) -10 / +40 (+55**) 67 / 3X IEC 62271-200 12 24 36 (38.5*)

* Depending on customers requests / Selon la demande du client / Mteri isteine bal. ** Rated currents are defined for maximum 40 C, given in the table. ** Les courant nominaux sur ce tableau sont pour une temperature maximale de 40 C. ** Tabloda verilen anma akm deerleri maksimum 40 C iin verilmitir.

RC 36 2LB 1FL
RMU, 2 Incoming-Outgoing Module with Load Break Switches and 1 Transformer Protection Module with Load Break Switch-Fuse Combination This RMU, which consists of 1 incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 transformer protection unit, is the most commonly used type of RMU in ring type networks. Transformer protection is provided by load break switch and fuse combination. All modules are in a single tank filled with SF6 gas and completely isolated from outside.



RMU,2 Cellules Arrive/Dpart Avec Interrupteur et Une Cellule de Protection Transformateur Avec la Combination Interrupteur-Fusible Cette module compacte est le plus utilis pour les reseaux en boucle. Elle est constitue de deux cellules Arrive/Dpart et dune cellule de protection de transformateur. La protection du transformateur se fait par combination interrupteur-fusible. Tous les modules sont dans une seule enceinte compacte compltement isole au gas. 2 Yk Ayrcl Giri-k ve 1 Yk Ayrcs-Sigorta Bileii ile Transformatr Koruma Modll RMU Ring tipi ebeklerde bir giri, bir k ve bir transformatr korumadan oluan ve en yaygn kullanlan RMU tipidir. Transformatr korumas yk ayrcs-sigorta bileii yaplmaktadr. Tm modller SF6 gaz ile d ortamdan tamamen yaltlm tek bir kazan iinde bulunmaktadr.


RC 36 2LB 1FL (G)



RMU, 2 Incoming-Outgoing Module with Load Break Switches and 1 Transformer Protection Module with Load Break Switch-Fuse Combination (Extensible) This RMU, which consists of 1 incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 transformer protection unit, is the most commonly used type of RMU in ring type networks. Transformer protection is provided by load break switch and fuse combination. All modules are in a single tank filled with SF6 gas and completely isolated from outside. This RMU is designed for needs of extension in future and extensible from one side.

RMU, 2 Cellules Arrive/Dpart Avec Interrupteur et Une Cellule de Protection Transformateur Avec la Combination Interrupteur-Fusible (Extensible) Cette module compacte est le module le plus utilis pour les rseaux en boucle. Elle est constitue de deux cellules Arrive/Dpart et dune cellule de protection de transformateur. La protection du transformateur se fait par combination interrupteur-fusible. Tous les modules sont dans une seule enceinte compacte compltement isole au gas. Des bornes de raccordements pour des extensions futures sont prvus pour des besoins futures. 2 Yk Ayrcl Giri-k ve 1 Yk Ayrcs-Sigorta Bileii ile Transformatr Koruma Modll RMU (Genileyebilir) Ring tipi ebeklerde bir giri, bir k ve bir transformatr korumadan oluan ve en yaygn kullanlan RMU tipidir. Transformatr korumas yk ayrcs-sigorta bileii yaplmaktadr. Tm modller SF6 gaz ile d ortamdan tamamen yaltlm tek bir kazan iinde bulunmaktadr. rn ileride oluabilecek genileme ihtiyalarn dnerek tek ynden genileyebilir olarak dizayn edilmitir.


RC 36 2LB 1CB



RMU, 2 Incoming-Outgoing Module with Load Break Switches and 1 Transformer Protection Module with Vacuum Circuit Breaker-Relay Combination This RMU consists of 1 incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 transformer protection unit and the transformer protection is provided by vacuum circuit breaker and relay combination. This includes transformer protection module vacuum circuit breaker, 3-position load break switch, toroidal current transformer and secondary protection and control equipments.

RMU, 2 Cellules Arrive/Dpart avec Interrupteur et Une Cellule Protection Transformateur Avec la Combination Disjoncteur Vide-Relais Disjoncteur Vide-Relais Cette trilogie compacte est utilise pour les rseaux en boucle. Elle est constitu de deux cellules Arrive/Dpart et dune cellule disjoncteur-relais pour la protection du transformateur. Cette dernire est equipe dun disjoncteur vide, dun interrupteur-sectionneur 3 positions, de transformateur de courant toroidales avec des equipements de protection et contrle secondaire. 2 Yk Ayrcl Giri-k ve 1 Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Transformatr Koruma Modll RMU Ring tipi ebeklerde bir giri, bir k ve bir transformatr korumadan oluan ve transformatr korumasnn vakum kesici rle bileii ile yapld RMUdur. Transformatr koruma modl vakum kesicisi, 3 pozisyonlu yk ayrcs, toroid akm transformatr ve sekonder koruma-kontrol ekipmanlarn ierir.


RC 24 2LB 1FL



RMU, 2 Incoming-Outgoing Module with Load Break Switches and 1 Transformer Protection Module with Load Break Switch-Fuse Combination This RMU, which consists of 1 incoming, 1 outgoing and 1 transformer protection unit, is the most commonly used type of RMU in ring type networks. Transformer protection is provided by load break switch and fuse combination. All modules are in a single tank filled with SF6 gas and completely isolated from outside. RMU, 2 Cellules Arrive/Dpart Avec Interrupteur et Une Cellule de Protection Transformateur Avec la Combination Interrupteur-Fusible Interrupteur-Fusible Cette module compacte est le plus utilis pour les reseaux en boucle. Elle est constitue de deux cellules Arrive/Dpart et dune cellule de protection de transformateur. La protection du transformateur se fait par combination interrupteur-fusible. Tous les modules sont dans une seule enceinte compacte compltement isole au gas. 2 Yk Ayrcl Giri-k ve 1 Vakum Kesici-Rle Bileii ile Transformatr Koruma Modll RMU Ring tipi ebeklerde bir giri, bir k ve bir transformatr korumadan oluan ve en yaygn kullanlan RMU tipidir. Transformatr korumas yk ayrcs-sigorta bileii yaplmaktadr. Tm modller SF6 gaz ile d ortamdan tamamen yaltlm tek bir kazan iinde bulunmaktadr.

All dimensions are mm. Combinations, given above, can be modified, depending on customers requests. Toutes les dimensions sont en mm. Les combinaisons ci-dessus sont modifiables selon la demande du client. Tm ller mm cinsindendir. Yukardaki kombinasyonlar, mterinin isteine gre deitirilebilir.



Solid Insulated Busbar / Les Barres Isolation Solides / Kat Yaltml Bara
Modularity / Modularit / Modlerlik
There is no end of the modularity, can be added how many units you need. Pas de limite avec la modularit. Vous pouvez ajouter autant de cellules que vous dsirez. Modlerliin snr yoktur, ihtiyacnz kadar hcre eklenebilir.

Elastic Busbar / Elasticit / Elastik Ana Bara

Solid insulated busbar system is highly recommended for ground collapses and earthquakes risky areas.

Les Barres isolation solide sont hautement recommandes pour les endroits avec risque deffondrement ou tremblements de terre.

Kat yaltml ana bara sistemi, kme ve deprem riskinin olduu yerlerde zellikle tavsiye edilir.

Design Flexibility / Flexibilit de Conception / Tasarm Esneklii

That new technology brings endless thought. Especially the solid insulated busbar connections are avoiding the limits of classical connections.

La nouvelle techologie de barres isolation solides donne la distribution dnergie un aspect plus intressant. Les barres isolation solides enlevenet les limites des connactions classiques.

Bu yeni teknoloji snrsz dnce getirdi. Kat yaltml ana bara balantlar, klasik balant tiplerinin neden olduu uygulama kstlamalarn ortadan kaldrr.

Hands Free / Touchez sans Risques / Dokunulabilirlik

You can touch the solid insulated busbars when the system energized. All outside of the solid insulated busbars covered with semi-conductor and earthed. Vous pouvez touchez les barres isolation solide sous-tension sans aucun risque. Lextrieur de toutes les barres isolation solide est couvert dun semi conducteur et est mis la terre. Kat yaltml ana baraya, enerjiliyken bile dokunabilirsiniz. Kat yaltml ana barann tm d yzeyi yar iletkenle kaplanm ve topraklanmtr.


Direct Connection / Connexion Directe / Dorudan Balant

If necessary, MV cables can be connected directly to the busbars in a connection module. Si ncessaire des cables MT peuvent directment tre connects aux barres dans une cellule de connection. Gerektiinde, OG kablolar bir balant hcresi iinde dorudan ana baraya balanabilir.

Totally Gas Insulated Busbar Section / Barre Totalement Isole au Gaz / Gaz Yaltml Anabara Blmesi
However the solid insulated busbars are placed in the air, also we have a solution with gas filled busbar compartment if requested. Dhabitude il est demand de placer les barres isolation solides dans lair. Par contre, la demande, nous avons la possiblit de les placer dans un compartement rempli avec du daz SF6. Genel olarak kat yaltml ana baralarn hava iinde olduu belirtilse de, istenirse tamam gaz yaltml ana bara blmesi zm de sunulmaktadr.

Fast & Easy Assemble-Disassemble / Connection et Dconnection Facile et Rapide / Hzl ve Kolay Montaj-Demontaj
Unscrew the solid insulated busbars and its connectors at the top of the switchgear. Dconnectez les barres isolation solides et les connections sur la partie suprieure de la cellule. Kat yaltml ana baralar ve hcrenin st ksmnda bulunan balant elemanlar sklr.

Pull the switchgear out

Tirez la cellule vers lextrieure.

Hcre dar ekilir.

Take the switchgear out completely. All these operations takes just less than 30 minutes.

Sortez compltement la cellule en dehors. Toutes ces oprations durent moins de 30mn.

Hcre tamamen dar alnr. Tm bu ilemler 30 dakikadan ksa bir srede tamamlanr


Certificates / Certificats / Sertifikalar

EKOS GROUP has the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental System, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System Certificates. Also, manufactured medium voltage switchgears have type test reports, taken from internationally acredited laboratories, such as KEMA, ICMET, IPH.

Le GROUPE EKOS possde les certificats de ISO 9001 Systmes de Management de la Qualit, ISO 14001 Sytmes de Management Environnemental OHSAS 18001 Systmes de Management de la sant et de la scurit. Les cellules de moyenne tension possedent les rapports de type test des laboratoires accredites internationnaux comme KEMA, ICMET, IPH.

EKOS GROUP, ISO 9001 Kalite Ynetim Sistemleri, ISO 14001 evre Ynetim Sistemi ve OHSAS 18001 Sal ve Gvenlii Ynetim Sistemi sertifikalarna sahiptir. Ayrca, retimi yaplan orta gerilim hcreleri, KEMA, IPH, ICMET gibi uluslararas akredite olmu laboratuvarlardan alnm tip test raporlarna sahiptir.

EKOS World / Le Monde dEKOS / EKOS Dnyas

EKOS GROUP exports the 70% of its products to Czech Republic, Algeria, Senegal, Canada, Germany, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Kazakhistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Tunisia, Marocco, Libya, Jordan and Syria. Le GROUPE EKOS exporte 70% de ses porduits vers le Rpublique Tchque, lAlgrie, le Sngal, le Canada, lAllemagne, lUruguay, le Burkina Faso, le Kazakhistan, le Turkmenistan, lAzerbaijan, lIran, lIrak, la Palestine, la Tunisie, le Maroc, la Libye, la Jordanie et la Syrie. rettii orta gerilim ekipmanlarnn %70ini ihra eden irketin alt lkeler arasnda ek Cumhuriyeti, Cezayir, Senegal, Kanada, Almanya, Uruguay, Burkina Faso, Kazakistan, Trkmenistan, Azerbaycan, ran, Irak, Filistin, Tunus, Fas, Libya, rdn ve Suriye yer almaktadr.


Notes / Notes / Notlar

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EKOSinerji Elektrik San. ve Tic. A.S. Sirasogutler Mah. Guney Yan Yol No: 78 41420 Cayirova Gebze Kocaeli Turkey / Turquie / Trkiye T: +90 262 656 4767 F: +90 262 656 4770 | |

EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. and OSEL Elk. San. A.S. and Sarl EKOS ENERGIE and EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. companies belong to EKOS GROUP that is the Authorized Distributor and the Value Added Reseller of General Electric Digital Energy in Turkey and Algeria. All precautions have been taken for the content of this catalog is accurate and up to date. According to continuous product development policy, EKOS GROUP and constituent companies reserves the right to make changes to this catalog. EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.S. et OSEL Elk. San. A.S. et Sarl EKOS ENERGIE et EKOSinerji Dis Tic. Kol. Sti. sont les socits du GROUPE EKOS, qui est le Distrbuteur Authoris et Revendeur Valeur Ajoutede General Electric Digital Energy en Turquie et en Algeria. Le GOUPE EKOS et les socits constituants le groupe rservent le droit dapporter des modifications sur ce catalogue. EKOSinerji Elk. San. Ve Tic. A.. ve OSEL Elk. San. A.. ve Sarl EKOS ENERGIE ve EKOSinerjiD Tic. Kol. ti. irketleri EKOS GROUPa bal olup, GROUP Trkiyede ve Cezayirde General Electric Digital Energy Yetkili Bayisi ve Katma Deerli Satcsdr. Kataloun ieriinin doru ve gncel olmas iin tm nlemler alnmtr. Srekli rn gelitirme politikas erevesinde, EKOS GROUP ve bal irketler bu katalogda deiiklik yapma hakkn sakl tutar.

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