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Rikin Patel Period 7 English 1 Milo 11/4/2011

Boreass parents were Eos and the Titan Astraeus. Eos is the Titan goddess of the Dawn, and Astraeus was the Titan god of the stars and the planets. It is also said that Aelous was Boreass father. Aeolus is the Greek god of the winds and a son of Poseidon.

Boreas was the purple-winged god of the north wind. He also was the god of winter. He had three brothers, and they made up the four directional Anemoi, or wind gods. Boreas was the North wind. Eurus was the East wind. Notus was the South wind and Zephyr was the West wind. He has been known for manipulating wind, freezing things, manipulating ice and anything of winter. He also can fly.

Unique Features
Boreas lived in a fertile region of Greece called Thrace. He is also at home besides the river Strymon, and also lives in a cave on Mount Haemus, close to the monster Typhon.

Physical Features
His physical features include having icy hair and a beard, with amber wings.

Boreas was well known for being the moodiest wind and also being the speediest and strongest of all the Anemois. He could be nice and calm but he could also bring destruction. He is also known for helping the Athenians in the battle at Sea of Artemision against King Xerxes and the Persians because his wife. His wife was Princess Oreithyia, daughter of King Erechtus of Athens. Boreas was trying to woo the Princess for a long time but the King delayed for a long time. Eventually, Boreas abducted her and they married. They had four children, the Boreads, and Khione. Khione is the Greek goddess of snow. The Boreads were known for helping Jason and the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece, but were killed by Hercules. Finally, Boreas was also closely associated with horses. He was said to have fathered twelve colts after taking the form of a stallion.

Myths Involving Boreas

The Love of Boreas and Orithyia Orithyia was a beautiful maiden and was the youngest daughter of Erechtus, King of Athens. The King loved her dearly and did not want to ever lose her. One day, Boreas was blowing his winds, he caught sight of Orithyia. He immediately fell in love with the way the wind caressed her face and her smile. Amazed, he went straight to the King and asked for her hand in marriage. The King acted flattered and happily agreed at first, but then postponed the wedding several times with any excuse he could make up. Eventually, Boreas understood that the King would not give his daughter up. One day, he abducted Orithyia and carried her up to the sky. Boreas and Orithyia moved to Thrace, in northern Greece, and gave birth to two daughters, Kleopatra and Khione. They also had two twin sons, Zetes and Calais, who also grew wings like their father. These twins soon became known as the Boreads and were known for helping Jason and the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. Boreas: Father of Horses Erikhthonios, King of Troy, was the richest mortal, and he had three thousand horses. Boreas fell in love with these colts as they pastured along the low grasslands. He morphed into a dark-maned stallion, and he fathered 12 young colts.


Boreas and Orithyia

Works Cited
Atsma, Aaron J., and Theoi. Boreas. Theoi. Aaron J. Atsma, 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <>. This source was useful because it provided information about Boreas and gave me most of the information I needed Tangient LLC. Greek Gods and Goddesses. Greek Gods and Goddesses. Tangient LLC, 2010. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. < Greek+Gods+and+Goddesses>. This source was useful because it gave me the family tree. When I looked, I could not find anything that involved Boreass name, but this one had Eos on it, who was his mother.

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