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Cruz Elementary School First Primary Class Reunion Statement of Income and Expenses Wednesday, December 28, 2011 INCOME: Cash Received from Chona Espere Cash Received from Romie Kaindoy TOTAL EXPENSES: T-shirts Printing, P70 per shirts, 30 pieces (OR No. 3262) Tarpaulin, 6 inches by 2.5 inches (P.O. 0175) Certificate frames, 8.5"x11", P40 per piece, 7 pieces (OR No.006#00-0019958) Certificate Colored Printing, P20 per page,7 pieces, Onex Caf Internet Expense/Computer Rental, P15 per hour, 7 hours at random, Place to Go Internet Caf Special Papers: 1 pack, glossy paper, P40 per pack (OR No. 465656) 1 pack, rough white paper, P38 per pack (OR No. 54590) Transportation Fares: First follow-up, December 19, 2011, Sta. Cruz to Maasin, Back and Forth Second Follow up, December 27, 2011, Sta. Cruz to Maasin, Back and Forth Motorcab Fare, December 27, 2011, City Proper to Ibarra Back and Forth Motorcab Fare, Verano Hospital to City Proper Signing the certificates to Ma'am Remma Fe Lunch, Follow up, December 27, 2011 TOTAL REFUNDABLE TO LEO ALVAREZ OMAMALIN 2,100.00 450.00 280.00 140.00 105.00 40.00 37.00 P 2,500.00 500.00 3,000.00

36.00 36.00 22.00 8.00 25.00 3,279.00 (279.00)

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