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Activity 1 The Cultural Iceberg

Features of Culture

facial expressions importance of time paintings values literature child-raising beliefs ideas about leadership gestures holiday customs ideas about fairness general world view housing

ideas about friendship ideas about modesty foods eating habits understanding of the natural world concept of self the importance of work concept of beauty music styles of dress concept of personal space rules of social etiquette

Activity 2 Aspects of Diversity People pay more attention to some differences than others. Rate how important you think these differences are to people in your school or workplace. 1. Little importance 2. Fairly important 3. Very Important ____ Ethnicity. People find the characteristics which result from a common genetic bond important. _____ Gender .The world treats us differently because we are born male or female. _____ Age. The generation that grows up together experiences people in a unique way. _____ Income level. Whether we are poor, middle class or rich influences how people see us. _____ Occupation. People make judgments according to our work. _____ Education. People judge us accord to our educational level. _____Physical make up. Our body size and shape--- whether fat or thin, tall or short, affect our interactions. _____ Physical and mental limitations. People who are disfigured, hearing impaired or physically challenged experience the world differently. _____ Sexual preference. Our choice of a sexual partner, or the choice not to have a sexual partner affects relationships _____ Geography or Region. People make judgments based on where we live or where we come from. _____ Religion. People judge others according to their religion.


In Germany, avoid discussing sports as its considered an uneducated thing to do. In Russia, drinking vodka is a big part of life, and not drinking is considered offensive. Picking your teeth with a toothpick in Japan is absolutely acceptable. Do not blow your nose in public in Japan, China, Saudi Arabia or France. In Brazil, the sign that is used in North America to mean okay means youre an a hole. In Nepal, major Hindu temples are usually off-limits to foreigners. Dont enter them or take pictures unless you are given permission to do so. In many Asian countries, such as China, pointing with the forefinger in public is considered quite rude. In Albania, the locals shake their head to indicate yes and nod to indicate no. In the UK, when giving the peace sign make sure your palm is facing away otherwise; palm facing towards body = f*#$ off. In Indonesia, both hands are kept on the table while eating at all times

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