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Abortion is an artificial miscarriage, accompanied by the destruction of the embryo which is incapable of independent existence. In today's world the issue of abortion is highly arguable topic which includes religious, ethical, medical, social and legal aspects. In some countries this problem became so harsh that it caused splits and direct confrontations in the society. In your abortion paper you are expected to give your own point of view about this problem and explain why do you support or deny it. The issue of abortion includes various topics that can be argued in your abortion paper. If you still wonder what theme to discuss, here is the collection of the most popular ideas for your paper. Consider them and pick up the one that meets your interests and convictions. Is abortion actually killing a person? Do you really believe the abortion is killing already existing human life? Many of the religious people, particularly Christians, refer to abortion as the killing of a person, although it is on early stage of its development. According to supporters of abortion rights, the embryo can be considered a child neither from legal or social, nor from a biological point of view. Mother and child. Whose interests are more important? The other vital moral issue concerns the priority of mothers interests over the interests of the embryo, or vice versa. Opponents of abortion put an embryos life above anything else. Supporters of abortion rights give priority to women's right for personal immunity and freedom to dispose her body. Social aspects of the problem, annually in the world 500 million women of childbearing age die because of the causes related to pregnancy. 15% of such cases are due to complications of unsafe abortions. The influence of abortion on women's health and reproductive function depends on the timing, methods and technology implementation. Medical abortion and vacuum aspiration are relatively safe methods; however, they may also constitute a menace for womens health. Abortion and its influence on mental health, one of the significant questions is whether abortion influences on mental health. Some specialists argue that most women tolerate abortion without consequences for the psyche. Besides, a number of studies indicate that the mental illness among women who have had abortions is more common than among those who have delivered babies. We should also know that there might be no straight connection between abortion and mental disorders, as they may reflect the effects of the already existing preconditions for the diseases

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