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Jos A. Jaramillo, Daro Temblador, Vernica Mndez, Jessica Lpez, Hugo I. Medelln-Castillo Facultad de Ingeniera, Universidad Autnoma de San Luis Potos, Av. Manuel Nava No. 8, Zona Universitaria, 78290, San Luis Potos, S.L.P., Mxico.

Abstract It is well known that basic human motions are synchronized and they follow a typical path. Based on this fact, a new design of a humanoid robot with basic human motion capabilities and minimum DOF is proposed and developed in this paper. The aim was to develop a low cost humanoid robot by reducing the number of actuators and, as a consequence, simplifying the control system. The work presented in this paper is focused on the kinematic analysis and synthesis of the new proposed mechanisms used to simplify the number of actuators (DOF), and achieve basic human motion capabilities in upper and lower extremities. A physical prototype, based on a 12 years old child, was constructed to prove the feasibility of the new proposed humanoid robot. The results have shown that basic human motions can be reproduced using minimum DOF and enhanced mechanisms, rather than using a high number of DOF and a more complex control system. Keywords: Humanoid robot, basic human motions, degrees of freedom (DOF), kinematic analysis, kinematics synthesis.

1. INTRODUCTION Humanoid robots are being developed to carry out some specific physical or mental human tasks in order to enhance human life. The main applications of humanoid robots include: human care and assistance, teleoperation in dangerous environments or locations, maintenance tasks, and store, business or company attendant. To develop a humanoid robot, it is necessary to understand the human body structure and behavior (biomechanics). The study of human structure and behavior has been carried out for many centuries. However, the development and construction of modern humanoid robots started in the 1970s. Wabot-1 was the first fullscale anthropomorphic robot built in the world. It consisted of a limb control system, a vision system, and a conversation system. The Wabot-1 walked with his lower limbs and was able to grip and transport objects with hands that used tactile sensors Rosheim, Mark E., 1994, Robot Evolution: The Development of Anthrobotics, Wiley-IEEE.. In recent years, research work has been focused on human-friendly robots Keun Park, Y.S. Kim, C.S. Kim, H.J. Park, Integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and RP for rapid development of a humanoid biped robot, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 187188, 2007, pp. 609613.. Some of the developments include the WABIAN J. Yamaguchi, E. Soga, S. Inoue, A. Takanishi, Development of a biped humanoid robot control method of whole body cooperative dynamic biped working, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1999, pp. 368374., ASIMO S. Sakagami, R. Watanabe, C. Aoyama, S. Matsunaga, N. Higaki, F. Fujumura, The intelligent ASIMO: system overview and integration, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 24782483., H6 and

H7 N. Nishiwaki, T. Sugihara, S. Kagami, F. Kanehiro, M. Inaba, H. Inoue, Design and development of research platform for perceptionaction integration in humanoid robot: H6, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000, pp. 1559 1564., JOHNNIE M. Gienger, K. Loffler, E. Pfeiffer, Towards the design of biped jogging robot, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2001, pp. 41404145., HRP K. Kaneko, et al., Design of prototype humanoid robotics platform for HRP, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 2431 2436., HUBO J.Y. Kim, I.W. Park, J. Lee, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho, J.H. Oh, System design and dynamic walking of humanoid robot KHR-2, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 14431448., the SDR series of compact humanoid robots for entertainment Y. Kuroki, T. Ishida, J. Yamaguchi, M. Fujita, T. Doi, A small biped entertainment robot, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, 2001, pp. 181 186., and Robonaut R.O. Ambrose, H. Aldridge, R.S. Askew, R. Burridge, W. Bluethman, M.A. Diftler, C. Lovchik, D. Magruder, F. Rehnmark, ROBONAUT: NASAs Space Humanoid, IEEE Intelligent Systems Journal, 2000,Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 57-63.. The development of humanoid robots has been one of the main areas of research in robotics, particularly because of the desire to imitate and understand all the parameters that are involved in the complex task of human walking. Most of the humanoid robots that have been constructed comprise a high number of DOF and intricate control systems, which result in high costs, design complexity and therefore higher failure risk. Several actuators are used to move the robot (human) joints; in general, one actuator is used for each DOF of the humanoid robot. Open kinematic chains are normally used in humanoid robots. The kinematic analysis of open kinematics chain is relatively straight forward, but the challenge is the design of the control system. As an alternative to the common practice of using a high number of DOF, this paper presents the kinematics analysis and design of a new humanoid robot with reduced DOF and basic human motion capabilities. The idea is to eliminate the need of a complex control system by enhancing the kinematics design of the robot. The DOF reduction is achieved by using closed kinematic chains rather than open kinematics chains. In this way, it is shown that human motions can be closely emulated with a small number of actuators and therefore a simpler control system.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the kinematics synthesis process carried out to design the mechanisms of the humanoid robot. Section 3 presents the design and construction process of the humanoid robot. Finally the conclusions of the work are presented in section 5. 2. HUMAN MOTION ANALYSIS Basic human motions were analyzed in order to gather information required to perform the synthesis process of the humanoid robot. 2.1 Walking motion Human leg motion was analyzed based on a 12 years old child. Several pictures were extracted from a video taken to the walking pattern of this child. Image analysis was then performed to get information about the walking pattern (Fig. 1a). Several reference marks were located at the corresponding joints to determine the location of joints. In addition, another series of pictures were extracted from a video taken to the walking pattern of an adult (Fig. 1b). By comparing the adult and child images, it was observed that the walking pattern is very similar, but with longer distances corresponding to the adult size. In both cases, it was observed that the limbs carry out trajectories inherent to the gait. 2.2 Arm motion In the case of the arms, the motions considered correspond to the upper arm, between shoulder and elbow, the forearm, between elbow and wrist, and finally the hand. The same procedure was carried out, several pictures were extracted from a video. There images were analyzed to get the information required for the synthesis process. Three marks were located at the persons joints, Fig. 2. It has to be mentioned that the whole walking and arm motions were analyzed by image processing. In this way the motion trajectories and prescribe positions were obtained. 3. KINEMATICS SYNTHESIS The kinematic synthesis is the process carried out to define, in detail, the mechanism required to accomplish a specific task. The kinematic synthesis is classified in three types: type synthesis, number synthesis and dimensional synthesis. a) b) Figure 2. Arm motion analysis: a) child, b) adult. 3.1 Leg mechanism Four bar linkages were chosen to reproduce the walking motion. Figure 3 presents the kinematics diagram of a four bar linkage. The input link, coupler link, output link and fixed link

are defined by the variables l2, 13, l4 and d, respectively.

y x l2 d l3 l4

a) b) Figure 1. Walking pattern analysis: a) child, b) adult. The first type refers to the sort of mechanism selected, which may be linkages, gears, belts and pulleys, or cams. The second type deals with the number of links and joints required to provide certain mobility. The third type refers to determining the dimensions of the individual links to fulfill a specific task. The dimensional synthesis is further classified into three categories: 1) function generation, 2) path generation, and 3) body guidance.

Figure 3. Four bar linkage. The input and output motions are described by and , while the motion of the coupler link is defined by . For the dimensional synthesis, the function generation type was chosen. In the function generation synthesis, the dimensions of the links are calculated to satisfy a given function or relationship between the input and output motions of the linkage . The solution to the function generation synthesis problem is based on the kinematic analysis of the mechanism . Based on the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 3, the following two constraint equations can be derived:

l2cos+l3cos-l4 cos=d l2sin+ l3sin-l4 sin=0

(1) (2)

These equations comprise seven variables, the four links lengths and the angles , , and . By solving eq. (1) and eq. (2), the next expression is obtained:



k1=dl2 k2=dl4 k3=d2+l22+l42l322l2l4

The next part to synthesize is the shin mechanism. This mechanism is proposed as a four bar linkage coupled to the thigh mechanism. Thus, the mechanism that drives the motion of the shin member does not need a crank as input link; instead, it has two rocker links belonging to the thigh mechanism, the output and the coupler links. The coupling of the two kinematic chains, thigh and shin mechanisms, is achieved by means of a ternary link with three joints points. Since both chains are coupled, there is still only one DOF for the entire leg. The shin motion depends on the thigh mechanism coupler angle , which depends on the input motion . From eqs. (1) and (2), can be solved as follows.




Equation (3) is known as the Freudenstein equation , and k1, k2 and k3, are the design parameters. The kinematic function generation synthesis problem is then defined as follows. Given a set of n input and output angles {i, i} (i =1,,n), it is required to calculate the link lengths that geometrically characterize the kinematic structure of a four bar linkage. Thus, considering that {i, i} are known, eq. (3) can be arranged as



A=cos 1-cos 11cos2-cos21cos3cos31, b=cos1-1cos2-2cos3-3, k=k1k2k3

To solve the function generation synthesis, prescribed positions {i, i} must be selected from the motion analysis. The first mechanism to be synthesized was the corresponding to the thigh motion. From the walking pattern analysis, the precision positions shown in Table 1, were selected. Table 1. Precision points for the thigh mechanism.

A kinematic model of the coupled linkages, thigh and shin, is presented in Fig. 5. Two new variables, * and , are now defined to represent the input and output motion, respectively, of the shin chain. * is the sum of and the angle of the ternary joint. The synthesis of the shin mechanism is carried out following the same procedure as the thigh mechanism. A group of three precision points, shown in Table 3, were selected from the image processing analysis. The Freudenstein equation is then solved to satisfy the three prescribed positions, {*i, i}. Table 3. Prescribed positions for the synthesis of the shin mechanism.
Precision point 1 2 3

35 120 230

110 90 70

31.6 29.9 48.0

5.6 4.8 22.9

-60.79 -64.54 -47.15

35 120 230

110 90 74

The solution process was carried out in Matlab. An optimization algorithm based on the required constraints was also implemented in Matlab. The solution to the synthesis problem of the leg mechanism is shown in Table 4.

The variable d is then considered as known. Since d can practically take any value, two constrains are defined based on the desired humanoid size: d = 150 mm and l4 < 350 mm. The first condition is related to the space available to allocate the fixed bar in the humanoid, this distance is based on the size of a child. The second condition is related to the length of l4, which corresponds to the thigh of the child. Having defined these conditions, the next step is to solve the synthesis problem. A program to find all possible solutions was created in Matlab. Each solution was checked to fulfill the Grashof condition. Table 2 presents the solution obtained from the solving process. Table 2. Solution to the thigh mechanism.
Link d l2 l3 l4 Size (mm) 150 37.8 195.4 131.1

Figure 5. Kinematic model of the thigh (red) and shin (green) mechanisms. It has to be mentioned that these results were tested by constructing a virtual model to simulate the motion of the mechanisms and adjust the values according to the constraints imposed by the body size. 3.2. Arm mechanism

In order to verify the solution to the synthesis problem, a numerical simulation was performed in Matlab. This simulation was made by computing in terms of . The results showed that the precision points are fulfilled with a maximum error of 4, approximately.

In the case of the arm motion, the proposed mechanism is shown in Fig. 6. This mechanism comprises several kinematics chains that are coupled to have just one DOF. The mechanism can be describes as follows: The green closed kinematic chain represents the upper arm linkage, having the input motion , and output motion . The blue closed kinematic chain provides an extension to transfer the upper arm coupler motion () to the second mechanism. A scissor type linkage (red color) to generate the forearm motion (), and the hand motion (). The yellow kinematic chain represents the arm members; i.e., the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. Table 4. Final dimensions of the leg mechanism.
LEG d l2 l3 l4 Link lengths (mm) Thigh Shin 150 225 33 212 192 480 125 250

Figure 6. Proposed arm mechanism. 3.3. Waist and neck mechanisms For the waist and neck mechanisms, four bar linkages were proposed. Three precision points, based on the human motion ability, were selected to carry out the function generation synthesis for each mechanism. The relationship between the input and output angles was empirically defined. The selected angles are presented in Table 8. Table 7. Final bar dimensions for the arm mechanism.
ARM d l2 l3 l4 Upper arm 120 35 132 55 Link lengths (mm) Extension Forearm 110 85 132 80 110 100 132 80 Hand 90 130 110 91.3

The function generation synthesis was used to synthesize the upper arm linkage. Three prescribed positions were selected from the image processing analysis, Table 5. Table 5. Precision points for the upper arm linkage.

30 10 0 24 0

109 84 54

Constraints are defined according to the range of dimensions expected for the humanoid robot: d = 120 mm and l4 < 250 mm. Table 6 presents the results obtained after the optimization of the solution. An iterative design process was then performed to calculate the dimensions of the remaining linkages of the arm mechanism. In the case of the hand, its motion is directly driven by the output link motion, . The hand is considered as a rigid body, therefore its trajectory an orientation is also determined by its geometry. Figure 7 shows the hand mechanism, where the hand link has been marked as a yellow polygon. No fingers have been considered in the hand. The white dashed lines illustrate a section of the kinematic chain with the links that constitute the scissor linkage. Table 7 presents the final dimensions of the whole arm mechanism after the synthesis process. Table 6. Link dimensions for the upper arm linkage.
Link d l2 l3 l4 Size (mm) 120 37.4 135.5 71.9

The solutions to the function generation synthesis of the waist and neck mechanism are presented in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. Both mechanisms have a crank-rocker configuration that enables a swinging motion.

Figure 7. Hand linkage. Table 8. Precision points for the waist and neck mechanism.
Point 1t 2 3

35 120 220

75 90 105

Table 9. Dimensions of the waist mechanism.

Wais t d l2 l3 l4 Link lengths (mm) 130 21 162 99

Table 10. Dimensions of the neck mechanism.

Neck d l2 l3 l4 Link lengths (mm) 150 25 187 114

4. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION A virtual model of the humanoid robot based on the results of the synthesis process, was created using CAD software. 4.1. Virtual model design The aim of this model was threefold: 1) validate the results of the synthesis problem and detect any potential problem, 2) design the geometry and configuration of the links, and 3) assemble the whole humanoid robot before carrying out the physical construction. The size of the robot was based on the size of the child. A first model, using boxes for the stomach and chest, and solid bars for the limbs, as the limbs, was created (Fig. 8a). The inconvenience of this first model was the large volume required, which would imply heavy parts and consequently a heavy robot. A second prototype was proposed based on hollow boxes for the waist and chest, and two-plate limbs. A solid cylinder was used to connect the boxes corresponding to the waist and chest. In this way, the weight of the robot was reduced. The limbs for the hands and feet are also made of plates. A picture of the second virtual prototype is shown in Fig. 8b. The details of the leg mechanism and the arm mechanism are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10. The proposed configuration and dimensions of the waist and neck mechanisms are shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12.

and nuts required to fasten the links. The chest, waist, hands, feet and the bases for the motors were also made of wood and assembled using nails and glue. The head was made of polystyrene foam. Six second-hand wiper motors were used to control the six DOF of the robot. The reason for using these motors was the low price and accessibility. A simple ON/OFF control was implemented to prove the humanoid robot concept.

a) b) Figure 9. Details of the leg mechanism: a) dimensions, b) isometric view. The feet were constructed using prismatic joints and compression spring. A solid rod between the shin and the foot was used to couple these two members. The spring is assembled concentric to it. The foot mechanism configuration comprises three bars, where the spring allows a linear displacement, working as a damper. Details of the foot mechanisms are shown in Fig. 14. Once all the parts were constructed, the humanoid was assembled as it is shown in Fig. 15. The virtual design is also presented in this Fig. 15. From this figure it can be observed that robot was constructed according to the virtual model. 4.3. Evaluation Some general tests were carried out to evaluate the performance the humanoid robot. From these test the following observations were obtained: The robot was able to stand by itself due to its well balanced structured and the spring-based feet. The robot is able to walk with the assistance of a person to support its waist. The feet did not have enough friction to avoid slip. Legs and arms were difficult to synchronize due to the simple ON/OFF control of each motor. The robot is able to reproduce fundamental human motions of legs, arms, waist, head and feet.

a) b) Figure 8. Humanoid robot: a) first virtual model, b) enhanced virtual prototype.

These mechanisms allow rotation of the trunk and head of the humanoid robot. Thus, the design of the humanoid robot is complete and ready to be constructed. Figure 13 shows the complete assembly of the robot. It has to be mentioned that a total amount of six DOF are required for driving the entire humanoid robot: one for each leg, one for each arm, one for the waist and one for the neck. The legs, the arms, the waist and the neck are moved by rotative actuators (motors). 4.2. Physical construction A physical prototype of the humanoid robot was constructed using wood as the main structural material. The reason for using wood as main material is because of its low price and easiness to handle it. PVC tubes were used as spacers between the two plates of each link. These tubes were also used as guides for the bolts



Figure 10. Details of the arm mechanism: a) dimensions, b) isometric view.

a) b) Figure 11. Details of the waist mechanism: a) dimensions, b) isometric view. It has to be mentioned that the scope of this paper is the kinematic design of a humanoid robot with reduced DOF, therefore further work is required to improve the control, stability and performance of the robot.

a) b) Figure 15. Humanoid robot: a) physical prototype, b) virtual prototype.

a) b) Figure 12. Details of the neck mechanism: a) dimensions, b) isometric view.

5. CONCLUSIONS A new kinematic design of a humanoid robot with minimum DOF and basic human motions, has been developed and presented in this paper. A total amount of six DOF are required for driving the entire humanoid robot: one for each leg, one for each arm, one for the waist and one for the neck. New mechanisms have been proposed to reproduce the leg and arm motions of a human. By means of these mechanisms it is possible to move each leg or arm with just one DOF (one motor). Moreover, if the two legs or arms are synchronized and coupled to just one motor, the DOF may be reduced to four. It has to be mentioned that the scope of the work was to reproduce basic human motions with minimum DOF (motors); therefore if precise motions are required in the robot, more DOF may be incorporated. Future work aims to improve the control, stability and performance of the robot. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge the support from CONACYT, Mxico. REFERENCES


Rosheim, Mark E., 1994, Robot Evolution: The Development of Anthrobotics, Wiley-IEEE. Keun Park, Y.S. Kim, C.S. Kim, H.J. Park, Integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and RP for rapid development of a humanoid biped robot, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 187188, 2007, pp. 609613. J. Yamaguchi, E. Soga, S. Inoue, A. Takanishi, Development of a biped humanoid robotcontrol method of whole body cooperative dynamic biped working, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 1999, pp. 368374. S. Sakagami, R. Watanabe, C. Aoyama, S. Matsunaga, N. Higaki, F. Fujumura, The intelligent ASIMO: system overview and integration, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 24782483. N. Nishiwaki, T. Sugihara, S. Kagami, F. Kanehiro, M. Inaba, H. Inoue, Design and development of research platform for perception-action integration in humanoid robot: H6, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2000, pp. 15591564. M. Gienger, K. Loffler, E. Pfeiffer, Towards the design of biped jogging robot, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2001, pp. 41404145. K. Kaneko, et al., Design of prototype humanoid robotics platform for HRP, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2002, pp. 24312436.

Figure 13. Assembly of the humanoid robot.


Figure 14. Foot mechanism details.





J.Y. Kim, I.W. Park, J. Lee, M.S. Kim, B.K. Cho, J.H. Oh, System design and dynamic walking of humanoid robot KHR-2, in: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2005, pp. 14431448. Y. Kuroki, T. Ishida, J. Yamaguchi, M. Fujita, T. Doi, A small biped entertainment robot, in: Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, 2001, pp. 181186.


Ambrose, H. Aldridge, R.S. Askew, R. Burridge, W. Bluethman, M.A. Diftler, C. Lovchik, D. Magruder, F. Rehnmark, ROBONAUT: NASAs Space Humanoid, IEEE Intelligent Systems Journal, 2000,Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 57-63. [11] Norton, R.L., Design of Machinery: An introduction to the synthesis and analysis of mechanisms and machines, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005.

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