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1st Good afternoon. My topic is about the radio. 2nd What is a radio? A Radio is a Medium for Communication .

It transmits messages via radio waves. It is a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves. We all know that radio now is not only used to transmit messages. It is also used as an entertainment. Listening to music and even used for commercial. 3rd The credit of inventing the radio goes to a number of researchers. Like Nikola Tesla, Alexander Popov, Sir Oliver Lodge and many others as listed. But there is one person who became famous for the invention of the radio. His name is Guglielmo Marconi. 4th Guglielmo Marconi invented the first wireless telegraph. His wireless telegraph sends only signals. His goal was to send wireless signals all the way across the Atlantic Ocean to warned ships of dangerous water. 5th

In the years 1904 to 1914 the radio went through many refinements with the invention of the diode and the triode vacuum tubes. Military recognized the use of the radio In World war 1 for communicating with the infantry and ships at sea. 6th On November 2, 1920 the first commercial radio station went on the air in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 7th On June 30, 1948 the transistor was successfully demonstrated at Bell Laboratories. 8th This is the picture of the early Marconi transmitter. 9th The government supported Marconi for his invention. The government requested Marconi to build a transmitter at poldhu. This is the Picture of the transmitter at the poldhu 10th

TRIVIA! When the titanic ship sank is used the Marconi wireless to transmits signals and summoned help that saved many lives. 11th EVOLUTION OF RADIO 12th In 1830 the telegraph was invented by joseph henry. The term telegraph comes from two greek words. Tele means distance and graphien means to write. A telegraph uses a series of electrical pulses which is transmitted over a wire usually in a form of morse code. A telegraph has a wire or cable,relay buzzer or a light bulb. 13th In 1985 the wireless telegraph was invented by Guglielmo Marconi. It still only transmits signal but transmitted with hertzian waves. 14th In 1920 edwin armstrong invented the Portable radio. The portable radio was sold in sets. 15th Trivia! The first portable radio is actually a wedding gift.

Armstrong married Marion MacInnis, in December 1922. He gave Marion the world's first portable radio as a wedding gift. 16th In 1921colin kennady invented the 110 Detector unit and Amplifier unit. The unit has a amplifier. The amplifier use to increase the audio output. This became popular in the year 1920 to 1922. 17th In 1922 deforest invented the DT6 Radiophone crystal set. They became popular because they are the least expensive receiver in the early 1920s. simple to build and worked well for headphone use only. 18th In 1924 the Radiola X was has a built in speaker,battery compartment, rotatable inside loop antenna. 19th In 1933 Phonograph was invented by Thomas Edison. Also known as the record player. In this year the theory of fm was invented by Edwin Armstrong.

20th In 1950s and 1960s the Miniature radio became popular. Sony produced and put the miniature transistor radio in the market. Table, clock radios and AM/FM radios became popular. 21th In 1985 sony introduced the Miniature radio to the market. It has a size of a credit card. 22th OUR RaDIO now. There are a lot of radios now. From Walkman to radio on watch. 23th Maybe the most famous radio on our time are the car radio and internet radio. 24th There are different kinds of radios. Examples are the amateur radio,citizens band radio. And perhaps the most advance radio in our time the digital radio. 25th Thank you for listening and watching.

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