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1) Half Steps and Whole Steps on the Piano 2) Notes on the Piano

First Week Review - From Scales to Chords! Mr. Ben - Music - 9/19

Remember we can add ACCIDENTALS to the notes:

3) Major Scale Pattern: Whole - Whole - Half - Whole - Whole -Whole Half or __ __ ^ __ __ __ ^ a. Start on a note on the piano and use the necessary sharps or ats to make the major scale pattern b. Write the scale degrees (1-7) underneath the notes ex: C major : C D E F G A B (does note need any sharps or ats) 12 3456 7 Sharp Keys (name the black notes by sharps)
G major: D major: A major: E major: B major: F# major:

Flat Keys (black notes are ats)

F major: Bb major: Eb major: Ab major: Db major: Gb major:

4) Once we we know the scale degree from each of the 12 major scales we can start building our chords! Triads: Major - 1 3 5 Minor - 1 b3 5 Augmented - 1 3 #5 Diminished - 1 b3 b5 Seventh Chods: Major 7 - 1 3 5 7 Dominant 7 - 1 3 5 b7 Minor 7 - 1 b3 5 b7 Half Diminished - 1 b3 b5 b7 Full Diminshed - 1 b3 b5 bb7

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