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But I know there's sunshine behind that rain

I know there's good times behind that pain, hey Can you tell me how I can make a change I close my eyes and I can see a better day.

THE DAY THE MOMENT HAS CAPTURED ME (December 17, 2011) Friday of December 16, 2011-the day that washed out a whole lot of houses, properties and lives. Tremendous rain poured out-no sign of warning and wind that blew that blew hard. Everywhere I turn, people talked about one thing-SENDONG that by no doubt-is the worst typhoon ever to hit the country. One thing for sure, there is something to be thankful for. An aspiring photographer-that s me. Carrying a camera-most of the time. But December 17, 2011, the day that almost wiped out Cagayan de Oro City. Instead of capturing the moments of what happened to the city after typhoon Sendong, it seems that the moment has captured me. I could not take the real picture-what I have seen with my two eyes. It was tragic. It was the talk of the whole city jeepney drivers, passengers and others. People, everywhere I looked, no longer in their slippers, with muddy feet were already asking for food and water. I could not take it. I could not take seeing my fellow kagay-anon in a very tragic situation. What can I do? What could I offer? Prayer is a powerful tool. I know God will hear us. God will be our strength. I always believe that there is a rainbow after the rain; I may not have seen that rainbow when the rain came, but God s light is always shining. A MIRACLE WORKER (December 18, 2011)

I got a vision, to make a difference. And its starting today.

Many have reached out to help for those who suffered from the calamity that almost wiped out two cities-Cagayan de Oro and Iligan. Thankful, ma am Sofia Beja, texted me if I could donate some of my used clothing, and without hesitations, I said yes . Carrying a bag of clothes, I traveled from Bulua to Cogon-with a hope that I could give smiles to those who really need it. I m so happy that I finally saw ma am Sofia, although it was not the best time because of what had happened, but I am thankful to God because He made ma am Sofia an instrument to others to reach out. I was an intern at Macabalan National High School, and she was my cooperating teacher. She consider us as miracle worker. Now, I am seeing a miracle worker, ready to reach out. A miracle worker who are making other people miracle workers as well. Thank you ma am Sofia Beja. A RAINBOW AFTER THE RAIN (December 19, 2011)

I close my eyes and pray ..

December 19, 2011, together with my advisory class- St. Agnes, we celebrated our Christmas party; I felt that it was not the right time to celebrate after what had happened to Cagayan de Oro city and Iligan. But still, there is a reason to celebrate- many lives have been saved. Despite the landslide that came down dawn of December 17, 2011, Saturday, we went down a muddy slope. There were 3 landslides but thankfully the bridge that connects Cagayan de Oro and Talakag was not destroyed cause if it did, it would be worst. When we arrived, there was no electricity or water in Talakag-which made the party a little delayed. The party started at around 12:20 pm. I ve asked my students if they wanted to BH (bring home) some of the food, and the food that will be left will be given to the victims of the flashflood. They agreed that they wanted it to be donated. What moved them? I asked myself. It made my heart melt with joy. It was something I could treasure as a teacher for life. They helped me with the packing. I could see it in their eyes the heart of reaching out. When we are done with the packing, they said that they wanted to come with me and help me distribute it but because of the landslide I could not let them-I also have to think of the safety of my students. But I assured them, that the food will be distributed to those in need. My problem then was carrying the two bags that may have weighed 2 kg or more individually and walking up a steep slope. I prayed for strength cause I no, I could not carry it with one breath. I breathed hard, gathering strength in my arms and legs as I carry the two bags. I could feel the heat at my back, my legs starting to shaken. I could feel that I m running out of air because of my asthma. I wanted to cry because I could not carry the bags myself. I stopped for a while gathering back my strength. Sweat was all over me but with the grace of God I passed the slope. For a 40-minute travel by van, because of the landslide, a three-ride going to CdeO in which it took me an two or three hours to finally arrived at my destination. My heart beat for another problem, the food-If it was still okay to be eaten. I asked God again for the grace. I went to my mom first to check if it was till okay. I still have to consider if it was safe to be eaten. And with my mother s assurance, i went to Consolacion with a hope that I could give smiles to some of the people who haven t eaten for days. There a Lolo and a Lola, a mother, kids and there was a sikad driver, who warmly smiled at me and thanked me for the food I have given him. Though for some, it may be little but for him, I felt that my students have helped him a lot. It touched my heart. I know, with the generosity of my students, they have not only made people smile for that moment but also made God smile as well.

*Pray by Justin Bieber


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