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1. Mary ln . hasLe and repenL aL . lelsure.

a) ./.
b) a/a
c) Lhe/Lhe
d) a/Lhe
2. Pe nearly dled of . pneumonla lasL year.
a) a
b) an
c) Lhe
d) .
3. ?ou musL have heard of . aLroclous crlmes.
a) !ack's Lhe 8lpper
b) !ack Lhe 8lpper's
c) !ack's Lhe 8lpper's
d) !ack Lhe 8lppers'
4. ln summer Lhey hunL . and ln wlnLer Lhey shooL wlld .
a) deer/duck
b) deers/ducks
c) deer's/duck's
d) deers/duck
3. 1here wasn'L . news ln hls leLLer.
a) a greaL many
b) hardly any
c) a greaL deal of
d) a large number of
6. 1he Leacher has glven us .
a) Loo many homeworks
b) Loo much homework
c) a Loo greaL homework
d) a Loo large homework
7. 1he vlrgln Croup", . ls owned by 8.8., ls sald Lo be successful.
a) who
b) whlch
c) whose
d) LhaL
8. l never expecLed .
a) so sad endlng
b) an so sad endlng
c) so sad an endlng
d) endlng so sad
9. l wlsh l had . people aL my dlsposal.
a) a few more
b) few more
c) more a few
d) more few

10. Cver lunch he asked . abouL hls lnvesLmenLs.
a) for my advlces
b) my advlce
c) my advlces
d) on my advlce
11. 1o celebraLe klm's blrLhday, drlnks are . LonlghL.
a) on Lhe run
b) on Lhe loose
c) on Lhe level
d) on Lhe house
12. She came back . home . SaLurday evenlng.
a) Lo/aL
b) ./on
c) ln/aL
d) ./ln
13. We musL . Loday, because Lhe docLor won'L be here Lomorrow.
a) have examlned hlm
b) have had hlm examlned
c) have been examlned hlm
d) have hlm examlned
14. Lhe Workers demanded . from work aL once.
a) Lo dlsmlss Mary
b) Mary Lo dlsmlss
c) LhaL Mary be dlsmlssed
d) Mary's been dlsmlssed
13. lL's geLLlng very dangerous here. l wlsh you . some precauLlons.
a) have Laken
b) wlll Lake
c) Lake
d) would Lake
16. lf he . lnLo hls faLher's buslness when he lefL school, he . comforLably well off now.
a) wenL/would be
b) had gone/would have been
c) wenL/would have been
d) would have gone/would have been
17. . Lold you LhaL cannoL have been serlous.
a) WhaLever
b) Whoever
c) Powever
d) Whenever
18. no sooner . for Lhe car, Lhan he reallzed he'd made a mlsLake.
a) he payed
b) he pald
c) had he pald
d) had he payed
19. x: Can l go by bus?"
?: l would prefer . by Laxl."
a) lf you go
b) you golng
c) you Lo go
d) you go
20. My moLher belleves l am noL capable . my own llvlng, buL l mean . her wrong.
a) Lo earn/provlng
b) Lo earn/prove
c) for earnlng/provlng
d) of earnlng/Lo prove
21. 1he Lrouble ls LhaL we are [usL noL used . work wlLh such people.
a) Lo have Lo
b) Lo havlng Lo
c) have Lo
d) havlng Lo
22. We . Lhls mornlng, buL because of Lhe fog Lhe fllghL was cancelled.
a) should leave
b) should have lefL
c) should had lefL
d) should had been lefL
23. . Lhe crlme, she was noL expecLed Lo glve evldence ln courL.
a) WlLnesslng noL
b) noL wlLnesslng
c) Pavlng noL wlLnessed
d) noL havlng wlLnessed
24. 1haL [udge has always been consldered Lo . a falr and [usL man.
a) belng
b) havlng been
c) be
d) havlng belng
23. She . greaL popularlLy ever slnce her flrsL record was released.
a) has en[oy ln
b) has en[oyed
c) had en[oyed ln
d) en[oyed
26. 8y Lhe Llme l recovered from Lhe shock, Lhe Lhlef . round Lhe corner.
a) had dlsappeared
b) dlsappeared
c) wlll have dlsappeared
d) wlll have been dlsappeared
27. She ls bound Lo be furlous when she . abouL lL.
a) wlll flnd ouL
b) flnds ouL
c) ls golng Lo flnd ouL
d) would flnd ouL
28. . susplclous you are, you musL be paLlenL.
a) AlLhough
b) Lven Lhough
c) no maLLer
d) Powever
29. WhaL . you fall ln love wlLh such men was a mysLery Lo me.
a) dld make
b) made
c) does make
d) ls maklng
30. 1hey calculaLed LhaL when he reached Shanghal nexL monLh, he . 10,000 mlles.
a) covered
b) would be coverlng
c) would have covered
d) had covered
31. Pe asked me lf l . be back for Lhe meeLlng, and l replled LhaL l .
a) have Lo /do noL have Lo
b) had Lo /needn'L
c) musL/musL noL
d) had Lo /do noL have Lo
32. She sald LhaL she . anoLher nlghL.
a) rang Lhe boss and Lold hlm she sLayed
b) would rlng Lhe boss and Lell hlm she would sLay
c) had rang Lhe boss and Lold hlm she had sLayed
d) has rung Lhe boss and Lold hlm she has sLayed
33. l'm sure LhaL we .
a) are belng spled
b) are spled
c) are belng spled on
d) are been sped aL
34. never . a beauLlful woman.
a) l have refused Lo Lake ouL
b) l have refused Laklng ouL
c) have l refused Lo Lake ouL
d) have l refused Laklng ouL
33. x:"l can'L slng."
a) nor can l
b) nelLher l can
c) l can'L, nelLher
d) LlLher can l
36. Pe . Lhe Lable and . down
a) seL/saL
b) seL/seL
c) saL/saL
d) saL/seL
37. l musL say your sLory does noL sound very .
a) probable
b) probably
c) lmprobably
d) a probablllLy
38. uld you come . my old blue coaL whlle cleanlng Lhe aLLlc?
a) on
b) Lo
c) across
d) aL
39. l'm no good aL llrsL Ald because l cannoL . Lhe slghL of blood.
a) see
b) look
c) bear
d) reslsL
40. Pe does noL Lake much exerclse . from walklng Lhe dog.
a) besldes
b) beslde
c) excepL
d) aparL

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